
  • 网络Oppenheim;Meret Oppenheim;Alan V. Oppenheim;A. V. Oppenheim
  1. 希特勒:我认为在奥本海姆的第二桥头堡是最大的危险。

    HITLER : I consider the second bridgehead at Oppenheim as the greatest danger .

  2. 目前派不出部队到奥本海姆去。

    At the present time no unit is available to be sent to oppenheim .

  3. 本?奥本海姆领导发现这些白矮星的研究小组。

    Ben Oppenheimer led the research team that discovered the white dwarfs .

  4. 奥本海姆先生说,大多数白矮星大约有100亿岁。

    Mister Oppenheimer says most of the white dwarfs may be about ten-thousand-million years old .

  5. 说,德国一些银行可能仿效奥本海姆和休假。

    That said , few German banks are likely to follow in the footsteps of Oppenheim and leave .

  6. 最早对黑洞进行真正深人研究的两位科学家是二十世纪早期的罗伯特・奥本海姆教授和他的学生哈特兰德・辛德。

    The first scientists to really take an in depth look at black holes and the collapsing of stars , were a professor , Robert Oppenheimer and his student Hartland Snyder , in the early nineteen hundreds .