
wén zhōu zhōu
  • genteel;bookish
文绉绉 [wén zhōu zhōu]
  • [genteel] 形容人言谈、举止文雅

  1. 你别那么文绉绉地讲话,吉米先生。

    Don 't you speak like a book , Mr. Jimmy .

  2. 候选人重新开始竞选活动。他们收起了文绉绉的措辞。

    The rhetoric of the candidates , of course , changed .

  3. 伯莎故事讲得带点儿文绉绉的学究气。

    Bertha purposely spoke in a somewhat formal and elaborate manner .

  4. 他对文绉绉的字眼考虑得太多了。

    He studies too much for words of four syllables .

  5. 司各特,莫尔和许许多多其他人都对他文绉绉的谈吐举止颇有好评。

    Scott , Moore , and a score of others testified to his personal charm .

  6. 您瞧韩佳,一看到美景,说话就文绉绉的了。

    Han Jia , whenever you see a beautiful place , you would always sound pedantic .

  7. 美国人通常很尊重医生,但共和党人认为迪恩太爱批评,而且在竞选演说中的话听起来太文绉绉。

    Americans tend to respect doctors , but Republicans think Dean will be too critical and sound too intellectual on the stump ① .

  8. 选择的最佳办法就是到商店去,用眼睛来比较,而不要理会那些文绉绉的技术术语。

    The best way to choose is to go to a store and compare with your own eyes , without worrying about techie jargon .

  9. 如果你平时说话,不是文绉绉的,写作的时候,也不要之乎者也。

    If you 're not a person who says " indeed " or " moreover ," or who calls someone an individual (" he 's a fine individual "), please don 't write it .