
  • 网络Aristocratic home;Home of the Gentry
  1. 到1840年,托洛尼亚家族的地位已经很高,亚历山德罗·托洛尼亚(AlessandroTorlonia)得以迎娶罗马贵族之家的特雷莎·科隆纳(TeresaColonna)。

    By 1840 , the Torlonia family was established enough for Alessandro Torlonia to marry Teresa Colonna of the aristocratic Roman family .

  2. 《贵族之家》三个译本的比喻翻译

    Comment on the Metaphor Translation of the Versions of The Noble Family

  3. 髹金漆柜是欧洲王宫贵族之家不可或缺的装饰要角之一。

    The lacquer commode was an ornamental requisite that any European royal household just could not do without .

  4. 南唐词学活动主要集中于宫廷贵族之家,作家主要是南唐君臣。

    The activity of creating Ci-poetry was mostly taken in the court and noble families , where the King and his officials indulged in it .

  5. 培根出身于英国新贵族官宦之家,早年受到的良好教育培养了他对科学知识的兴趣和信念,养成了他独立分析事物,探讨新事物的习惯。

    Bacon was born in a British official family of new nobility . He got a good education in his early years . He cultivated the interest in scientific knowledge and developed a good habit of analyzing things independently and exploring new things .