
  1. 发展社会生产力与人的文明素质的提高

    Development of social productive forces and person 's civilized quality enhancement

  2. 基于和谐旅游发展的公民旅游文明素质审视

    Analysis of citizen 's tourism culture in Harmonious Tourism Development

  3. 大学生文明素质现状与评价体系构建

    The Status of University Students ' Civilization Quality and the Construction of Evaluation System

  4. 高校图书馆环境对读者文明素质的影响

    The Influence of the Environment in University Library to the Civilization Quality of the Readers

  5. 让阅览室成为培养大学生文明素质的重要场所

    Let the Reading Room Become an Important Place for Cultivating College Students ' Civilized Characters

  6. 加强文化建设,明显提高全民族文明素质。

    Promote cultural development and notably enhance the culture and ethical quality of the whole nation .

  7. 其价值导向机制是塑造文明素质的定位器;

    Its mechanism of the guide for value is the positioner of moulding the quality of civilization .

  8. 其教育训练机制是塑造文明素质的重要举措。

    Its mechanism of the instructional training is the important measure of moulding the quality of civilization .

  9. 加强研究学习是当代大学生提高生活质量与文明素质的需要。

    The strengthens the study is the need of contemporary university student enhancing quality of life and civilized quality .

  10. 理顺文化管理体制,提升市民文化文明素质;

    To put the system of culture management in order and enhance the culture and civilization qualities of the citizens ;

  11. 通知指出,提高全民族的阅读水平和文明素质,是一项长期的任务。

    The announcement points out , improve entire nation read level and civilized quality , it is a long-term mission .

  12. 论发展社会生产力同提高全民族文明素质的辩证互动

    On the Dialectic Mutual Action between Developing Social Productive Force and Improving the Educational and Ethical Standards of the Whole Nation

  13. 三是通过积极开展农村思想道德教育,提高农民的现代文明素质。

    In addition , it can improve the civilization quality of modern farmers through carry on the thought and morality education .

  14. 村民自治,一方面需要良好的制度环境,另一方面还需要村民本身的文明素质。

    The Villager 's autonomy , on one hand needs good system environment , villagers own civilization qualities on the other hand .

  15. 目标体系主要包括:思想素质、业务素质、能力素质、文化素质、文明素质、身体及心理素质。

    The goal system primarily includes ideology quality , operation quality , ability quality , culture quality , and physical and mental quality .

  16. 没有先进文化的发展,没有全民族文明素质的提高,就不可能真正实现现代化。

    If we do not develop an advanced culture and improve the whole nation 's cultural and ethical levels , we cannot truly modernize .

  17. 运用无意识教育培养大学生的文明素质论高校思想政治教育中的无意识教育

    Cultivate the Civil Quality of the Contemporary College Students by Means of Unconscious Education The Unconscious Education in Ideological and Political Education in University

  18. 建设国际旅游岛政策的提出,为海南公民文明素质的提升带来了机遇和挑战。

    Construction of international tourism island policy put forward , the quality of the civilization for hainan citizens ascension brings about the opportunities and challenges .

  19. 提升海南公民文明素质是一项系统工程,需要包括政府、社会和个人在内的方方面面共同努力。

    Ascension hainan citizens civilization quality is a systems engineering , need to include government , society and individuals in all aspects of the work together .

  20. 创建活动改善了环境卫生,增强了卫生意识,提高了群众的健康水平和文明素质,推动了精神文明建设。

    The campaign improves environment health , builds up health consciousness , enhances the mass 's health level and civilization , promotes the construction of spirit civilization .

  21. 赵光贤教授认为,学习中国古代历史文化对提高全民族的精神文明素质、加强爱国主义教育具有十分重要的意义;

    He insists that it extremely important to study ancient Chinese history and culture in enhancing of this nation 's quality of spiritual civilization and patriotic indoctrination .

  22. 做一个对社会有贡献的人需要有很多的素质,文明素质就是基础。

    As we all know it takes many qualities to be such a person , however , in my opinion to be civilized is the main thing .

  23. 当前,在我国和谐旅游的实践中,出现了很多陋习,表明我国公民文明素质的缺失,引起了海内外舆论的关注和批评。

    However , at present there are many bad habits among tourism activities , that indicates our citizens are lack of culture qualities which has aroused attention and criticism .

  24. 科普文化制度是科学技术转化为现实生产力、高民族精神文明素质的大众文化制度。

    Popular scientific cultural system is a popular cultural system which convert scientific technology into real productive forces and promote the quality of national spiritual civilization . On Scientific Administrative Decision-Making ;

  25. 社会主义和谐社会应是诚信友爱,充满活力的社会,对思想道德建设、公民的现代文明素质提出了更新更高的要求。

    The socialist harmonious society should be sincere , friendly and full of vigor , and put forward the newer and higher requirement for morality construction and citizen 's modern civilization quality .

  26. 社会主义核心价值体系深入人心,公民文明素质和社会文明程度明显提高。

    Core socialist values should take root among the people , and both the level of civility of citizens and the moral and ethical standards of the whole society should be significantly raised .

  27. 非物质文化表现为城市环境法规、城市居民的传统观念、城市居民的审美心理、城市的精神和城市居民文明素质等。

    Nonmaterial culture consists of laws about city circumstance , the traditional conception and the psychology on taste of art of townsman , the spirit of a city , the civilization makings of townsman and so on .

  28. 旅游业具有综合性强,市场发展潜力大,关联性强,增长见效快,能为人民创造新的生活方式和提升社会文明素质等功能。

    Tourism has many functions , such as comprehensiveness , great potential for marketing development , strong relevance , quick growth , and the function to create new ways of life and enhance the quality of social civilization .

  29. 本文通过具体调查统计,从语言适应理论的高度分析其语用特点和策略取向,从一个侧面折射出当代高校大学生的文明素质、道德修养和精神面貌。

    Through the investigation , this study starts from the theory of linguistic adaptability and analyzes its linguistic characteristics and the strategies taken , which mirrors the cultural , moral and spiritual states of students in modern colleges .

  30. 在今天的大学校园,大学生逃课现象屡禁不止,他们对学习的认识、态度及学习现状着实令人焦虑,部分人的文明素质已呈现出一种下滑的趋势。

    Campus in today , college students play truant phenomenon remain incessant after repeated prohibition , their understanding , attitude to study study current situation really make people anxious , some people 's civilization quality has already demonstrated a kind of bend glided .