
shōu xiào shèn wēi
  • produce very little effect
  1. 她的丈夫建议她不要乱买东西,然而收效甚微。

    Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed .

  2. 理查德帕克(richardparker)在其新书中挑战了这一观点,但收效甚微。

    In his new book , Richard Parker challenges this view , with limited success .

  3. 同时,许多旧形式的营销策略收效甚微,因此B2B商业活动内容策略呼之欲出。

    Also , B2B businesses need a content strategy as the older forms of push marketing are getting less effective .

  4. 比如雅虎(Yahoo)在“It'sY!ou”广告活动上砸了1亿美元,但最终收效甚微。

    Yahoo 's ( YHOO ) $ 100 million " It 's Y ! ou " ad campaign is one such example .

  5. 尽管有一些如海尔集团那样成功应用ERP的事例,但ERP系统的实施充满了挑战与风险,大多数企业的ERP系统建设是投入巨额资金却收效甚微。

    Although there are some successful cases of using ERP , such as Haier Coporation , most corporations are struggling in implementing ERP system , because this process involves both risk and challenge .

  6. 面对中美战略经济对话收效甚微的指责,美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)周二为这一对话机制进行了辩护。

    Hank Paulson , US Treasury secretary , on Tuesday defended his strategic economic dialogue with China against charges it has achieved little .

  7. ERP系统的实施却是充满了挑战与风险的,许多公司投入巨额资金上马ERP项目却收效甚微。

    However , the putting of ERP system into practice is filled with the challenge and risk , and many companies input a huge sum of funds on ERP project , however , gain little efficiency .

  8. 然而TPM项目活动在推进初期的进度缓慢,甚至曾经一度停滞,而且项目成果的收效甚微。

    However , in the early promotion day , the progress is slow , even once stagnant , and the results of the project have little effect .

  9. 玛丽莎·梅耶尔(MarissaMayer)2012年离开谷歌就任雅虎首席执行官,她在让公司转亏为盈方面收效甚微。

    Chief executive Marissa Mayer , who came from Google to take the helm in 2012 , has made little progress in returning the company to profit .

  10. 近年来对SCI的研究主要集中在损伤后期组织再生方面,如神经干细胞移植或嗅鞘细胞移植等,但收效甚微。

    These years the research about SCI has been focused on the tissue regeneration during the late stage of injury , for example , the transplantation of neural stem cells or olfactory ensheath cells , with not many effects .

  11. 生土带防火线在防止森林火灾方面虽有些作用,但收效甚微。在生土带上栽种10~15m宽的耐火树种,形成生物防火林带,防火功能更好,而且经济效益显著。

    Plantation of fire protection tree species in immature soil fire line for 10 ~ 15 meters could form a biological fire trace with better fire protection effect and economic benefit .

  12. W公司在此种背景和自身发展需要的情况下,对原有员工培训工作做了较大的改进,包括人力资源管理机构的重新改造以及组织内容更加丰富的员工培训,但收效甚微。

    Under this background and the need of self development , W corporation has made greater progress on the training of all staffs including the reconstruction of human resource management organization and the organizing the staff training with more plentiful contents . However , the effect is very little .

  13. 近年来,我国的环境污染问题日益严重,国家虽然花了很大力气加大行政执法的力度,在治理环境上不遗余力,但收效甚微。

    In recent years environmental pollution in our country gets deteriorated .

  14. 我试图去除这些油漆渍,可收效甚微。

    I have had little success in removing these paint markings .

  15. 为什么60年的批评收效甚微?

    Why has 60 years of criticism produced so little change ?

  16. 几乎每个方面她都努力了,但是收效甚微。

    In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way .

  17. 在提高私人部门内需方面,改革收效甚微。

    In terms of raising private domestic demand , reforms achieved little .

  18. 市场改革计划从上一任总统就开始执行,但收效甚微。

    Market reform plans initiated by previous president has made limited progress .

  19. 我们估计扩大覆盖面的成本将比较昂贵,而且收效甚微。

    Expansion costs were estimated to be high , with marginal impact .

  20. 但是这些努力似乎收效甚微。

    The efforts didn 't seem to have much impact .

  21. 而且像是酸奶等的益生菌产品往往收效甚微。

    And probiotic products , such as yogurt , are minimally effective .

  22. 1945&1947:国民政府短暂而收效甚微的经济现代化努力

    1945 - 1947 : Brief and Feeble Modernization Efforts by the National Government

  23. 其它行业纷纷效仿,但通常收效甚微。

    Other industries followed , often to little avail .

  24. 但外交斡旋在促使这两个国家停止发展核武器方面收效甚微。

    But the diplomacy has done little to halt the countries ' progress .

  25. 更加坚挺的人民币对于减少美国贸易赤字收效甚微。

    A stronger Chinese currency would not much reduce America 's trade deficit .

  26. 然而,剑桥大学与我国的高校科技园区收效甚微。

    However , the Hi-Tech Parks in Cambridge and China have little impact .

  27. 十多年的马克思主义哲学教学改革收效甚微。

    The reformation of Marxist philosophy teaching received tiny effects in more decades .

  28. 国内商业银行纷纷进行金融创新,却收效甚微。

    Though domestic commercial banks carry financial innovation , but the result is bad .

  29. 而不少从业人员及用户都尝试着使用各种方法去缓解这个矛盾,但是收效甚微。

    Many engineers and users try to solve it with all kind of solutions .

  30. 每一年张家界市政府都投入大量资金在农业上,但是收效甚微。

    Zhangjiajie has invested heavily in agriculture each year , but with little success .