
  1. 大家看,这是世界上最贵的一种床。

    Well , this is the most expensive bed .

  2. 百姓看病难、看病贵是一种极不正常的现象。

    It is a very irregular phenomenon that people is in a difficult and expensive situation when they receive medical service .

  3. 旅馆或汽车游客旅馆的地点虽然离校园近,比较方便,但是是临时住宿中最贵的一种,可能高达每人每天三十五到四十五美元。

    Hotels and motels , though often conveniently located in relation to the college or university campus , offer the most expensive temporary accommodations with rates as high as $ 35 to $ 45 per person , per day .

  4. 在市场中华贵是另一种指示物。

    In markets where luxury has other referents .

  5. 但午间课堂还是吸引人们上更贵课程的一种方式。

    But the lunchtime classes are also a way of luring people in to do more expensive courses .

  6. 就好像是报刊亭销售每种杂志的两个版本一种很贵,另一种质量略差但免费。

    It is as though a news-stand carried two versions of every magazine-one costly , the other inferior but free .

  7. 目的:探讨临床烤瓷加工工艺对4种烤瓷合金(3种非贵金属,1种高贵金属合金)表面微观组织以及耐腐蚀性的影响。

    Objective To determine the effect of porcelain firing cycle on microstructure of 4 metal ceramic alloys , and to analyze the changes of their corrosion resistance in the artificial saliva .

  8. 金宝山铂钯矿属于中国最大的独立铂族金属矿床,铂钯矿石的成分十分复杂,已发现73种矿物,其中有贵金属矿物25种、铂族矿物21种。

    The mineral composition of the ore is very complex . Up to now , 73 kinds of minerals have been found . 25 of them belong to precious metal minerals and 21 are platinum group metal minerals .

  9. 在催化湿式氧化中应用的催化剂有贵金属催化剂和非贵金属催化剂两种。

    Two kinds of catalysts , noble metal catalysts and non-noble metal catalysts , can be used in CWAO process .