
  1. 为了降低这一风险,欧洲央行挺身而出,开始在二级市场上收购意大利国债,简而言之,即从容易受到惊吓的私人投资者手中接盘。

    To offset this risk , the ECB came out and started buying Italian bonds on the secondary market , essentially taking the place of skittish private investors .

  2. 分析师们表示,适度的追加收购或许不会压低国债收益率,而拒绝追加收购可能会推高国债收益率,因为投资者预期美联储将收购更多国债。

    Analysts say moderate additional buying may not lower yields , while a refusal to buy any more could push them up , as investors expect some more .