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chǒu jué
  • buffoon;comedian; clown;comic role
  • clown;jester
丑角 [chǒu jué]
  • (1) [clown;buffoon]∶戏曲角色中的丑;哑剧和杂技中人们熟悉的喜剧人物,以独特的化妆、服装、滑稽可笑的举动和插科打诨著称

  • (2) [jester]∶比喻在某事物中充当的可耻角色,经常出丑的人

  • 他完美地扮演了世界的丑角

  1. 丑角的力与美:莎士比亚历史剧中的丑角群像

    The Buffoon 's Power and Aesthetics : Comments on Buffoons in Shakespeare 's Historical Plays

  2. 丑角的表演非常滑稽。

    The clown gave a very funny performance .

  3. 这个丑角噱头真多。

    That clown is full of amusing tricks .

  4. 到底没能跟W分成手,因为鬼使神差,她跟一个职业马戏团丑角私奔去了芬兰。

    Did not have to break off with W.after all , for as luck would have it , she ran off to Finland with a professional circus geek .

  5. 丑的形态包括丑角表演、搞怪、猎奇。

    Ugly forms , including clown shows , Funny , curiosity .

  6. 像个丑角的脸上可怜的双眼。

    Like the sad eyes on the face of a clown .

  7. 丑角的笑话逗得小男孩捧腹大笑。

    The clown 's jokes made the boy split his sides .

  8. 与丑角不同,喜剧赏的服装通常并不奇怪。

    Unlike clowns , comedians'clothes are usually not very strange .

  9. 川剧舞台上的洋丑角好莱坞演员孤独的心

    A Foreign Clown Actor in Sichuan Opera Lonely Heart of Hollywood Stars

  10. 丑角在中国戏曲文化中是一个特殊的存在者。

    Clown culture in Chinese opera is a special beings .

  11. 马戏演出时,丑角扮怪相。

    At the circus , the clowns mopped and mowed .

  12. 用白色化妆品敷在面部的丑角。

    A clown whose face is covered with white make-up .

  13. 好在我既不是小丑也不是宫廷丑角。

    Good thing I 'm neither a clown nor a court jester .

  14. 化装成丑角的季姆勒和化装成太太的尼古拉首先跳起舞来。

    The clown Dimmler and the old lady Nikolay opened the dance .

  15. 在你的微笑背后,每个人都喜欢丑角。

    Hide behind your smile , all the world loves a clown .

  16. 演喜剧里的配角或丑角,以顺从的、下级的方式行事。

    Act as a stooge , in a compliant or subordinate manner .

  17. 论戏曲丑角的舞台特征和舞台功能

    On Drama Clown 's Stage Characteristic and Stage Function

  18. 男孩可能会变得好斗或者变成班上的丑角;

    Boys may turn aggressive or become class clowns .

  19. 他们是怀疑主义者、非英雄以至丑角。

    They are skeptics , non-heroic and even clown .

  20. 含有实事小品、歌舞和丑角的综艺演出。

    A variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians .

  21. 丑之微论&文学作品中丑角形象之微探

    A Brief Discussion on Ugliness & The concise analysis of harlequin s in literature

  22. 巴赫金的丑角地形学是一种独特的文学理论。

    The topography-clown of Bakhtin is one kind of special model for studying literature .

  23. 小丑,丑角小丑,尤指表演的丑角。

    A buffoon , especially a performing clown .

  24. 克朗彻先生盖了一床白衲衣图案的花哨被子,像是呆在家里的丑角。

    Mr. Cruncher reposed under a patchwork counterpane , like a Harlequin at home .

  25. 丑角地形学融合了巴赫金源于狂欢化诗学的丑角理论与源于新康德主义的文学空间理论。

    Topography-clown is composed of clown-theory and time-literature-theory .

  26. 那是小丑和宫廷丑角。

    That 's clowns and court jesters .

  27. 川剧舞台上的洋丑角

    A Foreign Clown Actor in Sichuan Opera

  28. 丑角所追求的喜剧效应包含着深刻的理性意蕴,超越了简单低俗的逗乐。

    Pursue comedy clown including profound effect rational implication , beyond the simple vulgar banter .

  29. 丑角的魅力&论白傻子的剧场性功能

    Q A on Sex The Clown 's Charm On the Fool Bai 's Dramatic Function

  30. 菲斯特是《第十二夜》中的丑角。

    Feste is the clown in Twelfth-Night .