
ōu zhōu jīnɡ jì hé zuò zǔ zhī
  • Organization for European Economic Cooperation
  1. 经济发展合作组织(OECD)是由1948年创立之欧洲经济合作组织发展而来之一个国际性组织。

    The OECD is an international organization that developed from the Organization for European Economic Co-operation ( EECD ), which was created in1948 .

  2. 布什在巴黎的欧洲经济合作与发展组织总部发表讲话时提到了当前在伊拉克、伊朗、黎巴嫩、叙利亚和阿富汗等地的挑战。

    In a speech on the grounds of the Paris headquarters of the organization for economic cooperation and development , Mr. Bush spoke of the challenges present in places like Iraq , Iran , Lebanon , Syria and Afghanistan .

  3. 然而,来自富裕国家智囊团(欧洲)经济合作与发展组织(OECD)及波士顿咨询集团(BCG)的新数据显示全球“网络之网”是由地方性的要素形成的。

    Yet new statistics from the OECD , a rich-country think-tank , and Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) show that the global " network of networks " is shaped by local forces .

  4. 这一研究是由欧洲委员会和经济合作发展组织开展的。该研究调查了31个国家民众的健康状况,包括27个欧盟成员国。

    The study , from the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) , examined the health of people in 31 countries , including the 27 European Union member states .