
  • 网络olympic champion
  1. 克里琴科,他的哥哥维塔利在周末通过击倒古巴的前奥运会冠军奥德拉尼尔索利斯重获WBC重量级冠军头衔,原定于2009年与海耶比赛。

    Klitschko , whose brother Vitali retained his WBC heavyweight title by knocking out Cuba 's former Olympic champion Odlanier Solis at the weekend , was originally going to fight Haye in2009 .

  2. 冬季奥运会冠军王蒙被国家队开除。

    Winter Olympic champion Wang Meng expelled from Chinese national team .

  3. 这项冠军的重要程度可与奥运会冠军媲美。

    This title ranks alongside the Olympics in terms of importance .

  4. 当然,没有什么能比得过赢得奥运会冠军。

    Of course , nothing is going to eclipse winning the Olympic title .

  5. 我们和TedLigety一起设计了这些训练,他是两届奥运会冠军,五届世界冠军,和三个孩子的父亲。

    We designed these workouts with Ted Ligety , two-time Olympic Gold Medalist , five-time World Champion , and father of three .

  6. 形象地说,尤塞恩·博尔特(UsainBolt,译注:奥运会冠军,男子100米、200米世界纪录保持者)百米冲刺的速度为每小时23.35英里,但他可没有200吨的体重。

    To put that into perspective , when Usain Bolt runs 100 m he runs it at an average of 23.35 miles per hour , and he definitely does not weigh 200 tons .

  7. 中国乒乓球明星马琳、或美国游泳名将迈克尔菲尔普斯(michaelphelps)等奥运会冠军,成为万众瞩目的焦点,但他们是站在各自领域整个国家巨大实力和潜力的巅峰。

    Olympic champions such as Ma Lin , the Chinese table tennis star , or Michael Phelps , the US swimmer , take the limelight , but they are the pinnacle of a tremendous strength and depth of the entire country in their disciplines .

  8. 我喜欢运动。我想成为奥运会冠军

    I like sports . I want to be an Olympic winner

  9. 中国历史上诞生了第一位奥运会冠军许海峰。

    The first Olympic champion in Chinese history was Xu Haifeng .

  10. 这是她成为奥运会冠军后对她的第一次采访。

    This is her first interview since becoming Olympic champion .

  11. 然后这个球队赢得了2004年雅典奥运会冠军。

    The team then won at the2004 Athens Olympics .

  12. 奥运会冠军是运动员们羡慕的目标。

    A champion of the Olympic Games is the envy of all athletes .

  13. 古巴女徘早该成为奥运会冠军了。

    The Cuban women 's team could have become the Olympic champion earlier .

  14. 29.中国运动员有多少个奥运会冠军?

    29.How many gold medals have been won by Chinese at the Olympic Games ?

  15. 但我最感兴趣的是谁将赢得奥运会冠军。

    But what I 'm interested in most is who will win the Olympic game .

  16. 足以让她赢得奥运会冠军。

    That could take Olympic gold .

  17. 世界排名第二的王涛在第一盘中输给了奥运会冠军瓦尔德内尔。

    In the first match , world NO. 2 Wang Tao was defeated by Olympic champion Waldner .

  18. 达到奥运会冠军水平的训练年限平均为10.72±2.45年;

    Training years of reaching Olympic champion is 10 . 72 ± 2 . 45 on average .

  19. 尽管是穿着皮革鞋参加比赛,博兰仍赢得了比赛并成为奥运会冠军。

    Despite competing with leather-soled shoes with heels , Boland won the competition and became an Olympic champion .

  20. 他们是头号种子阿迪,世界亚军苏桑托,奥运会冠军库苏马和全英比赛的卫冕冠军阿尔比。

    Top seed ardy , world silver medalist Susan to , Olympic champion Ku Suma and defending champion arbi .

  21. 安娜·桑切斯夫人是三届奥运会冠军、新书《走向边缘》的作者。

    Mrs. Anna Sanchez is a three time Olympic champion and author of the new book To the Edge .

  22. 有人觉得古巴的奥运会冠军可能爆冷,击败大克里琴科。

    Others felt that the Olympic champion from Cuba might be able to outbox and outsmart the elder Klitschko brother .

  23. 克罗地亚男子手球队是目前的奥运会冠军。

    In terms of its achievement in the Summer Olympics , Croatia 's men handball team is the current Olympic champions .

  24. 2004年奥运会冠军自2008年北京奥运会后一直被跟腱腱断裂的问题所困扰。

    The 2004 Olympic champion has been dogged by the problem of a ruptured Achilles tendon since the 2008 Beijing Olympics .

  25. 克罗地亚男子手球队是目前的奥运会冠军。这让克罗地亚在2004年的雅典奥运会上获得总计一枚金牌,两枚银牌和两枚铜牌的成绩。

    This enables Croatia to gather a total of one gold , two silver and two bronze medals in the2004 Athens Olympics .

  26. 奥运会冠军成员惠若琪、张常宁和龚翔宇带领队友们以25-20,25-19,25-19取得比赛的胜利。

    Olympic champions Hui Ruoqi , Zhang Changning and Gong Xiangyu led their teammates to the 25-20 , 25-19 , 25-18 victory .

  27. 在韩国举行的田径世锦赛上&古巴人就奥运会冠军戴龙•罗伯斯被取消成绩一事的反申诉被驳回了。

    At the World Atheltics Championships in South Korea & A Cuban counter-appeal over the disqualification of Olympic champion Dayron Robles has been dismissed .

  28. 接着又在雅典战胜了奥运会冠军贝利而首次称王,并且夺冠的成绩为9秒86。

    Greene won the first place by 9.90 seconds . Following that , hede-feated Olympics Champion Bailey and won the title for the first time .

  29. 举个例子,几周前,我搜索发现我的一位患者在20世纪60年代曾是奥运会冠军和世界纪录保持者。

    I learned recently , for example , that one of my patients had been an Olympic gold medalist and world-record holder in the 1960s .

  30. 三项奥运会冠军博尔特在柏林举行的世界锦标赛上风速般赢得胜利并刷新了新的世界纪录。

    Triple Olympic champion Usain Bolt set a new world record as he stormed to a stunning victory in the100m at the World Championships in Berlin .