首页 / 词典 / good

  • good;fine;nice;be in good health
  • so as to;so that
  • may;can;should

  • like;love;be fond of;be liable to
  • 优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。

  • 身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。

  • 友爱,和睦:友~。相~。

  • 容易:~办。~使。~懂。

  • 完成,完善:办~了。

  • 表示应允、赞成:~!你干得不错。

  • 很,甚:~冷。~快。~坏。~一会儿。

  • 便于:场地清理干净~打球。

  • 反话,表示不满意:~,这下可坏了!

  • 喜爱,与“恶”(wù ㄨˋ)相对:~奇。~色。~尚(爱好和崇尚)。~高骛远(亦作“好高务远”)。~逸恶劳。

  • 常常,容易(发生事情):刚学会骑车的人~摔跤。


(优点多的; 使人满意的) good; fine; nice:

  • 好姑娘

    a nice girl;

  • 好年成

    a good year;

  • 好天气

    nice [lovely] weather;

  • 好消息

    good news;

  • 人民的好儿女

    fine sons and daughters of the people;

  • 你帮他的忙, 真太好了。

    It's nice of you to help him.

  • 庄稼长得真好。

    The crops are doing well.


(健康; 痊愈) be in good health; get well:

  • 就年纪而论, 他的身体好极了。

    His health is wonderful for a man of his age.

  • 你好!


  • 她现在身体比去年好了。

    She is in better health now than (she was) last year.

  • 我的病好了。

    I'm well [all right] now.


(亲爱; 和睦; 友好) friendly; kind:

  • 好朋友

    great [good] friend;

  • 他对妻子儿女很好。

    He was kind with his wife and children.

  • 他们从小就很好。

    They have been close friends since childhood.

  • 这两个孩子又好了。

    The two children have become friends again.


(用在动词后, 表示完成或达到完善的地步):

  • 计划做好了吗? -- 还没做好。

    Have you got the plan ready yet? -- No, not yet.

  • 文章写好了。

    The article has been finished.

  • 午饭快准备好了。

    Lunch is almost ready.

  • 坐好吧, 要开会了。

    Take your seats please. The meeting is going to begin.


(容易) be easy (to do); be convenient:

  • 暖瓶放在这儿好拿。

    It's handy to have the thermos here.

  • 这本书可不好买。

    This book is not easily available.

  • 这个问题好回答。

    This question is easy to answer.


(用在动词前, 表示使人满意的性质在哪方面):

  • 这本小说很好看。

    This novel is very interesting.

  • 这支笔挺好使。

    This pen writes very well.

  • 这支歌很好听。

    This is a very pleasant song.

  • 这种鱼很好吃。

    This fish is very tasty [delicious].



  • 好, 就这么办。

    O.K., it's settled.

  • 好了, 不要再说了。

    All right, no need to say any more.

  • 我打开电视机好吗? --好, 请打开吧。

    Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please.


(反话, 表示不满意或幸灾乐祸):

  • 好, 这下可麻烦了。

    Well, we're in for trouble now.


(便于) so as to; so that:

  • 把她的地址告诉我, 我好找她。

    Tell me her address so that I can go and see her.

  • 把这件事做完,好再开始另一件。

    Finish this so that you can start another.

  • 别忘了带伞, 下雨好用。

    Don't forget to take your umbrella in case it rains.

  • 今儿早点睡, 明儿好早起赶火车。

    Let's turn in early, so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.


(用在数量词、时间词前面, 表示多或久):

  • 好半天

    quite a while;

  • 好久

    very long time; quite long;

  • 好几个月

    several months;

  • 她上街买了好多东西。

    She went shopping and bought quite a few things.


(用在形容词、动词前, 表示程度深, 并带感叹语气):

  • 好大的工程!

    What a huge project!

  • 好冷啊!

    How cold it is!

  • 好漂亮!

    How beautiful!

  • 好深的一条河!

    What a deep river!

  • 你这个人好糊涂!

    You are such a fool!

  • 前些日子我好忙了一阵子。

    I was quite busy some time ago.

  • 这事好险哪!

    That was a near thing!


(用在形容词前面问数量或程度, 用法跟 “多” 相同):

  • 机场离这儿好远?

    How far is the airport from here?



  • 好睡!

    Good night!

  • 好走!



[方] (应该; 可以) may; can; should:

  • 时间不早了, 你好走了。

    It's getting late. You ought to get going.

  • 我好进来吗?

    May I come in?



  • 讨好

    curry favour with; ingratiate oneself with;

  • 观众连声叫好。

    The audience broke into loud cheers.



  • 你去见着他,别忘了给我捎个好儿。

    Don't forget to convey my regards when you see him.

  • 向你的父母问好。

    Give my love to your parents.


(喜欢; 喜爱) like; love; be fond of:

  • 好表现

    like to show off;

  • 虚心好学

    be modest and eager to learn;

  • 他好开玩笑。

    He is fond of jesting.


(易于) be liable to:

  • 好发脾气

    apt to lose one's temper;

  • 好伤风

    be subject to colds;

  • 好晕船

    be liable to seasickness; be a bad sailor


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 好谦

    Hao Qian

  1. 你晚上睡个好觉就会觉得舒服些。

    You 'll feel better after a good night 's sleep .

  2. 他是个好司机,虽然有点过于自信。

    He 's a good driver , if a little over-confident .

  3. 啊,那好吧,如果你坚持的话。

    Oh , very well , then , if you insist .

  4. 就居住环境而论,牛津市是个难得的好地方。

    As a place to live , Oxford takes some beating .

  5. 当时他们已经谈了好几年的恋爱了。

    At that time they had been courting for several years .

  6. 你有话要告诉我?那好,说吧!

    You want to tell me something ? OK , shoot !

  7. 你来负责安排下次会议,好吗?

    Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting ?

  8. 你给客人调制鸡尾酒好吗?

    Why don 't you mix a cocktail for our guests ?

  9. 别着急,我会和萨拉商量安排好的。

    Don 't worry , I 'll fix it with Sarah .

  10. 我们拼命地干,好按时完成这项工作。

    We worked like crazy to get it done on time .

  11. 好的方面是职员的工作热忱都很高。

    On the plus side , all the staff are enthusiastic .

  12. 搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。

    Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes .

  13. 爸爸,借用一下汽车好吗?

    Is it OK if I borrow the car , Dad ?

  14. 该系统已装配好,但需要一些细小调整。

    The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning .

  15. 请把这一页给我复印十份好吗?

    Could I have ten copies of this page , please ?

  16. 请替我把这送到银行去好吗?

    Take this to the bank for me , would you ?

  17. 让她去通知失败的人,真不是什么好差事。

    She was given the unenviable task of informing the losers .

  18. 一定要确保所有的门都锁好了再走。

    See that all the doors are locked before you leave .

  19. 过了好长时间,她才明白他的意思。

    Much later on , she realized what he had meant .

  20. 这个工作用计算机同样可以做得很好。

    This job could be done equally well by a computer .

  21. 我觉得身体比昨天好得多了。

    I feel an awful lot better than I did yesterday .

  22. 把它拿到亮的地方,好让我看见。

    Bring it into the light so I can see it .

  23. 有好几个月禁止雇用新职员。

    For months there was a veto on employing new staff .

  24. 我在餐桌上给你安排好了座位。

    I 've set a place for you at the table .

  25. 她给劳拉出了一些主意,好逗这对双胞胎开心。

    She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins .

  26. 他喀哒一声把头盔扣好。

    He locked his helmet into position with a click .

  27. 他好捣蛋,但却很讨人喜欢。

    He 's a bit of a rogue , but very charming .

  28. 她先前待他不好,这时候想弥补一下。

    She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him .

  29. 她把汽车向右一闪,好躲开那条狗。

    She pulled the car to the right to avoid the dog .

  30. 他最近出版的小说比其他的小说都好。

    His latest novel is a cut above the rest .