
kè lǎnɡ
  • krone;crown;koruna
  1. 挪威克朗(货币代码NOK)是现在挪威的流通货币。

    Norwegian Krone ( currency code NOK ) is the name of the currency used in Norway .

  2. 朋友品牌系列的椒盐瓶(249克朗)像个肥胖半裸的大胡子卡通人物。

    Salt and pepper shakers from the Friends line ( 249 krone ) resemble fat , half-naked , mustachioed cartoon characters .

  3. 如果我因为明天放你假而少付你半克朗,你会觉得自己受到了虐待。

    If I were to dock you a half a crown for it , you 'd think yourself ill-used .

  4. 根据国际清算银行(BankforInternationalSettlements),去年瑞典银行金库大约存着36亿瑞典克朗的纸币和硬币,而2010年有87亿。

    Last year , Swedish bank vaults held around 3.6 billion kronor in notes and coins , down from 8.7 billion in 2010 , according to the Bank for International Settlements .

  5. 可积离散的NLS~+方程的贝克朗变换及其解的结构

    B (?) cklund Transformations and Structures for the Integrable Discretization of the NLS ~ + Equation

  6. NateKohari(以下缩写为NK):我来自于俄亥俄州亚克朗市,今年25岁,是一名软件架构师。

    Nate Kohari ( NK ): I 'm a25-year old software architect from Akron , Ohio .

  7. 据瑞典TT通讯社报道,收藏家认为如果这本漫画书保存完好,它将是一件珍品,价值12.5万冰岛克朗(约16200美元或13345欧元)。

    If in mint condition , the item would be considered a rarity by collectors and could be worth up to125000 kronor ( 16200 dollars , 13,345 euros ), according to Swedish news agency TT .

  8. 但是经过在劳动部的工会之间的会议,瑞典克朗和PEO,教育部和酒店业主,达成了一项协议。

    However after a meeting at the Ministry of Labour , between the unions , SEK and PEO , the ministry and the hotel owners , an agreement was reached .

  9. 冰岛使用的货币为克朗(货币代码为ISK)。

    Icelandic Kr ó na ( currency code ISK ) is the name of the currency used in Iceland .

  10. 2013年,该游戏的开发商Mojang只雇佣了39名职员,却创造了8.16亿瑞典克朗(合7400万英镑)的利润。

    In 2013 , its developer Mojang made profits of SKr816m ( about £ 74m ) , and employed 39 people .

  11. 瑞典音乐产业去年收入9.9亿瑞典克朗(合8600万英镑),其中近四分之三来自流媒体服务。Spotify于2008年在斯德哥尔摩创办,如今拥有2000多万首歌曲供用户选择。

    Almost three-quarters of the SKr990m ( £ 86m ) made last year came from streaming . Launched in Stockholm in 2008 , Spotify has a library of more than 20 million songs that people can choose from .

  12. 冰岛央行行长古德蒙森(margudmundsson)表示,该协议将使得冰岛可以使用本币(冰岛克朗)来支付从中国进口的产品,这将改善经济关系。

    Mar Gudmundsson , governor of the Icelandic central bank , said the deal , which will allow Iceland to pay for Chinese imports in its own currency , the kronur , would promote economic ties .

  13. 外国乳品的最新举动来自于丹麦-瑞典合资乳品集团Arla,该公司于周五表示将通过私募股权基金厚朴,购买伊利的主要竞争对手蒙牛乳品公司6%的股份,价格为17亿丹麦克朗(2.89亿美元)。

    The latest foreign bet comes from Danish-Swedish dairy group Arla , which said on Friday it would buy what amounts to a 6 percent stake in Yili 's main competitor , China Mengniu Dairy Co , from private equity fund Hopu for 1.7 billion Danish crowns ( $ 289 million ) .

  14. 他回忆克朗肖经常谈起的那个波斯地毯的寓言。

    He recollected cronshaw 's whimsical metaphor of the Persian carpet .

  15. 告诉赫夫朗,蓝姆雷兹和麦克朗他们要去。

    Tell heffron , ramirez , and McClung they 're going .

  16. 菲利浦想克朗肖在回顾他自己的生活吧。

    Philip thought that Cronshaw was looking upon his own life .

  17. 在他看来,布雷克朗一向是个相当稳健的人。

    Brecklong had always seemed to him a sound enough person .

  18. 所以是麦克朗、赫夫朗还有蓝姆雷兹?

    So , it 's mcclung , heffron , and ramirez .

  19. 阿尔泰山南缘克朗盆地泥盆纪火山沉积与矿产

    Devonian volcano-sediments and mineralization of Kelang basin in southern Altay mountains

  20. 你们贷记我们在这个银行的瑞典克朗账号。

    And please cover our SEK account at the same bank .

  21. 您得付给他们半克朗。

    You 'll have to pay them half a crown .

  22. 那是一张圆纸片,大小如一克朗的银元。

    It was a round about the size of a crown piece .

  23. 克朗她坐在床上直起来。

    EEK she sat straight up in her bed .

  24. 放置一个冠洞,去除咬合面的克朗。

    Place a crown removal hole in the occlusal surface of the crowns .

  25. 外国投资者纷纷撤离,给冰岛货币克朗带来了沉重打击。

    Foreign investors fled , pounding the country 's currency , the krona .

  26. 菲利浦很快就看出来了,影响他的那帮朋友们的精神状态的是克朗肖。

    Philip soon realised that the spirit which informed his friends was Cronshaw 's.

  27. 那就来点儿威士忌吧。克朗肖把酒瓶子递过来说。

    " Have some whisky ," returned Cronshaw , passing over the bottle .

  28. 瑞典克朗的这种走势在今年的外汇市场上显得非同寻常。

    Such a trading pattern has been unusual in the forex markets this year .

  29. 两个高加在一起,每月看护费是1100克朗了,相当于人民币1300元。

    Together two high monthly care fee is1100 SEK , the equivalent of1300 yuan .

  30. 一人份晚餐,不包括酒水和小费,大约200克朗。

    Dinner for one , not counting drinks or tip , about 200 kroner .