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zōng qīn
  • clan relatives;relatives of the same clan
宗亲 [zōng qīn]
  • [relatives of the same clan] 同宗的亲属

宗亲[zōng qīn]
  1. 传统宗亲关系以长老统治、礼治、父权与夫权为中心、伦理本位等特征而著称。

    Traditional clan relatives are famous for such characteristics as elders'ruling , ruling by feudal code of ethics , centering on patriarchy and authority of the husband , ethics standard , etc.

  2. 我也曾与几位侨美宗亲谈过上网的事。

    I discussed with a few kin members about the website .

  3. 该贺奖只限于本公司注册之宗亲们申请。

    Only registered clansman are eligible to apply for the award .

  4. 如五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社。

    If five China Guangzhou Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society .

  5. 不少人因此回到祖籍老家和宗亲们重新建立起宗族关系。

    Many travel to their ancestral homelands to renew ties with their kin .

  6. 每位获奖宗亲可邀请三位客人来参加晚宴。

    Award recipients are allowed to invite three ( 3 ) guests to the Dinner .

  7. 获奖宗亲之名字将登于本公司网上。

    The names of the award recipients will be posted at the Kongsi 's website .

  8. 我觉得宗亲网对我们「侨外」十分有利。

    Personally I think it is a benefit to educate us , the overseas , about the family .

  9. 但是,因为中国的共产主义革命废除了宗亲会等传统慈善渠道,他们可以选择的慈善途径并不多。

    But they face a wasteland of charity options because China 's communist revolution dismantled traditional charity channels such as clan associations .

  10. 从《小雅》看西周末期宗亲基础瓦解之先声

    The first sign of the clansmen foundation collapsing in the late of Western Zhou from the view of The Book of Odes

  11. 据英国广播公司报道,英女王日前刊登了一则招聘广告,向全天下招募实习男管家,以照顾她以及其他皇室宗亲。

    The Queen has advertized for a trainee butler to look after her and other members of the Royal household , the BBC reported .

  12. 上帝家庭亲属关系凌驾于凡间肉身宗亲关系之上,是天京事变前太平天国宗法制度的主要特征。

    That the relatives of God Family is over the secular family is essential character of Taiping 's patriarchal clan system before Tianjing Incident in1856 .

  13. 他们当中一些人后来到该泉州村落做了一次寻根之旅,受到那里宗亲的热情款待。

    Some of them made a trip to the village to search for their roots , and received a rousing reception from their kinsmen there .

  14. 拟制血亲与宗族的血缘原则相悖,但是又以宗亲关系为模式向宗族靠拢;

    Fictitious blood relations were contradictory to the paternal clan system . Yet , paradoxically , they relied upon this system as a guarantee of their existence .

  15. 公元23年,王匡、王凤等立汉室宗亲刘玄为皇帝,国号“汉”,年号“更始”。

    In 23 , the Green Woodmen installed Liu Xuan as emperor , a member of the Han royal house , using the reign title of Gengshi .

  16. 在学佛的过程中善知识首先教我们忏悔业障与为历代宗亲做超度。

    The first few things we need to do in Buddhist practice are to confess our karma and to have the souls of our past relatives released from purgatory .

  17. 选择祖籍地的,或许是对宗亲祖辈怀有深情,也可能此地人文荟萃,名噪天下;

    One may mention the ancestral home , perhaps out of a deep sense of affection for the forefathers , or maybe it is a place that is world-famous for boasting many renowned personalities .

  18. 次年,刘备也在成都称帝,刘备因身为汉室宗亲,故国号仍为汉,史称蜀国或蜀汉。

    In thevfollowing year , Liu Bei declared himself Emperor of Han being descendant of former Han , which historically known as the Kingdom of Shu or Shu Han , and made Chengdu his capital .

  19. 本文还从皇室用语、宗教用语、社团宗亲用语、礼俗词语四个大的词汇群出发介绍了泰国华语词汇与泰国社会之间的密切联系。

    In addition , the close connection between Thai " huayu " vocabulary and Thai society is discussed in the following four scenarios when the language is used : royal court , religion , community , and traditions .

  20. 合艾居民中泰籍华人占多数,主要是客家人、潮州人。华人经济实力雄厚,华人社团组织有二十一个,同乡会及各姓氏宗亲会六十多个。

    The population of Hat Yai has so many Chinese Thai , mainly from Hakka and ChaoZhou , Chinese in Hat Yai own powerful economic strength , there are twenty one Chinese communities , more than sixty associations of fellow town and the surname clan .