
  • 网络Olympic medal
  1. 同时,在雅虎(Yahoo)新加坡的一项在线调查中,77%的回答者表示,他们对一名引进的外援赢得奥运会奖牌并不感到自豪。

    Meanwhile , 77 per cent of respondents in an online poll by Yahoo Singapore said they were not proud of a foreign import winning an Olympic medal .

  2. 同时,在雅虎(Yahoo)新加坡的一项在线调查中,77%的回答者表示,他们对一名“引进的外援”赢得奥运会奖牌“并不感到自豪”。

    Meanwhile , 77 per cent of respondents in an online poll by Yahoo Singapore said they were " not proud " of a " foreign import " winning an Olympic medal .

  3. LONDON1908Medal伦敦奥运会奖牌奖牌正面描绘的是两位女性为一名年轻的奥运冠军佩戴月桂花环的场景。正中下方刻有“1908年伦敦奥运会”字样。

    On the obverse , two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of a young victorious athlete , with , in the bottom half , the inscription " OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON 1908 " .

  4. 奥运会奖牌分布的Markov分析

    Analysis of the Medals Distribution of Olympic Games with Markov Method

  5. 卡塔尔的第一枚奥运会奖牌是在1992年奥运会上,MohamedAhmedSulaiman在男子1500米中夺得铜牌。

    The first Olympic medal for Qatar which was also a bronze medal was won by its runner , Mohamed Ahmed Sulaiman in the men ' s1500 race during the1992 Olympics .

  6. 这是头一回奥运会奖牌不是平的。

    This is the first time the Olympic medals are not flat .

  7. 冬季奥运会奖牌分布研究

    Research on Distribution of Medals at the Olympic Winter Games

  8. 第29届奥运会奖牌分布的特征研究

    On the Characteristics of Medal Distribution of 29th Olympic Games

  9. 不丹至今还未赢得奥运会奖牌。

    Bhutan has yet to win an Olympic medal .

  10. 这位22岁的两届奥运会奖牌得主写道:

    The two-time Olympic medallist , 22 , wrote :

  11. 北京奥运会奖牌榜的政治战略与国家身份建构

    On Political Strategy and National Identity Establishment of Medal List of Beijing Olympics

  12. 奥运会奖牌预测国内、外研究动态及发展趋势

    Movement Research and Developing Trend of Olympic Medal Prediction at Home and Abroad

  13. 特别是对于像张希这种奥运会奖牌得主来说。

    Especially for Olympic medalists like Zhang Xi .

  14. 当他们的同城人获得了冬季奥运会奖牌时,他们感到非常高兴。

    They were really pleased when their homeboy won a medal at the winter olympics .

  15. 力图获得奖学金、奥运会奖牌、公务员的工作

    Try for a scholarship , an Olympic medal , a job in the Civil Service

  16. 她是奥运会奖牌得主。

    She 's an Olympic medallist .

  17. 切成两半的奥运会奖牌

    Cut the Olympic Medals into Two

  18. 第27届奥运会奖牌分布与世界体坛格局的流变及趋势

    The Medal Distribution of the 27th Olympic Games and the Tendency of Sporting World and Situation

  19. 我要拿到奥运会奖牌。

    I want that Olympic medal .

  20. 奥运会奖牌设计竞赛活动全面启动

    Olympic medal design competition launched

  21. 下一位是获得四块奥运会奖牌的选手凯特琳•桑蒂诺,这段视频来自她的《和我一起游四种泳姿》。

    The next swimmer is4-time Olympic medalist Kaitlin Sandeno , with footage from her Go Swim All Strokes video .

  22. 中国在这届奥运会奖牌榜上名列第四,共获得15金,8银,9铜。

    In total , China finished fourth in the rankings with 15 gold , 8 silver and 9 bronze medals .

  23. 井村雅代所训练的日本女子花样游泳队为日本赢得6面奥运会奖牌。2006年他受聘训练中国女子花样游泳队。

    MASAYO IMURA , who coached Japan to6 Olympic medals , became the coach of China 's synchronized swimming team in2006 .

  24. 索契冬奥会第四个比赛日结束,加拿大、荷兰和挪威均获得了七枚奥运会奖牌。

    Canada , the Netherland and Norway at the end of Sochi day four each of these countries set seven Olympic medals .

  25. 与女子皮划艇冲击奥运会奖牌相比,男子皮划艇独霸亚洲,却难以在世界比赛中进入前三名。

    Compared with their women counterparts , the Chinese men can only dominate the canoeing events in Asia but rarely rank top-3 in world competitions .

  26. 被发现使用兴奋剂最多的是俄罗斯/前苏联和美国的奥运会奖牌获得者,分别有12块和11块奖牌被剥夺。

    Olympic medalists from Russia / Soviet Union and the US were caught doping the most , with 12 and 11 stripped medals , respectively .

  27. 南加州大学高级捧回了三个在北京奥运会奖牌总数在200米和100米乳腺癌乳腺癌枚银牌和400米混合泳接力金牌。

    The USC senior took home a total of three Olympic medals in Beijing , a gold in the200m breast and silvers in the100m breast and400m medley relay .

  28. 现在,这才开幕,当然还没有人拿到本届奥运会奖牌;

    Now , since this is the opening ceremony , of course we don 't have any gold , silver , and bronze medalists yet for the Games ;

  29. 而孙兆鹏则自己敲制了一枚由北京奥运会奖牌设计者肖勇设计的“冰壶”纪念币以作纪念。

    Sun also received a Kirnu coin , designed by Xiao Yong , the professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts and the designer of the Beijing Olympics medal .

  30. 在有些国家,科班出身的教练比不是科班而是创造世界纪录获得奥运会奖牌的运动员出身的教练员,更能得到管理机构的器重。

    In some countries coaching qualifications are held in greater esteem by the governing body than an unqualified coach who gets world records and Olympic medals from an athlete .