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xiǎo niánɡ
  • father's concubine;prostitute
小娘 [xiǎo niáng]
  • (1) [concubine of ones father]∶旧时对父亲的妾的称呼

  • (2) [prostitute]∶旧指妓女(多见于早期白话)

  • 但凡做小娘的,有一分所长,没人衬贴,就当十分。--《醒世恒言》

  1. 你们两个小娘以为这是在和谁说话?

    Who you two little spice girls think y ` all talkin ` to ?

  2. 小心了小娘炮要过来了

    Watch out , nanny boy 's coming .

  3. 尼克:对付你这种小娘炮,我不需要耍任何花招,赤手空拳足够了。

    Nick : I don 't need no tricks to deal with a pee-wee shrimp fag like you.All I need is my hands .

  4. 我小时候我娘告诉我&把你的食物都吃干净,中国还有一堆饥民呢。

    When I was young my mother would tell me – Eat all your food , there are starving people in China .

  5. 年纪那么小就没了娘。

    So young to be without his mother .

  6. 我爸爸总觉得我小时候就很娘

    My dad has this perception that I was very flamboyant as a kid ,