
  1. 但尽管价格高企,财经杂志仍发现投资者对贵金属的投资前景与需求仍然看涨。

    Money Magazine finds that despite the high prices , investors are still bullish about further increases for the precious metal .

  2. 新奥尔良的一家专门投资实物黄金或其他贵金属的投资公司的经济研究副总表示同意。

    David Beahm , vice president of economic research with Blanchard & Company Inc , a New Orelans-based investing firm that specializes in tangible assets like gold and other precious metals , agreed .

  3. 如果您确定了贵金属,外汇投资是适合您的投资方式,那么您必须遵守以下承诺。

    If you have determined that investing in foreign currencies is suitable for you , then please execute the acknowledgement below .