
xiǎo shānɡ fàn
  • vendor;peddler;grocery dealer
小商贩 [xiǎo shāng fàn]
  • [peddle;small pedlar] 带着商品各处销售;从事小商品贩卖职业

  • 在边远地方做小商贩有几个星期了

  1. 小商贩披上斗篷在风雨中继续走着。

    The peddler cloaked himself and went on in the storm .

  2. 斯蒂芬说他是个小商贩,正急于回去和家人团聚,巡逻队长相信了他的话。

    The leader of the patrol was satisfied with Stephen 's story of being a peddler hurrying home to his family .

  3. 方法对南宁市的建筑工人、宾馆和酒楼服务员、理发美容人员、小商贩、学生等进行AIDS知识与态度问卷调查。

    Method Using self-designed questionnaires to investigate knowledge and attitude for AIDS among construction workers , hotel and restaurant attendants , workers employed in haircut and cosmetic services , businessmen , vendors and students .

  4. 不远处,小商贩在兜售蔬果和手工艺品。

    Nearby , vendors sold vegetables , fruit and crafts .

  5. 淘宝网聚集了600万小商贩,组成了一个杂乱的虚拟空间。

    With 6m vendors Taobao is a cluttered-up cyberspace .

  6. 精明的小商贩以其烂熟的英语和不得多见的商品来吸引游客。

    The shrewd vendors charm tourists with their good English and unusual goods .

  7. 或者是有谁跟随军小商贩的老婆私奔了?

    Somebody run off with the sutler 's wife ?

  8. 书贩贩卖宗教书籍的小贩忍不住会怀疑这些小商贩到底睡觉没有。

    I wonder if the vendors ever sleep .

  9. 这个小商贩连一个招呼都不打。

    The vendor didn 't even acknowledging .

  10. 而情况相对于那些技术水平较低的农村居民和小商贩更加的糟糕。

    Things are even worse for those less skilled , rural residents and small manufacturers .

  11. 一些小商贩太宰人了。

    Some peddlers overcharge too much .

  12. 她赶走了那些把货物存放在学校操场里的当地小商贩。

    She chased away local petty traders who had stored their goods overnight in the schoolyard .

  13. 由于正逢周末,那些卖小吃及农副产品的小商贩、店铺,还有餐馆的生意都很红火。

    Snack and produce vendors , small shops and restaurants were doing a brisk weekend trade .

  14. 2006年,自称是小商贩的加里·沃伊涅尔查克决定,是时候尝试新东西了。

    In 2006 , self-proclaimed hustler Gary Vaynerchuk decided it was time to try something new .

  15. 起初,主角在一家奇特的铺子工作当小商贩,而且远离坟墓。

    Originally , the main character worked at an antique shop and sold things that were misappropriated from tombs .

  16. 有时,你需要教育他们,在那些认为你只不过是个小商贩的顾客面前建立自己的权威。

    Sometimes you need to teach , to establish your authority with customers who take you for a mere peddler .

  17. 读者可以信手拈来,随意举出一些反例-比如,莎士比亚的父亲不过是个乡下交易兽皮和谷物的小商贩;

    The reader should feel free to cite counterexamples-Shakespeare , the son of a provincial trader in hides and grain ·

  18. 一些人愿意与当地的小商贩打交道,比如:亚洲菜贩,希腊面包师和希腊鱼贩。

    Some people go back to local small businesses : the Asian greengrocer , a Greek baker and a Greek fishmonger .

  19. 要解决城管与小商贩的矛盾,就必须要明确一个基本问题&如何定位城市的属性,即城市的归属。

    In or-der to solve the conflict between urban management personnel and peddlers , we must define urban attributes , i.e.urban ownership .

  20. 现在世界应当抛弃那种陈词滥调,不要再将非洲的印度人描绘成试图迅速挣钱的小商贩了。

    It was time for the world to jettison the stereotype of Indians in Africa as shopkeepers out to make a quick profit .

  21. 这家铺子专卖什锦蒸食和肉包,主顾大都是往来运河码头的船工、纤夫、小商贩。

    The monopoly shop and eat steamed assorted Roubao , customers are between the terminal canal boatman , boat tracker , and small traders .

  22. 在一敞篷船中漂泊,任由暴风雨摆布小商贩披上斗篷在风雨中继续走着。

    Drifting in an open Boat , at the mercy of the elements . The peddler cloaked himself and went on in the storm .

  23. 口袋里有许多好玩意儿。他是个小商贩,翻山越岭,跑遍了所有村庄。

    In his bag were a lot of beautiful things.He was a pedlar and he walked across the hills and visited all the villages .

  24. 小商贩群体作为进城务工农民的一部分,一直以来很少被作为一个单独的群体进行社会学研究。

    Small vendors as parts of migrant-workers from rural area who search work opportunities in cities rarely have been treated as a separate sociological research group .

  25. 小商贩方便了当地居民以便宜的价格购买到生活用品,但他们也通常被政府官员视为眼中钉。

    Peddlers are a source of inexpensive and convenient goods for local residents , but the merchants are often seen as an eyesore by government officials .

  26. 少数全国连锁食品杂货店对当地小商贩的排挤,已经造成一种少数买家垄断,农产品都卖不了好价钱。

    The elimination of small local vendors by a handful of national chain groceries has created an oligopsony where farmers cannot receive fair prices for their yields .

  27. 联合政府的盟友警告,这一多年来最大的经济改革举措可能会对农民和小商贩造成伤害,并将损失数百万个就业岗位。

    The coalition allies warned that one of the largest economic reforms for years would hurt farmers and small traders , and lead to millions of job losses .

  28. 一名布朗克斯区的小商贩来到合众国银行的一家支行,要求银行职员把他的股票抛售掉

    A small merchant in the Bronx went to a branch of the Bank of United States and asked bank officials to dispose of his stock in the institution .

  29. 预计最新决定将有助于抑制高企的通胀,但可能招致国内数百万小商贩的强烈反对,后者把外国大型连锁超市视为威胁。

    It is expected to help tame high inflation but is likely to be vehemently opposed by millions of small retailers , who see large foreign chains as a threat .

  30. 南昌,街头小商贩在骑车送货,将轮胎运到游泳场当救生圈。

    A peddler rides to deliver the tires to the swimming pool in Nanchang , a city located in south China , where the tires are used as life rings .