
  • Sports Festival;Festival of sport
  1. ②我们学校每年12月举行体育节。

    We have a Sports Festival at Deceber every year .

  2. 体育节必将大大提高市民的健康水平。

    Sports Festival will greatly improve the healthy level of the citizens .

  3. 校运动会向体育节转轨的研究

    Research on the Transformation of School Sports meet into Sports Festival

  4. 体育节的运作机制&基于项目管理的视角

    Operation Mechanism of Sports Festival & From the Angle of Project Management

  5. 星期二上午,是一学期一度的体育节。

    Tuesday morning , is a sports festival held once every semester .

  6. 我们学校每年十二月举办体育节。

    We have a Sports Festival at December every year .

  7. 奥运会是每四年举行一次的国际性体育节。

    The Olympic Games is an international sports festival held every four years .

  8. 体育节事是传统节事旅游的一种。

    Sports festivals are parts of the traditional festivals .

  9. 关于构建大学文化体育节的研究&以贵州师范大学校运会为例

    Study on building university culture and sports festival

  10. 走出学校运动会的误区构建体育节

    Piling out the Faulty Zone of School Sports Meet and Constructing School Sports Festival

  11. 举办广场体育节等。

    And to hold square sports festivals .

  12. 儿童体育节上的障碍赛跑用计时定名次。

    The obstacle race in the children 's sports day was run against the clock .

  13. 体育节事旅游研究

    A Study on Sport Event Tourism

  14. 阿诺德·施瓦辛格体育节于1989年创办,以演员和健美冠军阿诺德·施瓦辛格命名。

    The Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival was established in 1989 , named after the actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger .

  15. 节目种类包括艺术节及体育节、龙舟竞赛、中秋节庆祝活动和农历新年嘉年华。

    The types of programmes included arts and sports festivals , dragon boat races , mid-autumn festival celebrations and lunar new year carnivals .

  16. 每年组织一次主题鲜明的全民健身活动周,每两年组织一次“北京奥林匹克体育节”。

    Organize national physical fitness weeks with distinct themes once a year and " Beijing Olympic Sports Festivals " once every two years .

  17. 读书节、体育节、合唱节,兴趣小组活动,让每一个生活在易三的孩子都快乐并收获着。

    Reading festival , sports festival , chorus festival and interest group activities make each student in our school learn a lot happily .

  18. 笔者还初步构建了体育节会的模式和组织原则,探讨其制约因素,并提出解决办法。

    Besides , the author primarily designs its structure and organization principles and probes into its restricted factors and puts forward its solution .

  19. 阐述改革学校运动会的理论、实际意义和向体育节转轨的必要和必然。

    The theoretical and practical significances and the necessity and inevitability of reforming school sports meets and changing school sports meets into school sports festival are narrated .

  20. 这不仅丰富了节会方面的研究,也是对民俗体育节会经营研究的一次有意义的尝试。

    This will not only enrich the festival , to be research , but also on the Folk Festival of Sport Management Research will be an interesting experiment .

  21. 关于学校田径运动会向体育节会转轨的可行性研究体育节事是传统节事旅游的一种。

    A Research on the Direction from Track and Field Sports Meeting to Sports Holiday During the Sports Culture Changing Period Sports festivals are parts of the traditional festivals .

  22. 随着我国节庆活动的进一步发展,体育节事越来越具有重要的旅游价值,但由于种种原因,体育节事本身并没有发挥出应有的优势。

    With the development of the festival ( celebration ) in China , sports festivals are manifesting more and more important tourism value . However , out of various reasons , sports festivals have not yielded their full advantages .

  23. 该部分阐明了论文写作的原因、论文选题的理论意义与实践意义、国内外关于体育节事旅游的研究进展、论文的研究内容和研究方法、论文写作的理论基础。

    This part explains the reason for choosing SET as research subject and states the theoretical and practical significance of this study . Thereafter the paper reviews the foreign and domestic SET-related literature and indicates the studying methods , content and theoretical basis of research .

  24. 进一步提升内容,形成特色品牌的城市体育文化节。

    To enhance the content and form characteristic of city sports festival . 3 .

  25. 论高校运动会的改革与体育文化节的构建

    On The Reform Of College Sports-Meeting And The Construction Of Sports And Culture Festival

  26. 女性、日均睡眠时间短、每周上体育课节数多是贫血的危险因素。

    Being female , shortage in average sleep time , the number of physical education per week are risk factors for anemia .

  27. 通过对体育文化节与传统校运会的比较,指出传统校运动会的改革已势在必行,同时提出传统运动会向体育文化节转轨的措施。

    By means of a comparison between PE cultural festival and the traditional sports meet , this essay points out the necessity of a reform on the traditional sports meet .

  28. 锡伯族民族射箭运动产业则是要透过包装营销传统、风俗与文化资产发展出产业的形式,进而振兴察布查尔锡伯自治县经济,举办的体育文化节活动发展旅游产业。

    Sibo minzu archery industry is to develop a form of marketing through the packaging industry , traditions , customs and cultural assets , thus revitalizing the economy of Sibo County , sports and cultural festival organized by the development of the tourism industry .

  29. 2008年北京奥运会之后,中国非常重视城市体育文化节的开展,通过城市体育文化节的开展,弘扬奥运会精神、改善生活方式,提高健身意识,促进社会和谐发展。

    After Beijing olympic games , China attaches great importance to the development of the city sports cultural festive . By means of the city sports cultural festive , It can enhance the Olympic spirit , improve lifestyles , advance fitness awareness , and promote social harmony .

  30. 上述因素制约了节庆体育在火把节中的产生与发展,是推动节庆体育活动发展壮大的动力基础。

    Is festival sports activities to live and driving force of the development .