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guì rén
  • A noble person;blue blood;posho;a high-ranking government official;honourable men;a court lady second to the queen in rank
贵人 [guì rén]
  • (1) [honourable men]∶杰出人物的一员

  • 君子子者,贵人之子也。--《仪礼.丧服》

  • (2) [blue blood;high-ranking government official]∶地位高的人

  • 夫怒,因嬉笑曰:将军贵人也,毕之!--《汉书.灌夫传》

  • (3) [a court lady second to the queen in rank]∶古代皇帝妃子的称号。位次皇后,汉光武帝始置,历代多沿用,但位尊卑不一

贵人[guì rén]
  1. 被我视为贵人的女子叫西比尔。她待我好极了。

    The woman I regarded as my fairy godmother was Sybil . She was wonderful to me .

  2. 子罕拒绝接受这块石头,农夫解释说:“表面上它是块石头,但里面含有宝玉,是个宝物,适合您这样的贵人使用,我们普通百姓用它就不合适了。”

    But Zi Han refused to accept it . The farmer explained , " It looks like just a stone , but there is jade inside . It actually is a piece of treasure and suitable for honorable men like you , not for us common people . "

  3. 冯•弗斯滕伯格历经千辛万苦才学会在时尚行业立足,她曾奔波于不同的百货商场推销自己的货品,直到遇到人生中的贵人——美国《时尚》杂志(Vogue)主编黛安娜•弗里兰(DianaVreeland)。

    Von Furstenberg learns her trade the hard way , hustling department stores until a sprinkling of magic dust appears in the form of Diana Vreeland , editor of American Vogue .

  4. 贵人香嫁接于520A后,新梢生长量、自由水/束缚水的值和穗重均下降,而叶绿素含量、果实糖含量和有机酸含量均显著高于自根苗。

    But for Italy Riesling the chlorophyll content , sugar content of fruit and content of soluble solid increased , while cluster weight , shoot length and ratio of free water to bound water decreased .

  5. 吉星有,代表有男性贵人相助。

    The lucky star is sun , a male eminence will appear .

  6. 每个人的生命中都有一些贵人相助。

    Some people come into your life for a reason .

  7. 我把关心我的人都看作贵人!

    All the people caring about me are my helpers sent by god .

  8. 我只知道那时我有贵人相助。

    All I do know is I had help .

  9. 丽萃,你猜得出这位贵人是谁吗?

    Can you possibly guess , Lizzy , who is meant by this ?

  10. 3种酵母对贵人香干白葡萄酒香气的影响

    Effects of three kinds of yeasts on aroma of Italian Riesling dry white wines

  11. 但是就是遇不到贵人。

    But have yet to meet a benefactor .

  12. 你的贵人就是你身边的朋友唷!

    Your friends are your great helpers !

  13. 如果你觉得对方在这一年里真是你的贵人,那么就送张精美的卡片。

    Write a nice card if you feel like that person really made your year .

  14. 你是救赎我的贵人。

    You the Ashford to my simpson .

  15. 威灵顿回到滑铁卢村里写军书,向贵人巴塞司特报捷。

    Wellington went to the village of Waterloo to draw up his report to Lord Bathurst .

  16. 深圳是我的福地,在那里总能得到贵人的帮助。

    Shenzhen is a lucky place for me , I always get help from others there .

  17. 1948年出生者:工作上有贵人相助。财运畅旺。

    Born in1948 : you 'll get unexpected help at work and have good financial fortunes .

  18. 为什么我要屈服去爱并娶了一个贵人的私生女儿?

    Why did I yield to love and marry the natural daughter of a great nobleman ?

  19. *见闻广博,交友满天下,贵人也多,放心会有人主动帮助你的。

    It good to know so many friends , relax and someone will come and help you .

  20. 那位贵人不肯,还说不必,只要有她老表唐希尔保荐就够了。

    This our Peeress declined as unnecessary , alleging that her cousin Thornhill 's recommendation would be sufficient .

  21. 丽萃,你想得到这位贵人是谁吗?下面就要提到了。

    Have you any idea , lizzy , who this gentleman is ? But now it comes out .

  22. 带有凤凰形象的首饰,则显示佩戴者是品格高尚的贵人。

    Jewelry decorated with the phoenix emblem mark the wearer as a person of importance and high moral values .

  23. 你想做一个贵人吗,喜不喜欢发财和自由自在?

    Do you wish for a name ? should you like to be rich , and your own master ? '

  24. 你永远不知道自己会在哪里遇到谁,谁会成为你未来职业发展道路上的贵人。

    You never know who you 'll meet there , and who might be helpful to you down the road .

  25. 早些年,我认识了个贵人,他让我意识到我的所思所言都是有价值的。

    Early on , I met a very special guy who taught me that what I thought and said had value .

  26. 今年属猴的朋友大多走“贵人运”,能够得到贵人的帮助,有可以发展的商机。

    The Monkeys are lucky in the Rat year since they are protected by friends and can obtain business tips for success .

  27. 《贵人》的文本是关于生存的叙述,通过讲述一个叫素的女孩的生存故事,揭示了当代“都市边缘人”的生存危机。

    According to the living story of a girl named Su , it exposes the living crisis of the modern man on city verge .

  28. 那宅子是贵人索墨雷·雨果,供奉维莱修道院第六祭坛的那位雨果起造的。

    This manor was built by Hugo , Sire of Somerel , the same who endowed the sixth chaplaincy of the Abbey of Villiers .

  29. 能源贵人和发生中的套头交易基金经理-说如果俄国投资油货币,他在正确的现货中。

    Andrei Vavilov - energy magnate and nascent hedge fund manager - says he 's in the right spot if Russia invests oil money .

  30. 他太太又说,那位贵人一回到尼日斐花园,邻居们都少不了要去拜候他。

    His wife represented to him how absolutely necessary such an attention would be from all the neighbouring gentlemen , on his returning to Netherfield .