
  • 网络gold medal;olympic gold medal;olympic gold
  1. 一枚奥运金牌能给运动员带来无尽的财富。

    An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete

  2. 他以一块奥运金牌为自己的职业生涯画上了圆满的句号。

    He topped off his career with an Olympic gold medal

  3. 她在北京赢得奥运金牌的那晚,沃特豪斯每天都会发生的谋杀案和邻近街道的毒品战争都停止了。

    The night she won Olympic gold in Beijing , the routine murders in Waterhouse and the drug wars in the neighbouring streets stopped .

  4. 她的最后一枚奥运金牌是在2000年悉尼奥运会上获得的。

    Her last Olympic gold medal came during the 2000 Sydney Olympics .

  5. 奥运金牌的争夺者

    a contender for a gold medal in the Olympics

  6. 已退役的罗马尼亚体操运动员纳迪亚·科马内奇,曾五次获得奥运金牌,她也是赢得这一殊荣的最年轻运动员之一。

    Nadia Comaneci is from Romania and is a five time Olympic gold medallist .

  7. 在接下来的几年里,她又在跳台和跳板项目上赢得了三枚奥运金牌和一枚银牌。

    In the coming years , She won three more Olympic gold medals and a silver across the platform and springboard events .

  8. 在有明体操竞技场,管晨辰在女子平衡木决赛中夺得她的第一枚奥运金牌。

    At the Ariake Gymnastics Centre , Guan Chenchen grabbed her first Olympic medal - a gold - in the women 's balance beam final .

  9. 美国运动员马乔丽·格斯特林赢得奥运金牌时年仅13岁零268天。

    Marjorie Gestring of the United States of America was only 13 years and 268 days old when she won the gold medal for her country .

  10. 本周一,印度迎来了本国历史(History)上首枚个人项目(program)奥运金牌,举国民众不敢相信,却为之欢欣鼓舞&同一时间也为打破板球运动独霸印度的局面带来一线希望(hope)。

    India 's first ever individual Olympic gold medal won on Monday was greeted at home with disbelief and joy & as well as renewed hope the country could break with its total obsession with cricket .

  11. 杰夫•朱克(JeffZucker)来到北京水立方游泳中心,观看迈克尔•菲尔普斯(MichaelPhelps)赢取第八枚奥运金牌。

    Jeff Zucker was in Beijing 's Water Cube aquatics centre to watch Michael Phelps win his eighth gold medal .

  12. 作为球员,奥尼尔获得过4次NBA总冠军,2次得分王,1次奥运金牌和1次MVP。

    Four NBA champion ships , two NBA scoring crowns , one Olympic gold medal and one league MVP award later ;

  13. 读到奥运金牌得主维多利亚彭德尔顿(victoriapendleton)的故事时,我也是心怀反感、感到不值。

    I felt the same sense of repulsion and waste reading about Olympic gold medallist Victoria Pendleton .

  14. 卢森堡运动员约瑟夫.巴塞获得PUMA的首枚奥运金牌,(1500m)在芬兰的赫尔辛基。

    Josef Barthel of Luxembourg wins PUMA 's first Olympic Gold ( 1500m ) in Helsinki , Finland .

  15. 在新加坡,这个城市国家有史以来第一位奥运金牌得主约瑟夫•斯库林(JosephSchooling)成为了民族英雄,在议会受到了集体起立鼓掌欢迎。

    In Singapore , Joseph Schooling , the city-state 's first ever gold medallist , has become a national hero and was greeted with a standing ovation in parliament .

  16. 近些年来,像加拿大的本•约翰逊(BenJohnson)和美国的玛丽安•琼斯(MarionJones)这些摘得奥运金牌的短跑名将都因后来被证实使用了违禁药品而被取消了荣誉。

    Recent gold-medal stars like the sprinters Ben Johnson of Canada and Marion Jones of the U.S. were stripped of their Olympic glory after they were convicted of using illegal substances .

  17. 本周三就是倒数100天的开始,曾获得两枚奥运金牌的SebastianCoe是伦敦2012组委会的主席。

    Wednesday marked the one-hundred-day point . Sebastian Coe -- the British runner who won two Olympic gold medals -- is chairman of the London 2012 organizing committee .

  18. 在网球女单决赛中胜出的莫妮卡•普格(MónicaPuig)为波多黎各赢得了首枚奥运金牌。

    M ó nica Puig earned Puerto Rico its first Olympic gold medal by winning the women 's singles tennis final .

  19. 卡尔•刘易斯(CarlLewis)是九块奥运金牌得主,长期由耐克赞助。他说,遮盖运动鞋的做法是“真正问题的一个缩影:我们是否真正在创造一种职业体育?”

    Camouflaging of shoes , said Carl Lewis , the nine-time Olympic gold medalist , who has had a long affiliation with Nike , is " a microcosm of what the real issue is : Are we really creating a professional sport ? "

  20. 小内马尔•达席尔瓦•桑托斯(NeymardaSilvaSantosJúnior)——简称内马尔——被赋予一项任务,一项有史以来从未有同胞完成的任务:带领巴西足球队摘取奥运金牌。

    Neymar da Silva Santos J ú nior - known simply as Neymar - has been handed a task that has historically proved to be beyond his countrymen : leading Brazil 's footballers to an Olympic gold medal .

  21. 中国首次获得奥运金牌是在哪一年?

    When did China win the first medal at Olympic Games ?

  22. 中国队是什么时候获得第一块奥运金牌的?

    When did the Chinese team win its first gold medal ?

  23. 我们期盼他赢一枚奥运金牌。

    We expect him to win an Olympic gold medal .

  24. 奥运金牌并不能给纽约带来欢庆的游行。

    Gold medals don 't bring parades to New York .

  25. 许海峰何时为中国获得首枚奥运金牌?

    When did Xu Haifeng win the first Olympic gold medal for China ?

  26. 这也是中国跳水队时隔12年再夺女子10米台奥运金牌。

    This is the1st gold for China 's women's10m platform diving in12 years .

  27. 辽宁奥运金牌优势项目比较研究

    Comparative Study on Gold Events of Liaoning Olympic Delegation

  28. 谁在女子游泳比赛中为中国为中国获得第一枚奥运金牌?

    Who won the first gold medal in Women 's Swimming for China ?

  29. 这大受欢迎的邮票以奥运金牌得主为主。

    The hugely popular stamps featured UK gold medallists .

  30. 克利是一个拥有三个奥运金牌的千万富翁。

    Kelly was a multimillionaire contractor who was a triple Olympic Gold Medal winner .