
hǎo lái wū
  • Hollywood
好莱坞 [hǎo lái wù]
  • [Hollywood] 美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市内的一区,在市中心区西北,是美国电影业中心地

好莱坞[hǎo lái wū]
  1. 她为追逐名利去了好莱坞。

    She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune .

  2. 导演对南北战争作了一番好莱坞式的精彩阐述。

    The director puts a Hollywood gloss on the civil war .

  3. 他为好莱坞许多最著名的年轻明星提供服装。

    He dresses many of Hollywood 's most famous young stars .

  4. 许多人觉得他给好莱坞写剧本是滥用自己的才华。

    Many felt he was prostituting his talents by writing Hollywood scripts .

  5. 这部电影再现了20世纪40年代好莱坞的辉煌。

    The movie recreates the glamour of 1940s Hollywood .

  6. 这本书披露了好莱坞的内幕。

    This book gives you the skinny on Hollywood .

  7. 好莱坞抢先邀请她在两部重要影片中担当主角。

    She 's been snapped up by Hollywood to star in two major movies .

  8. 她为好莱坞一家大电影公司工作。

    She works for a major Hollywood studio .

  9. 她是一位千古流芳的好莱坞名人。

    She is one of the Hollywood immortals .

  10. 一些好莱坞的经纪人一直追着想要他。

    Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him .

  11. 这家电影制片厂正迁往好莱坞。

    The film studio is transferring to Hollywood .

  12. 这对搭档是好莱坞最走红的人物。

    The couple are Hollywood 's hottest property .

  13. 由于她的政见,所有好莱坞大制片公司都拒绝用她。

    She was blacklisted by all the major Hollywood studios because of her political views .

  14. 她孩提时的贫困处境与她在好莱坞的生活有着天壤之别。

    The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood .

  15. 她还是年轻演员的时候,就瞄准了好莱坞。

    Even as a young actress , she always had Hollywood firmly in her sights .

  16. 《七武士》在好莱坞被重新制作成为《七侠荡寇志》。

    ‘ The Seven Samurai ’ was remade in Hollywood as ‘ The Magnificent Seven ’ .

  17. 离开好莱坞之后,他靠家人和朋友使自己保持平衡心态。

    Away from Hollywood , he relies on his family and friends to keep him grounded .

  18. 通过激光视盘发行好莱坞最新电影也起到了一定作用。

    Getting Hollywood 's latest films released on laser-disc has also helped

  19. 这部电影让他一举成为好莱坞最具票房号召力的明星。

    This movie made him the most bankable star in Hollywood .

  20. 好莱坞的摄影师们有足够的理由可以自我吹嘘。

    Hollywood cameramen have good reason to blow their own trumpets .

  21. 好莱坞的大牌影星们出席了那个舞会。

    The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society .

  22. 好莱坞的生存规则很简单,就是金钱万能。

    The formula in Hollywood is simple — money talks .

  23. 在好莱坞停工会损失许多钱。

    Downtime in Hollywood can cost a lot of money .

  24. 他的职业生涯中有很长一段时间是在好莱坞度过的。

    He spent a large part of his career in Hollywood

  25. 阿伦变得越来越脱离好莱坞的主流了。

    Arran became increasingly estranged from the mainstream of Hollywood .

  26. 墨菲现在已经是好莱坞的一线男喜剧明星了。

    By now Murphy is Hollywood 's top male comedy star

  27. 第二年他陪着这位情绪无常的女演员去了好莱坞。

    He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year

  28. 好莱坞一直在讨论紧缩电影预算。

    Hollywood has been talking about economizing on movie budgets .

  29. 好莱坞电影把我们歪曲成酒鬼、疯子和杀人凶手。

    Hollywood films misrepresented us as drunks , maniacs and murderers

  30. 超级女人只存在于记者和好莱坞制片人的脑子里。

    Superwoman exists only in the minds of journalists and Hollywood producers .