
shōu chén
  • dust collection
收尘[shōu chén]
  1. 关于分散扬尘点的收尘

    Dust collection on distributed emitting points

  2. 模拟了改进前后集气罩对不同粒径的焦尘的收尘效果,得出了焦尘颗粒轨迹图。

    The dust collection effects of the particles with different sizes were simulated . The particle trajectory graphs before and after the improvement were obtained .

  3. 大型反吹风布袋收尘器工艺过程的PLC控制

    PLC Control in Technological Process of Large-Size Blowback Bag Filter

  4. 湿式电收尘器在CO2气净化过程中的应用

    Application of Wet Electric Dust-collector in CO_2 Purification

  5. 水泥厂气箱脉冲袋式收尘器PLC控制系统设计

    Design on PLC Control System of Air Box Pulse Bag Filter for Cement Plant

  6. CD型长袋低压脉冲袋收尘器的应用

    Application of CD Bag Filter with Long Bag and Low - Pressure Pulse

  7. Al2O3熟料电收尘器若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on some problems of ESP for Al_2O_3 kiln

  8. 净化:电收尘全改用宽极距C形板,采用高压恒流源送电;

    Purification system : C-shaped plates with wide polar distance and constant current source with high voltage were adopted in electric precipitation .

  9. 宽极距高压静电收尘器驱进速度的设计计算R电容式硅微加速度传感器静态误差的标定

    Calculation of Migrating Speed for Wide Space High - pressure Electrostatic Precipitator Static Error Calibration of Micro-Machined Capacitance Accelerometer

  10. 焙烧炉电收尘物料中Al(OH)3及α-Al2O3含量的分析

    Determination of al ( oh ) _3 and α - al_2o_3 content in the ESP material of calciner

  11. 石灰在旋风收尘器内对HCl气体的中高温净化

    Removing HCl in Cyclone Dust Collector with Limes as Absorbents Under Moderate to High Temperature

  12. ESP内粉尘层积累电荷对收尘性能影响的研究

    A Study of the Effect of Accumulated Charge at Dust Layer on the Efficiency of Collecting Dust

  13. 对于比电阻为10~8Ω·cm左右的氧化铝粉尘,在工业现场实验,收尘效率达98.5%;

    To the aluminum oxide dust with resistivity about 108 Ω cm , on - site experiments collection efficiency is 98 . 5 percent .

  14. LPM气震式袋收尘器的除尘技术

    Dust-Cleaning Technology of LPM Air - Shaking Bag Precipitator

  15. 介绍了LPM气震式袋收尘器的结构、除尘原理和它的主要技术性能;

    This paper briefs structure , dust-cleaning principle , main technological performance of LPM air-shaking bag precipitator .

  16. 本文对WB系列电除尘器用于水泥工业收尘所存在的问题进行了分析,并提出技术改造的几项建议。

    This paper analyses the problems in the applications of WB type electrostatic precipitators in cement industry , and then presents some recommendations to its technical modifications .

  17. 介绍了将布袋收尘器随机PLC控制系统改为DCS系统控制的方法,重点阐述了用顺序控制和ST语言相结合实现布袋收尘器脉冲清灰的逻辑过程。

    The paper introduces the method of transferring the random PLC control system of bag collector into DCS , and emphasizes the logic process of realization of bag collector 's pulse purging with the combination of continuous control and ST language .

  18. 通过对横向EP与常规EP进行试验对比分析,最后得出:横向EP与常规EP相比较,具有驱进速度大,收尘效率高、体积小、钢耗量小等优点。

    Compared with EPS conventional collecting plates through experiments , transverse collecting plates have the advantages of a higher velocity , the higher collection efficiency , smaller volumes in size and a smaller quantity in steel consumption .

  19. 针对水泥窑电收尘器容易产生CO燃烧、爆炸的问题,阐述了在水泥窑电收尘器中监测、控制CO浓度的重要性。

    Summary This text aims at the electricity accepts the machine of dust of cement kiln easy creation the problem of CO burn and the Bang , expatiated to monitors in cement kiln gave or get an electric shock accept the machine of dust , control CO density importance .

  20. 本文运用EQS近似法,对高压除尘过程进行了定量描述,从而建立了尘粒荷电、收尘的数学模型以及除尘系统模型。

    Using EQS method , this paper declares the process of the high votage static-electrical dust-removing , and the mathematical model of eletric-charge-dust-absorbing system .

  21. ZRS-6.72-3型电收尘器技术改造

    Technical Innovation in Electrostatic Precipitator of ZRS-6.72-3

  22. 论述了CTD型电除尘器的电气部分的构成及收尘原理,对电除尘器采用微机控制器实现闭环控制的优越性及使用效果作了说明。

    The composition of electric part and dusting principle of GTD electric duster are discussed , and the advantage of closed - cycle control by computer for electric duster and the utilization result are described .

  23. 脉冲除尘器是被广泛应用的一种较理想的收尘设备,采用S7-200可编程控制器作为控制核心后,功能增强,应用水平大大提高。

    The dust remover of pulse is a kind of ideal equipment of collecting dust , and is widely used in environmental protection . Using S7-200 programmable logic controller , the equipment has more functions and higher standard of application .

  24. 实际应用证明,JSS系列除尘器采用波浪形塑烧滤板为过滤元件,由于其独特的构造及表面涂层,使之较其它收尘器能更好地发挥良好的使用功能。

    Practical application proved that JSS dust collector adopting sinter lamella filter as its filter component and with its unique structure and surface coasting could achieve a better resolution than others .

  25. 改造为CRS-8.24-3型电收尘器后,又陆续使用了HL-Ⅲ型恒流源控制电柜,投产后的电收尘器具有收尘效率高、电场运行稳定等特点。

    The rebuild electrostatic precipitator type CRS-8.24-3 uses current-constant control cubicle of HL - ⅲ, which has the performance of high precipitating efficiency and stable operating electric field .

  26. 以三氧化二锑为原料,应用等离子体蒸发,经高温后急冷凝聚、收尘,获得高纯超细微Sb2O3粉末,粒度0.1~0.23μm。

    The high pure superfine Sb_2O_3 powder is prepared with Sb_2O_3 for raw material , apply the plasma evaporating , rapidly cooling , agglomerating and dust collecting process , the particle diameter is 0.1 ~ 0.23 μ m.

  27. 结合CC-Link现场总线技术以放电电流和加热器功耗作为反馈量实现整个系统的闭环控制,克服了以往高压电源放电单元和震打、收尘机构分别单独控制的缺点。

    The efficiency optimization control is realized through using the discharge current and heater load as the feedback inputs with the help of CC-Link bus . So , the drawbacks of independent control of high voltage discharger and rapping cycle , collecting dust equipment are eliminated .

  28. 研究了以浸出氧化中和法处理闪速炉电收尘(FFEP)烟灰,并将其中的砷以砷铁渣形式脱除。

    A new technic for treating with flash furnace electric precipitation ( FFEP ) dust by leaching , oxidation , neutralization and removal arsenic by producing ferrous arsenate slag is studied .

  29. 立窑废气收尘技术探讨

    An Approach to Dust-Collecting Technology for Flue Gas from Vertical Kiln

  30. 电除尘器收尘极板上粉尘的沉降规律

    Deposition Law of Dust Particles on Collecting Plate in Electrostatic Precipitator