
  • 网络sports coach;Sport Coaching
  1. 我们想找一个厨师,一个图书馆助理和一名体育教练。

    We want a cook , a library assistant and a sports coach .

  2. 研究还表示,老师和体育教练们拒绝这种改变。

    It also says teachers and sports coaches had resisted the change .

  3. 体育教练的职责之一是照料受伤的运动员。

    One job of an athletic trainer is to treat injured athletes .

  4. 在专业或奥运水准这种级别,体育教练越来越受到关注。

    At professional or Olympic levels , coaches are increasingly in the spotlight .

  5. 江西省竞技体育教练人才现状与发展对策研究

    The Research on Current Situation and Developing Strategy of Instructor in Sports in Jiangxi Province

  6. 体育教练在学年结束时检查并收回篮球队的球衣。

    The coach checked in the basketball uniforms at the end of the school year .

  7. 竞技体育教练体系

    The Coaching System for Athletic Sports

  8. 体育教练、超级模特以及形形色色的企业都开始看到了睡眠的重要性。

    Sports coaches , supermodels and various companies are all starting to see the importance of sleep .

  9. 我记得曾经有一位伟大的体育教练告诉我:孩子会有自我识别能力。

    And I kept in mind what a great athletic coach once told me : Kids will self-identify .

  10. 接下来,心理教练就可以着手帮助体育教练为运动员搭起一个富有成效并且和谐的情感舞台。

    Then the expert can start working to help the coach maintain a productive , balanced emotional arena for the athletes .

  11. 体育教练和专家们认为,这种担忧使得现在招收新人变得愈发困难,尤其是在相对繁荣的城市地区。

    Sports coaches and experts say such worries are making it increasingly hard to recruit , especially in relatively prosperous urban areas .

  12. 所有体育教练都满怀激情地认为集体的力量有助于提高成绩,不是提高一点点,而是100%地提高。

    All sports coaches believe passionately in the power of the team to lift performance not by just a little , but by100 % .

  13. 无论他们是否已认识到,体育教练和亲友团队不仅仅为选手们营造着体能训练氛围,而且也是在为选手创造着一种心理环境。

    Coaches and support staff , whether they realize it or not , are creating a mental environment for athletes , not just a physical training regimen .

  14. 她的父亲是省级体育教练;母亲是生物化学工程师,夫妻两人一直都想把她培养成一个出色的运动员。

    Her father was the sporting director in one of the three regions in Manchuria and her mother , Engineer in biochemistry , Xin decided to become an athlete .

  15. 一些体育教练精英要求政府增加对培训精英运动员的承诺,以备战即将来临的主要比赛。

    Hong Kong 's top sports coaches have appealed for an increased commitment in tomorrow 's policy address to the training of elite athletes to prepare them for forthcoming major events .

  16. 《经理培训&通过个人发展提高业绩的关键》一书作者戴维斯特拉特福德对高级体育教练进行了采访,以求得在商界应用体育培训技巧。

    David stratford , author of executive coaching & keys to performance improvement through personal growth , interviewed top sports coaches to learn how their techniques could be applied in the business world .

  17. 尽管为选手们经常动用运动心理教练,“但是我们常常还是通过体育教练来发挥作用,因为体育教练正在营造着一种心理环境,”古尔德说。

    And although sports psychologists are often deployed for the benefit of the athletes , " a lot of times we work through the coach because the coach is creating a psychological climate , " Gould says .

  18. 海南中学体育排球教练队伍的现状分析

    Analysis of Current Situation in Hainan Middle Schools Sports Traditional Event Volleyball Coaches

  19. 老师不总是赚很多钱,少年体育联盟教练经常免费工作。

    Teachers don 't usually earn a lot , and Little League coaches often work for free .

  20. 企业教练是一种新兴的管理技术,是将体育界教练训练运动员的方式移植到企业管理中,让员工树立积极的态度去面对工作,提高企业生产力。

    Enterprise management is a rising management technique , comes from transplanting the means of the sportsdom coaches training their athletes into enterprise management , which can make the personnel set up an active attitude of works and improve the enterprise productivity .

  21. 对社会体育指导员与私人教练职场竞争的思考

    Consideration on the Career Competition between Social Sport Instructor and Private Coach

  22. 体育教学与运动教练

    Exercise . Physical education teaching and sports coaching

  23. 社会体育指导员与私人教练是体育劳动力市场上相互竞争的两种职业。

    Social sport instructor and private coach are occupations competitive with each other in sports labor market .

  24. 此外,该会也免费为体坛领袖、体育行政人员、教练和技术人员举办多项运动教育计划。

    It also organises extensive education programmes for sports leaders , administrators , coaches and technical officials without charge .

  25. 体育课老师克拉普教练给我找了件运动服,但没让我在这堂课就换上。

    The Gym teacher , Coach Clapp , found me a uniform but didn 't make me dress down for today 's class .

  26. 至今,这个项目已经在超过10个中国的城市,帮助培训了超过800名体育老师和足球教练。

    So far , the program has helped train more than 800 physical education teachers and football coaches in more than 10 cities in China .

  27. 个人体育项目中成功的赛手周围往往有一个专家组:医生、厨子、生理治疗师、体育心理学家、教练、支持他们的重要伴侣等等。

    The successful racers in individual sports tend to be surrounded by teams of experts : doctors , cooks , physical therapists , sport psychologists , coaches , supportive significant others , and so on .