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píng huà
  • Pinghua;popular stories;a style of storytelling popular in the Song Dynasty
平话 [píng huà]
  • [popular stories] 流传于我国古代民间的一种文学形式。对古代长篇小说的民族风格产生很大影响,采用说唱方式,宋代达到其水平之顶峰,从韵体、散体发展为单纯散体,例如《三国志评话》

平话[píng huà]
  1. 第二章,对《平话》中动量词系统进行分类描写。

    The second chapter , we describe the system of verb classifiers .

  2. 桂林市朝阳(西村)平话音系

    The Study of ChaoYang Dialect Phonetic System in Guilin

  3. 汉、壮民族接触与平话变异的双重性质

    Ethnic contact between Han and Chuang and The Dual Nature of Ping Dialect

  4. 广西横县平话动词的体

    Aspects of Verbs in Ping Yu , a Dialect of Heng County , Guangxi

  5. 广西百色市田阳县平话保留了一些古语词的读音和意义。

    Some sounds and meanings of archaistic words remain in Tianyang Pinghua in Baise of Guangxi .

  6. 桂北平话遇摄的演变有自身特有的变化,也有随其他阴声韵发生的共同演变。

    Its evolution has its own specific changes have taken place with the other Yin finals .

  7. 穿山平话有声母18个、韵母41个、单字调6个。

    In Chuanshan dialect , there are 18 initial consonant , 41 compound vowels and 6 tones .

  8. 第四部分介绍了桂南平话、白话的后置词系统。

    Chapter Three is about postposition system of Pinghua and Yue dialect in the South of Guangxi .

  9. 平话是文学史上一道独特而亮丽的风景线,在中国文学发展史中具有里程碑式的意义。

    Ping Hua is a unique and beautiful scenic in phytogeny of Chinese literature which has landmark significance .

  10. 宋元讲史平话一直被认为是讲史的话本。

    Jiangshi Pinghua in Song and Yuan Dynasty literature has always been considered as the scripts of Jiangshi .

  11. 对田阳平话中的古语词分名词、动词、形容词三类作一些简要的对照和考释。

    This paper gives a brief comparison and explanation in three groups : nouns , verbs and adjectives .

  12. 湖南绥宁县境内关峡苗族乡流行一种“平话”。

    A dialect called " Guanxia Pinghua " is spoken among Miao minority in Suining county of Hunan province .

  13. 本文介绍湖南通道平话的音系,并列出同音字汇。

    This paper studies the phonology of the Pinghua dialect of Hunan Province 's Tongdao County and lists the homophones .

  14. 壮语中古汉语借词及汉越语与平话的关系

    Middle Ancient Times Chinese Loanwords in Zhuang Language and Original Relationship between Chinese Loanwords in Vietnamese and Ping Dialect of Chinese

  15. 百色平话山歌是百色平话人民间文艺的一种重要形式。

    Baise Pinhua mountain songs are an important form of folk arts for the Baise people who speak the Pinghua dialect .

  16. 第四章主要从其历史、文化记忆和地理环境三方面解释了阳村平话人人文特征的成因,即影响阳村平话人人文特征的因素。

    The fourth chapter was explaining the cause of formation on cultural characteristics in about history , cultural memory and geographical circumstance .

  17. 扶绥城厢平话是扶绥县汉语方言的一种,属于桂西南平话的一个小分片。

    Chengxiang dialect is one of the Fusui county dialects , and belongs to Ping dialects in southwest of Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  18. 《新编五代史平话》(以下简称《平话》)一书,语料价值颇高,在近代汉语研究上有着不可忽视的地位。

    The New Edition of Tales from the Five Dynasties , with high Corpus Value , plays a key role in modern Chinese .

  19. 这部分主要是通过与桂南粤语、桂南平话的相互对比,深入分析了百色话的语音特点,并据此指出百色话的粤语系属。

    This part mainly is through with the cassiabarktree south south Cantonese , the cassiabarktree the popular ( 4 ) Baise speech pronunciation evolution .

  20. 宋元平话作为市井中盛行的一种讲史艺术,有其独特的审美文化追求。

    As an art of historical narration in vogue among the men in the street , the popular story has its unique aesthetic and cultural pursuit .

  21. 本文讨论湘南土话与粤北土话、桂北土话和平话的关系,并对湘南土话的系属问题进行初步的探讨。

    This thesis discusses the relationship of Tuhua in southern Hunan as compared to Tuhua in northern Guangdong and northern Guangxi , and also to Pinghua .

  22. 文章介绍百合平话的声韵调系统和音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。

    The paper is a recording of the phonetic system of the Ping Dialect of BaiHe in Heng County , which includes its phonetic features and homophone .

  23. 百色平话山歌内容丰富多彩,有礼俗歌、农事歌、苦歌、知识问答歌、时政歌、情歌等。百色平话山歌很讲究押韵且用韵相当固定而有规律。

    They can be divided into songs of etiquette and custom , farming , bitterness , ask-and-answer of knowledge , current politics and love , rich in regular rhymes .

  24. 对于平话人的研究最先出现在语言学界,因为平话人最重要的特征之一就是语言的独特性。

    The research on Pinghua ' Ren was first present to linguistics ' group , because one of the most important characters of Pinghua ' Ren is their special language .

  25. 汉越语与粤语和平话语音对应关系研究从社会文化视角看源于汉语粤方言的英语词

    A Study of the Corresponding Phonetic Relations among the Chinese Vietnamese , the Yue Language and Ping Dialect On the Chinese Loan Words in English from Cantonese in Terms of Social Culture

  26. 本文列举了平话和粤语常见的几个古庄母字的特殊读法,并通过汉语方言的比较以及与少数民族语言的比较,说明它产生的可能。

    The paper lists special pronunciations of the common words with MC Zhuang initials in Pinghua and Yue Group , and explains the causes with comparisons of the Chinese dialects and minority languages .

  27. 译官们的汉语教科书《朴通事》里已经有关于《西游记平话》的部分内容&《车迟国斗圣》。

    In the Chinese textbook Piao Tong Stories for translation officers , there was already part of the content from Journey to the West in Ping Hua & Fight with the Saint in Che Chi country .

  28. 插图填补了文字叙事的不足,增添了形象性和趣味性,使平话的阅读变得更轻松,因而为平话赢得了更多的读者。

    The pictures can help to narrate a story , and add interests and figures to the story , and also can make pinghua 's reading easily . So , the pictures in pinghua attract more readers .

  29. 元代崔府君故事主要保存在当时平话、史书、元曲、神话等资料之中,其内容在继承前代的基础上,又有不少创新。

    The story of Cui Fu Jun was stored mainly in novels , history books , Yuan Qu , myths , etc. in the Yuan Dynasty . Among its contents in succession on the basis of the previous generation , there were a lot of innovations .