
  • 网络Chinese Dictionary
  1. 我可以借你的汉语字典吗?

    May I borrow your Chinese dictionary ?

  2. 在汉语字典里,每个字都有明确的拼音标识,这是汉语的唯一标准。

    Within a Chinese dictionary every word is marked with the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet , which is the only standard for Chinese people to follow .

  3. 《新华字典》虽是一部基础性的汉语字典,但我们在翻译时发现其工作难度很大。

    Xinhua Dictionary is a pocket dictionary , but we find it not an easy job to make it a bilingual Chinese-English dictionary .

  4. 被誉为“国民字典”的《新华字典》由商务印书馆出版,是新中国成立以来的第一部现代汉语字典。它是我国几代人的工具书,承载着我国的文化,影响着几十亿人的语言生活。

    Dubbed the " National Dictionary , " Xinhua Dictionary has been a tool for several generations of Chinese people , bearing the culture of the country and impacting the linguistic lives of billions .

  5. 在吉尼斯世界纪录发布仪式上,该机构全球高级副总裁马克·弗里加迪宣布,截至2015年7月28日,作为中国建国之后第一部现代汉语字典的《新华字典》在全球发行量达5.67亿本。

    As of July 28 , 2015 , Xinhua Dictionary , the first modern Chinese dictionary since the founding of the People 's Republic of China , has sold 567m copies globally , announced Marco Frigatti , SVP Records of Guinness World Records , at the presentation ceremony .

  6. 《汉语大字典》是一部水平较高的语文工具书。

    Chinese Dictionary is a higher level of Chinese reference books .

  7. 《汉语大字典》引证脱节举例

    Examples of Gaps in Quotations in The Grand Dictionary of Chinese Characters

  8. 《汉语大字典》释义中存在的问题

    Some questions in the definition in Grand Chinese Dictionary

  9. 《汉语大字典》补苴

    The Supplement and Emendation to the Chinese Major Dictionary

  10. 《新华字典》是中国最权威的小型现代汉语规范字典,取得了很高的成就。

    Xinhua Dictionary , most authoritative standard modern Chinese Dictionary , is a great success .

  11. 玉中觅瑕&《现代汉语规范字典》学习札记

    Finding flaws in the piece of jade notes on reading The Modern Chinese Standard Dictionary

  12. 《汉语大字典》通字用法解读

    Distinction Analysis of the Usages of " tong " Character in the Grand Chinese Dictionary

  13. 第二部分:《汉语大字典》与《汉语大词典》在字形规范方面取得的成绩。

    The second part : achievements in the standard of shape that the dictionaries made .

  14. 《汉语大字典》、《汉语大词典》竹部存在的问题

    Problem about the Existence of " Bamboo " Department in Grand Chinese Dictionary and Chinese Dictionary

  15. 《汉语大字典》《中华字海》未识字考

    A Survey of Some Unidentified Chinese Characters in the Chinese Dictionary and the Central Chinese Big Dictionary

  16. 对《汉语大字典》的补订有两个即新出字形和失收新字。

    Backordered on the great Chinese dictionary , there are two : the meteorological glyphs and harvests the new words .

  17. 《汉语大字典》编撰质量上乘,在汉语辞书史上占有重要地位,不过也偶有小疏。

    Due to its high quality , Great Chinese Dictionary takes an important position in the history of Chinese dictionary .

  18. 〕《现代汉语规范字典》因其丰厚的实绩,成为现代汉字方面最具权威性的工具书之一。

    Because of its great achievements , The Modern Chinese Standard Dictionary has become one of the most authoritative reference books .

  19. 介绍《汉语大字典》与《汉语大词典》编纂情况、文章主旨及研究现状。

    Introducing the situation of compilation , the purport of the book and the present condition of the studying of it .

  20. 《汉语大字典》和《汉语大词典》鸟类条目有的释义错误讹混,有的语焉不详。

    The interpreting to some bird items in The Great Chinese Dictionary and The Great Chinese Characters Dictionary are wrong or vague .

  21. 《汉语大字典》义项概括性问题再议典型的摄影瞬间具有概括性、主观性和造型性。

    On the Summary of the Entries in The Chinese Dictionary ( Unabridged ) Typical photography instant is of generality , subjectivity and modeling .

  22. 文章把颜注《汉书》与《汉语大字典》引例进行比较,指出了《汉语大字典》的几个疏漏。

    This paper makes a comparison between Hanshu by Yan and Advanced Chinese Dictionary , and points out a few oversights and errors in Advanced Chinese Dictionary .

  23. 本文就《词诠》、《汉语大字典》、《汉语大词典》等书对“何其”之“其”的解释提出商榷。

    The article deliberates on the explanation of Qi in Heqi given in the dictionaries such as Ci Quan , Dictionary of Chinese Characters , Grand Chinese Dictionary .

  24. 本文以宜昌方言词为参照,结合文献考察,对《汉语大字典》以及《现代汉语词典》中几个语词的释义进行商讨补正。

    This paper discusses the interpretation corrections to a few words in Grand Chinese Characters Dictionary and Modern Chinese Dictionary by using Yichang dialect words for reference and the study o.

  25. 《新华字典》(以下简称《新》)是中国第一部现代汉语小型字典,也是小型汉语工具书中最具权威、最有影响的字典之一。

    Xinhua Chinese Character Dictionary ( hereinafter referred to as the Xin ) is the first small-sized Modern Chinese dictionary . It is also one of the most authoritative and influential dictionary in China .

  26. 摘要《新华字典》是中国最权威的小型现代汉语规范字典,取得了很高的成就。但字典部分释文存在有重复、歧义、循环论证、举例失当等问题。

    Xinhua dictionary , most authoritative standard modern Chinese dictionary , is a great success . however , faults can be found in some aspects , such as repetitions , ambiguity , circular arguments and improper examples .

  27. 依据声符示源功能理论,分析了《汉语大字典》中从卑得声的62个形声字,并对其进行了具体分类;

    According to the theories of source-indicating function of phonetic complement , this paper analyses 62 determinative-phonetic characters from the pronunciation of " Bei " in " Big Dictionary of Chinese " and makes a concrete classification among them ;

  28. 主要讨论了在大型语文词典编撰中整体观在义项方面的作用,并指出《汉语大字典》在义项上的一些不足,可供大型语文词典编撰及修订时参考。

    The paper discusses the function of integrated concepts in the compilation of a large-scale dictionary , and points out some flaws of entries in the Grand Chinese Dictionary , so it can be regarded as a useful reference for compiling and revising large-scale dictionaries .

  29. 《古汉语常用字字典》指瑕

    Some Errors in The Common Use Dictionary of Archaic Chinese

  30. 商务印书馆出版的《古汉语常用字字典》(修订版)是一部曾获中国辞书奖一等奖而流布极广的字典,但其中却有不少失误。

    A Dictionary of Common-used Ancient Chinese Words ( Revised Edition ) is a widespread dictionary , but there are a lot of faults in it .