
xiǎo tuī chē
  • cart;Trolley;Dolly
  1. 他推着小推车走过走廊,之后进了员工专用电梯不见了。

    He wheeled the trolley down the corridor and disappeared with it into the service lift .

  2. 镀锌灯杠安装在可移动的小推车上,轻易可照到目标位置。

    Galvanized tower build on movable trolley for easy aiming from the ground .

  3. 在通道里,他让她自己小心地绕过小推车和其他障碍物。

    In the corridors he let her navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles

  4. 被禁物品包括炒锅,甚至还有购物用的小推车。

    The list includes cooking woks and even shopping trolleys .

  5. 我们绘制了一幅婴儿小推车的详细设计图。

    We drew an elaborate plan of the go-cart .

  6. 他们将会在一个由小推车供给的食物和完全人造的环境中一起长大。

    They were about to grow up together on catering-trolley food in an utterly artificial environment .

  7. 他什么都没撇下,只有一架小推车留给我了。

    He hadn 't anything to leave but a wheelbarrow , and he left that to me .

  8. 维能将哈利的皮箱放在一个小推车上并帮他送进车站。

    Uncle Vernon dumped Harry 's trunk onto a cart and wheeled it into the station for him .

  9. 一直到了这个男人退休的那一天,他仍然和往常一下来到警卫处,只是这次没有推小推车。

    On the day of his retirement the man came to the guard as usual but without the wheelbarrow .

  10. 两名学生用小推车把生日蛋糕推到了聚会现场,停在了吴迅的面前。

    Two students rolled the cake into the party on a trolley , stopping right in front of Wu .

  11. 处处可见婴儿小推车,不仅是普通的小推车,还有那种可放两个婴儿的小推车。

    It is full of strollers , not only regular strollers but the kind that carry two children & double-wides .

  12. 钢制托盘、仓储笼、物料箱、登高车、小推车、钢制堆垛架等。

    Steel bracket tray , storing cage , material box , climb frame , small handcart , steel buttress piling etc.

  13. 我要把它们拿到市场上去卖,卖给市长的女儿,有了钱就去赎回我的小推车。

    I am going to bring them into the market and sell them to the Burgomaster 's daughter , and buy back my wheelbarrow with the money .

  14. 连问也没问,他就把洗车液,汽车蜡,两块擦车布,还有车用香水,扔到了我的小推车里。

    Without asking , he dropped car soap , car wax , Windex , two chamois , car oil , and car perfume into my shopping cart .

  15. 清晨,在这里你会发现侍应生仍然像过去一样用手将点心托盘举在脖子边上,而不是使用现在的点心小推车。

    Here , in the mornings , you can still find waiters carrying snacks on trays slung around their necks , a style of service that predates the trolley .

  16. 他们宰了一只公山羊,把约瑟的那件彩衣染了血,牛犊屠宰加工小推车

    " Then they took Joseph 's coat , and put on it some of the blood from a young goat which they had put to death ," calf dressing trolley

  17. 一些掠夺者或用背扛、或用小推车运着成包的白糖,其中很多很快就被卖到了黑市上。

    Some looters carried bags of sugar on their backs or in carts and wheelbarrows , and some of it was quickly sold on the illegal market , according to reports .

  18. 对待每个人都如此:邮局里感到无聊的员工,在排队等候付账的队伍里着急的母亲,又或者是一个坐在小推车里小孩。

    Try it on everyone and anyone : the bored workers at the post office , a harried mother in front of you at the checkout aisle , or even the toddler sitting in her cart .

  19. 有个男人在工厂工作了20年,每个晚上当他离开工厂的时候,他都会推着一辆满是稻草的小推车来到大门口的警卫处。

    There was a man who had worked at a factory for twenty years . Every night when he left the plant , he would push a wheelbarrow full of straw to the guard at the gate .

  20. 她因简洁凝练的语言和散文式的行文风格而受到了国内外读者和批评家的关注和好评,其小说也被收录到小推车文学奖中,并获得过福克纳小说奖的提名。

    Because of her terse and condensed language and prose-styled text , she gets attention and good reputation from the readers and critics at home and abroad . Her novels are collected into Pushcart Prize Anthology as well as the nomination of Faulkner Novel Prize .

  21. 例句今日小常识“推车前行”的世界纪录保持者是纽约的阿什利塔•福曼。他所创下的记录是仅用了六个多小时就将一辆汽车推了十七英里远(27.3公里)。

    The world record for pushing a car was set by Ashrita Furman in New York , who pushed the vehicle for 17 miles in just over six hours .