
The comparison between data from exploration and mining Cu-S-Au ore body of Xinqiao mine and selection of exploration network degree
The teacher guides students to set up the card of feedback information in gymnastics teaching . The stimulus of feedback information on the information card helps to promote the initiative of student 's study , it is sure to improve to have the student 's achievement too .
Research on the Simulation Examination About GPR Detection of Grouting Material Behind Shield Tunnel Segment
The Synthetic Processing of the Remotely Sensed Geological Lineaments and Geochemical Data to Extract the Significant Lineaments in the Terms of Gold-ore Exploration
So optical fiber instead of coaxial cable as the signal transmission medium of the impulse ground penetrating radar has important engineering significance .
25 gold-bearing magmatic bodies are determined by analysing geophysical-geochemical characteristics of the Yanshanian intrusions .
The prospecting model include : the geological characteristics of ore body , physical parameters of ore body and country rock , target bodies and interference factors , geophysical and geochemical anomalies , prospecting criteria , prospecting methods , combination of methods and processes .