
  • Favorites;bookmark;My Favorites
  1. 或许你会把看中的一些东西放入收藏夹或购物车等着以后有钱了再买。

    Maybe you ’ ll save something in your favorites or shopping cart for when you do have money . For example :

  2. 为获取视频目录、标签和收藏夹提供了WebService。

    Web services for retrieving video catalogs , tagging and favorites .

  3. 保留个人web收藏夹和最近访问的网站列表;

    Remember your personal list of Web favorites and recently visited sites ;

  4. 键入internet地址,或单击“收藏夹”,从您最喜欢的站点中选择一个链接。

    Type the Internet address , or click favorites to select a link from your favorite sites .

  5. 您可以保留现有设置,如internet收藏夹、桌面设置和“我的文档”文件夹内容。

    You can keep existing settings such as your Internet favorites , desktop settings , and my documents folder contents .

  6. 工作组收藏夹列表是查找连到您的工作组成员感兴趣或觉得有用的web站点的链接的一个方便地方。

    A list of team favorites is a handy place for links to web sites that your team members will find interesting or useful .

  7. 指定的收藏夹url项无效。

    The favorites URL entry you specified is not valid .

  8. 将常用的审批准备为文件夹,并且所有审批人员都在TeamArtifacts视图的收藏夹中。

    Prepare your commonly used approvals as folders with all approvers in the Team Artifact view 's Favorites .

  9. 我只是简单的删除了链接到我的统计数据的书签(小编注:如果你用的是IE,那么删掉收藏夹中的网页^^)。

    I simply deleted the bookmarks to my statistics .

  10. 将网页添加到收藏夹列表中时,您可以使其在未连接到internet时也可以阅读。

    When you add a web page to your favorites list , you can also make it available to read when you 're not connected to the internet .

  11. 包括“我的文档”文件夹、“收藏夹”、桌面和cookies。

    Includes the my documents folder , plus your favorites , desktop , and cookies .

  12. powerpoint无法保存“个人收藏夹”列表,写入^1时出错。

    PowerPoint couldn 't store the list of favorites because of an error writing to ^ 1 .

  13. 如果您正在寻找许多胶水代码来减少您的开放源码收藏夹的集成或某特定J2EEAPI,Spring无疑是最佳选择。

    Spring wins hands down if you 're looking for a lot of glue code to ease the integration of your open source favorites or that certain J2EE API .

  14. 然后,Approvals部分允许您通过将收藏夹文件夹放在该部分上,从而创建新的审批。

    The Approvals section then allows you to create new approvals by dropping a favorites folder on the section .

  15. 您可以添加报告到您的收藏夹中,例如burndown报告,以及查询,例如“OpenAssignedtoMe”和“RecentlyModified”。

    You can add reports , such as a burndown report , and queries , such as " Open Assigned to Me " and " Recently Modified ," to your Favorites folder .

  16. 用户收藏夹中的每张照片都由一个blog文章表示,这些照片(blog文章)再被组织成各个相册(blog类别)并用描述性标记加以扩充。

    Each photo in a user 's collection is represented by a blog post , and the photos ( blog posts ) are organized into albums ( blog categories ) and augmented with descriptive tags .

  17. 在最直观的改变中,Vista家庭用户将看到一个新的圆形开始菜单按钮,这种设计更便于查找并启动应用程序、音乐、照片、电子邮件和IE收藏夹。

    Among the immediately noticeable changes , Vista home users will see a new round Start menu button designed to make it easier to find and launch applications , music , photos , e-mail and Internet Explorer favourites .

  18. SeadragonMobile带有一个示例图片收藏夹,其中一些图片达到了100亿像素,凭借SeadragonMobile,用户可以增加定制的DeepZoom内容,Photosynth用户种子或是任何RSS图像种子。

    Seadragon Mobile comes with a collection of sample images , some up to10 gigapixels , and it allows users to add custom Deep Zoom content , a Photosynth user feed , or any RSS image feed .

  19. 数据获取是通过HIS、PACS、RIS等系统协作检索,将典型的、符合要求的、少见的、特殊的病例快速检索出来,加入收藏夹,供影像教学使用。

    Data acquisition through the collaborative search of HIS , PACS , RIS finds out the cases which are typical , meeting the requirements , rare and special then adds to favorites , for the image teaching .

  20. 2015年12月,《Bidoun》把自己的全部历史资料——包括上万个故事和艺术品——免费放到网上,并邀请文化名人创建自己的小收藏夹,包括土耳其诺贝尔奖得主奥汉·帕穆克(OrhanPamuk)和策展人汉斯·乌尔里克·奥布里斯特(HansUlrichObrist)。

    This month , Bidoun put its entire archive of thousands of stories and artworks online with free access and asked cultural figures , including the Turkish Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk and the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist , to create small collections of their favorites .

  21. 记得把网址保存到收藏夹中去哟。

    Do remember to add the web address to your collection .

  22. 选择希望此任务导航到的收藏夹。

    Select the favorite you want this task to navigate to .

  23. 向个人收藏夹添加新内容时出错。

    An error occurred while adding a new entry to favorites .

  24. 文件夹必须逐个添加到“收藏夹”窗格中。

    Folders must be added individually to the favorite folders pane .

  25. 请选择文件夹,放置导入的收藏夹。

    Select the folder where the imported favorites will be placed .

  26. 关闭历史记录和收藏夹中所有未使用的文件夹(需要重启动)

    Close unused folders in History and Favorites ( requires restart )

  27. 请选择书签要导入的文件夹,或要从中导出收藏夹的文件夹。

    Select Folder to Import Bookmarks into or Export Favorites from .

  28. 无法在“收藏夹”中创建某个文件夹的子文件夹。

    You cannot create a subfolder of a folder in favorites .

  29. 这将会把新项目添加到您的收藏夹中。

    This will add a new item to your favorites .

  30. 导航到从收藏夹选项卡中选择的视图。

    Navigate to a view selected from your Favorites tab .