
  • 网络Aristocratic temperament;lordly;Nobleman qualities
  1. 黄石国家公园里的公糜鹿,顶着它成熟的标志&富有贵族气质的12叉鹿角;

    Badge of maturity , 12-tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in Yellowstone ;

  2. 屈原作品的贵族气质和民间气息

    The Noble Temperament and Folk Spirit in Qu Yuan 's Works

  3. 其次,贵族气质与平民气质交融。

    Secondly , it is a blend of noble and plain temperament .

  4. 让您的孩子成为一个品质高尚的、有修养的、有贵族气质的人。

    Enables your child to nurture into a noble , self-cultivated person .

  5. 优雅、浪漫的贵族气质令法国葡萄酒名满天下

    Riches and Romance from France 's Wine Harvest

  6. 皇室成员的贵族气质

    in the presence of royalty .

  7. 她的诗歌优雅正如她的贵族气质,成为生命的隐喻。

    Her poems are graceful just like her noble temperament , which becomes the metaphor of life .

  8. 当把我介绍给她时,我发现如果她没有患严重的疾病,她仍然是一个具有贵族气质的漂亮女人。

    When introduced to her , I saw that despite her severe illness , she was still a beautiful woman with a noble bearing .

  9. 这些人物形象基本都有共同的气质特征:追求内在精神的贵族气质;超凡脱俗的艺术气质;满足于同性之爱的同性恋气质。

    These images basically have the same temperament : pursuit the inner noble spirit ; artistic tendencies of the spiritual ; homosexual qualities of love .

  10. 这种贵族气质与宫廷文化融合在一起,彰显着极其强烈的皇权独尊、帝王神圣的观念和意识。

    The merge of aristocratic temperance with palace culture clearly displays strong conceptions and senses such as the supremacy of royal power and the sacredness of emperors .

  11. 在欣赏欧洲的悠久历史、灿烂文化及贵族气质的同时,也对它的世故、虚伪、保守、腐化进行了无情的揭露。

    When we enjoy the long history , brilliant culture and noble disposition of Europe , simultaneously , its sophistication , insincerity , perseverance and corruption are also distinctly disclosed .

  12. 那名男子穿着绒毛领口的厚重斗篷,用一只银色仿声鸟系住,他有着自然典雅的贵族气质,但她却不认得他。

    The man wore a heavy cloak with a fur collar , fastened with a silver mockingbird , and he had the effortless manner of a high lord , but she did not know him .

  13. 与生俱来的叛逆精神与贵族气质使他有意将象征主义诗歌、印象派绘画和东方音乐融合加之自己的探索开拓终究形成了他自己独特的音乐语言和艺术魅力。

    Inherent rebellious spirit and nobility ~ he intends to tokenism poetry , music Impressionist paintings and integration with the East eventually formed their own exploration in his own unique musical language and the arts charm .

  14. 纪录片作为电视领域最具贵族气质的影像类型,它与美学的联姻源于它以真实打动人心,以深度征服观众的艺术本性。

    As " the aristocrat " mettle phantom type with the noblest temperament , the documentary film marries with esthetics by the artistic natural disposition of " by the truth to move the will of the people by the truth , conquers the audience by the depth " .

  15. 泰勒称赞林肯具有贵族的气质,又说自己很赞同林肯的斯巴达文化美德观点。

    Taylor decried Lincoln 's " aristocratic " proclivities and extolled his own Spartan virtue .

  16. 伴随着令人扣人心弦的音乐,该公司介绍道,这款啤酒“有香浓麦味,贵族的气质”。

    Against a striking soundtrack , the company described how the beer had the " rich aroma of wheat malt flavor and aristocratic bearing . "

  17. 安欣科技照明以拯救魅力的豪华装饰、彰显出贵族的气质。表现照明之风格,亦体现企业齐心协力之锐意进取,更象征科技照明丰富的文化低蕴与对生活激情之领悟。

    Performance of the lighting style , also reflects the company 's forge ahead together , also a symbol of the rich cultural lighting technology low-Yun and passion for life to comprehend .

  18. 没落贵族家世与大上海洋场社会的生活背景造就了张爱玲的贵族气质和平民气质。

    The declining aristocrat clan and luxurious social background in Shanghai brought up both Zhang Ailings aristocrat temperament and civilian temperament .