
  • 网络Cultural Genetics;cultural heredity
  1. 文化遗传算法的研究及其在函数优化中的应用

    Research on cultural genetic algorithm and its application in function optimization

  2. 基于文化遗传算法的资源受限项目调度

    Scheduling Problems of Resource-constrain Project Based on a Culture Genetic Algorithm

  3. 人类通过文化遗传的方式完成对个体的类化即人化。

    Individual humanization completed by the inheritance of human culture .

  4. 人类生命的延续沿着生物遗传和文化遗传两条途径进行。

    Human life endures by following the tracks of biological and cultural inheritance .

  5. 文化遗传算法用于装载机工作装置优化计算研究

    Study on Optimization Calculation of Working Device of Loader Based on Cultural Genetic Algorithm

  6. 作为一种文化遗传的美国清教徒教规对美国的道德价值观有很大的影响。

    The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values .

  7. 温州模式的文化遗传因子包括:历史上的宗族制度;地理上海洋文化与乡村文化的融合;学术上“永嘉学派”与刘基思想构筑的儒家文化影响。

    Wenzhou model is influenced by many cultural factors including the historical family system , the integration of marine and rural culture and the confucianism of Yongjia School and Liuji .

  8. 本文将从捉迷藏这个游戏所隐藏着的文化遗传密码入手,探究中国作家原乡情结的文化归趋。

    This article started with the cultural genetic code concealed in the game of blindman 's buff , and explored the cultural reasons for some Chinese author 's love knot of tracing to the source of ideal hometown .

  9. 传统&民族文化的遗传基因

    Tradition ── Hereditary gene of national culture

  10. 母题,是构成神话的基本情节元素,它作为文化的遗传基因,被反复地复制、组合到不同的文学作品中。

    Motif as a basic component of a myth is often passed on in a culture and incorporated into different literary works .

  11. 失去了民族传统,就失去了民族文化的遗传密码,因此,实现中华民族文化的复兴必须承续中国传统文化、发展中华文化。

    To lose the tradition means to lose the genetic code of national culture . Therefore , the revival of Chinese culture must inherit and develop the Chinese culture .

  12. 二是家庭原因,不恰当的教育和教养方法以及贫困文化的社会遗传等因素都可能造成儿童未来适应不良;

    The second is due to the family 's reason . The inappropriate education and breeding method and poor culture may all result in children 's future maladjustment .

  13. 在这种条件下,企业文化作为企业遗传惯例和默示知识的载体,可以在企业内形成一定的思维框架和评价参照系,成为一种企业集体行动的哈耶克自发秩序,保证企业经营的连续性。

    Enterprise 's culture , as the carrier of convention and tacit knowledge , has character of path dependence and can shape automatic system in corporation collectivity actions and keep the continuity of enterprise management .

  14. 在某种社会经济、技术背景下能利用于家畜育种事业,以进一步满足社会物质、文化需求的遗传性变异以及携带这类变异的家畜和家畜种群,就是家畜遗传资源。

    Under certain economic and technological conditions , the genetic variations , which could be used in livestock breeding to further satisfy social material and cultural needs , livestock and livestock populations with the variations are animal genetic resources .

  15. 传统知识、传统文化表现形式和遗传资源是一项重要主题,确保对它们进行保护的最佳方法是让一部国际条约生效。

    Traditional knowledge , traditional cultural expressions and genetic resources were an important topic and the best means of guaranteeing their protection was to bring an international treaty into force .

  16. 文化算法起源于遗传算法,是在遗传算法之上增加了一个信念空间,用于存放指导种群个体进化的知识。

    But the genetic algorithm population is only one storage space for the individual , while cultural algorithm adds a storage space named belief space on top of the genetic algorithm , this belief space stores the spatial knowledge of individuals which guides the evolution of individuals .

  17. 中国传统文化作为一种文化遗传因素,深深融入到中国现代生活的各个领域,发挥着积极或消极的双重作用。

    Chinese traditional culture exists in every fields of our modern life . As a hereditary factor of culture , it has dual effect : active or passive effect . Doing research on its active effect is of great importance .

  18. 首先,结合文化算法的双层结构和多智能体进化算法的演化优势以及遗传算法的灵活编码方式,提出一种求解资源受限项目调度问题的混合遗传算法&多智能体文化遗传算法。

    Combined the dual-evolution structure of Cultural Algorithm ( CA ) with the evolution advantage of multi-agent evolutionary algorithm and flexible encoding genetic algorithm , multi-agent cultural genetic algorithm ( MACGA ) is proposed to solve resource-constrained project scheduling problem .

  19. 民族所处的特定的历史环境对民族及其文化的发展具有导向和过滤作用,是民族特别是其文化发展的遗传基因。

    The nation 's specific historical and cultural environment on the development of national guidance and filtering with the role of national cultural development , in particular its genes .

  20. 真正找到人类共有的和某一人群特有的人格特质结构的唯一途径,只能是各种文化背景下的人格心理学家超越各自理论、彼此平等接纳、从文化的、乃至遗传的角度共同探索。

    The only way to find a personality structure of culture-general or culture-specific is to let personality psychologists of many cultural backgrounds work together equally .