
chǒu è
  • ugly;hideous;repulsive;ugly,repulsive
丑恶 [chǒu è]
  • [ugly,repulsive] 丑秽邪恶

  • 道德上的丑恶侵入了美学

  • 丑恶面目

丑恶[chǒu è]
  1. 我再也不想看到他那张丑恶的面孔。

    I never want to see his ugly mug again .

  2. 布拉格近来变得这么丑恶了。

    Prague has grown so ugly lately , said Tereza .

  3. 谋杀是件非常丑恶的事。

    Murder is a foul deed .

  4. 他们就是不喜欢文明世界的环境,也就是说不喜欢大都市,充满了丑恶与紧张的大都市。

    They simply don 't like the environment of civilization ; this is , the city , with all its ugliness and tension .

  5. 他会几个星期不上那儿去,也会忘了这幅丑恶的画像,并且恢复了轻松的心情、非凡的愉快和对生活的狂热专注。

    For weeks he would not go there , would forget the hideous painted thing , and get back his light heart , his wonderful joyousness , his passionate absorption in mere existence .

  6. 当她开始为希特勒说好话时,微软公司将她关闭,并删除了最丑恶的留言。

    When she started saying nice things about Hitler , Microsoft turned her off and deleted her ugliest messages .

  7. 一个警察成天和人类行为的丑恶面打交道,能感到津津有味吗

    Can a policeman possibly enjoy grovelling in the dirty side of human behaivour ?

  8. 凡是过激的意识形态,都需要有另外一个丑恶的制度作对比,才能衬托出自己的善良

    Radical ideologies require to contrast to their own goodness the wickedness of some other system .

  9. 所有同学都为你的丑恶行径而脸上无光。

    All of your classmates had blushed for your degraded conduct .

  10. 用艺术的假面貌去美化丑恶,

    Fairing the foul with art 's false borrow 'd face ,

  11. 只因怕明眼把你的丑恶揭发。

    Lest eyes well & seeing thy foul faults should find !

  12. 科学已经迎头赶上,巫师的丑恶嘴脸终被曝光。

    The science has caught up and the shamans are exposed .

  13. 赌博是旧社会遗留下来的一种社会丑恶现象。

    Gambling is one of seamy social phenomenon left from old times .

  14. 赌博作为一种社会丑恶现象,必须坚决予以查禁。

    Gambling as a vicious social phenomenon , should be banned firmly .

  15. 硬拿美丽的真蒙住脸的丑恶?

    To put fair truth upon so foul a face ?

  16. 这给人们找到了各种丑恶行为的借口。

    It gave men the pretext for all sorts of diabolical behaviour .

  17. 以各种丑恶现象和高犯罪率而臭名昭著的城市街区。

    A city district known for its vice and high crime rate .

  18. 当权的国王克劳狄斯,在这乱世中扮演了一个丑恶的角色。

    King Claudius power , in this ugly times played a role .

  19. 非常小心的,你走了进去找到了一个丑恶面具。

    Cautiously , you reach inside and pull out a hideous mask .

  20. 这是纽约生活里的丑恶面。

    This is the seamier side of New York life .

  21. 尽管这丑恶的一面是白人表现的,但却无关紧要。

    It hardly mattered that the ugly face was white .

  22. 但是注册会计师在执业过程中也滋生了一些丑恶的现象。

    But the CPAs have fostered some ugly phenomenon in practice process .

  23. 在竞选活动中丑恶的种族主义再次抬头。

    Racism once again reared its ugly head during the election campaign .

  24. 任何时候,总会有错误的东西存在,总会有丑恶的现象存在。

    There will always be wrong things and ugly phenomena .

  25. 就从接受一个丑恶的现实开始吧。

    Let 's start this by admitting an ugly truth .

  26. 他们都是丑恶的,他才是善良美丽的。

    You 're all ugly , and he was beautiful .

  27. 他并不回避过去的某些丑恶的事情。他处理这些事情。

    He did not walk away from some bad things from the past .

  28. 罗斯福有着出身贵族的自信满满,但却毫无趋炎附势的丑恶嘴脸。

    Though he had patrician self-confidence , there was no snobbery in Roosevelt .

  29. 戏弄和欺负火车上小男孩的丑恶的人

    The ugly guys who teased and bullied the little boy on the train

  30. 第二章论证了哈代诗歌暴露了人性的丑恶。

    Chapter Two deals with how Hardy exposes the ugliness of human nature .