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shōu luó
  • collect;gather;end;enlist;muster
收罗 [shōu luó]
  • (1) [muster;gather;collect]∶聚集人或事物

  • 只能收罗二百张选票

  • 收罗人才

  • (2) [end]∶收场

  • 难道他不寻思到此怎么收罗

收罗[shōu luó]
  1. 爱德华喜欢收罗汽车。

    Edward likes to collect cars .

  2. 她在集市上收罗到许多便宜货。

    She hunted many bargains at the fair .

  3. 保全国家,收罗英雄,就是《中略》所论的权变。

    Preserving the structure of the state , gathering the valiant and courageous are what the Middle Strategy is .

  4. 阿伯丁想要利用本人的经验来成为海劣势能、潮汐能和二氧化碳收罗储存方面的领先者。

    The city wants to use its experience to become a leader in offshore wind , tidal power and carbon dioxide capture and storage .

  5. 英国艺术大鳄萨奇也赶上了末班车,在2008年将才收罗几年的中国藏品整场抛售套现一个多亿。

    A famous British collector , Charles Saatchi caught the last bus ; he dumped and cashed in all his Chinese collections for over one hundred million in2008 .

  6. 不管你要找白蚁、火蚁还是木匠蚁,第一个收罗了世界上已知所有11000种蚂蚁的完整数据库都可以帮你解决难题。

    Whether you 're looking for white ants , fire ants or carpenter ants , the first complete database of the world's11,000 known ant species can help you out .

  7. 经销商正在四处收罗性能好的二手车,而且观注着他们的存货清单以确保他们在波峰时没有购买过多的二手车。

    Dealers are stepping up efforts to snag high-quality used cars , while eyeing their inventories to make sure they don 't get caught with too many vehicles at the top of the curve .