
chǒu xiǎo yā
  • ugly duckling
丑小鸭[chǒu xiǎo yā]
  1. 她小时候是个羞怯的丑小鸭。

    She was a shy , ugly duckling of a child .

  2. 丑小鸭变成了白天鹅。

    An ugly duckling has turned into a white swan . & a nobody has become a somebody .

  3. 他写了很多著名的故事,比如《皇帝的新衣》和《丑小鸭》。

    He wrote a lot of best-known stories such as The Emperor 's New Clothes and The Ugly Duckling .

  4. 五年前,如果不知道XML,您就是一只无人重视的丑小鸭。

    Five years ago , if you didn 't know XML , you were the ugly duckling whom nobody talked to .

  5. 在电影中,安迪(安德莉亚的昵称)去了趟Runway公司的时装衣帽间和美容产品区,就摆脱了失败的丑小鸭形象,从一个二级助理变成了杂志社人人敬畏的米兰达•普利斯特利主编身边美丽、能干的贴身助手。

    A trip to the fashion closet and the beauty department at Runway , the film 's thinly veiled stand-in for Vogue magazine , transforms Andy from an ugly-duckling failure of a second assistant to the beautiful , capable confidante of the magazine 's formidable editor , Miranda Priestly .

  6. 丑小鸭可能会变为白天鹅。

    The ugly little duckling maybe grows into a white goose .

  7. 埋在翅膀下。猎狗闻了闻丑小鸭。

    His wing . A hunting dog sniffed the Ugly Duckling .

  8. 他们喂东西给丑小鸭吃,并照顾他。

    They feed the duckling and take care of him .

  9. 但是你不能总是修复一只丑小鸭。

    But you can 't always fix an ugly duckling .

  10. 然后他没有碰丑小鸭一下就走了。

    And he went away without touching the Ugly Duckling .

  11. 梦想变为现实,丑小鸭变成了漂亮的天鹅的。

    Dream into reality , the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan .

  12. 说我可以把你从丑小鸭。

    That I could turn you from an ugly duckling .

  13. 希尔还提出了所谓丑小鸭的问题。

    Ms. Hill also raises what might be called the ugly-duckling issue .

  14. 丑小鸭:不,我不会。但是我会游泳。

    UD : No , I Can ' t.But I can swim .

  15. 丑小鸭终于变成美丽的天鹅啦!

    The ugly duckling finally turned into a beautiful swan !

  16. 一只丑小鸭能变成白天鹅。

    An ugly duck can change into a beautiful swan .

  17. 丑小鸭:能给我一点东西吃吗?

    Ducklings : I wish the cat would eat you !

  18. 一只丑小鸭经历了种种凄苦的遭遇,最后变成一只美丽的天鹅!

    An unhappy duckling grows into a beautiful swan in this magical fairytale .

  19. 我认为,丑小鸭必须乐于丑陋。

    I think an ugly duckling has to be happy to be ugly .

  20. 玛丽在家中是个丑小鸭。直到长大后才变好看。

    Mary was the ugly duckling in her family until she grew up .

  21. 丑小鸭转过身,对着一只白天鹅叫道“嘎嘎”。

    The Ugly Duckling turned into a white swan .

  22. 我根本就不是丑小鸭!

    I am not an ugly duckling after all !

  23. 最后,丑小鸭变成了一只美丽的白天鹅。

    At last ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan .

  24. 丑小鸭定理及其推论的认知科学涵义

    The Cognizant and Scientific Connotation of the Ugly Duckling Theorem and Its Corollaries

  25. 她丑小鸭般的故事在这现实的电视节目中被验证。

    Her ugly-duckling narrative proved irresistible to reality-TV fans .

  26. 丑小鸭:啊,多么美丽的鸟儿!

    UD : Oh , what beautiful birds !

  27. 那美女以前是个丑小鸭。

    That beauty once was an ugly duckling .

  28. 丑小鸭去了河边。

    The ugly duckling goes to the river .

  29. 老婆婆看着丑小鸭。

    The old woman looks at the duckling .

  30. 丑小鸭步行离开湖畔。

    The duckling walks away from the lake .