
  • 网络eads;European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company;EADS-European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
  1. 过去一段时间,欧洲宇航防务集团一直试图在防务领域拓展业务,但收效甚微。

    Eads has wanted to grow its defense business for a while now , but has had limited success .

  2. 昨天,华尔街看起来对欧洲宇航防务集团和英国宇航系统公司进行合并谈判的消息毫无准备。

    Wall Street seemed truly caught off guard yesterday when the news broke that EADS and BAE were in merger talks .

  3. 航空巨头欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)对英国宇航系统公司(BAESystems)的大胆收购其实只有一个目的:从五角大楼(Pentagon)拉到生意。

    The bold attempt by European aeronautics giant eads to acquire British defense company BAE Systems is all about one thing : Pentagon access .

  4. 伯明翰大学的研究计划与空客(Airbus)和欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)等西方航空公司合作进行,在中航工业制造所被纳入美国观察名单之前,该计划就结束了。

    Birmingham 's research programme , undertaken in partnership with western aerospace companies such as Airbus and EADS , ended before Bamtri 's inclusion on the US watchlist .

  5. 但消息来源称,空客方面在前一个周末了解到,这项协议正受到北京方面阻止,订单的宣布未能如期进行。空客是欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)旗下子公司。

    But Airbus , a division of the European aerospace group , EADS , learned over the weekend that the agreement was being blocked by Beijing and the announcement did not go ahead , the sources said .

  6. 最终欧洲宇航防务集团还是落选,而这场历时多年的竞标也让公司的数亿美元打了水漂。

    Eads ultimately lost out to Boeing in a multi-year drama that cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars .

  7. 欧洲宇航防务集团的管理层现在一定觉得收购英国宇航系统公司是获得美国军方大单最简单和最有效的方法。

    Eads management must now believe that acquiring Bae is the easiest and most efficient way of securing those big US military contracts .

  8. 欧洲宇航防务集团本想一鼓作气,和波音竞争为美军建造加油机的400亿美元巨额合同。

    Building on its Eurocopter victory , EADS later challenged Boeing for a $ 40 billion contract to build refueling tanker aircraft for the US military .

  9. 欧洲宇航防务集团中,这方面最为成功的是欧洲直升机公司,该分部在2004年赢得过金额高达20亿美元的合同,为美国陆军和海岸警卫队制造直升机。

    Its Eurocopter Division has been the best performer of the EADS family , winning a $ 2 billion contract in 2004 to build helicopters for the US Army and the coast guard .

  10. 但那些幸免于辞职,也幸免于空对客与欧洲宇航防务集团一度不正常的关系的调查的高级管理人员,至少要面对讨厌的烦心事。

    But those senior managers who have so far survived both the resignations and a big overhaul of the once dysfunctional relationship between Airbus and EADS face an unwelcome distraction at the very least .