
yīng cǎo
  • primrose;cowslip
樱草[yīng cǎo]
  1. 实际上,在海拔250多英尺的樱草花山上可以饱览伦敦全景,公园的一块牌匾上写着威廉·布莱克(WilliamBlake)的美丽诗句,“我曾与太阳之神交谈。我看见他在樱草花山上。”

    In fact , Primrose Hill at 250-plus feet above sea level offers a panoramic view of London , and a plaque with a lovely William Blake quote : " I have conversed with the spiritual Sun . I saw him on Primrose Hill . "

  2. 我们可以去樱草山玩速滑雪撬。

    We could go tobogganing on Primrose hill .

  3. 一窝绿叶衬托着一朵樱草花。

    The primrose is set off by its nest of green .

  4. 建立了HPLC法测定胭脂花中樱草苷的含量。

    HPLC method was established for the determination of primeverin in Primula maximowiczii Regel .

  5. 你的樱草花多可爱啊!磨坊主大声说道。

    How lovely your primroses are ! Exclaimed the miller .

  6. 地上则多植香堇,杨莓和樱草。

    and the ground set with violets , strawberries , and primroses .

  7. 樱草花不像北面的花朵那样让人惊奇。

    They lack some of the full wonder of the northern flowers .

  8. 穿过樱草草皮,在那甜美凉亭里头。

    Through primrose tufts , in that sweet bower .

  9. 河边湿草地上野樱草在迎风摇曳。

    Cowslips were waving in the water meadows .

  10. 长满了樱草和摆动的紫罗兰。

    Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows .

  11. 那边绿荫中的樱草花丛

    Through primrose tufts , in that green bower

  12. 金黄色的九轮花和淡红的樱草花。

    The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose .

  13. 所有熟睡的都醒了——樱草花、小蝴蝶花、蓝夹竹桃。

    All the sleeping things wake up - primrose , baby iris , blue phlox .

  14. 所有熟睡的都醒了&樱草花、小蝴蝶花、蓝夹竹桃。

    All the sleeping things wake up ? primrose , baby iris , blue phlox .

  15. 西洋樱草生长于热带国家吗?

    Does cowslip grow in tropic countries ?

  16. 可它们比菟葵无助,更加苍白,比英格兰的樱草花单薄许多。

    Yet they look more wan , more pallid , more flimsy than English primroses .

  17. 此外,还有沙漠中常见的樱草花。

    and various types of desert primrose .

  18. 樱草、白头翁、早开的郁金香、荷兰风信子、小鸢尾、贝母。

    primroses , anemones ; the early tulippa ; hyacinthus orientalis ; chamairis ; fritellaria .

  19. 教育就如同其他领域,宽阔的樱草路是通往绝境的。

    In education , as elsewhere , the broad primrose path leads to a nasty place .

  20. 丛丛的樱草花占满了杂乱的灌木丛和溪水地拐角处。

    Among the tangle and near the water-lip , tufts and bunches of primroses , in abundance .

  21. 主任指出,樱草花和风景都有一个严重的缺点:它们是免费的。

    Primroses and landscapes , he pointed out , have one grave defect : they are gratuitous .

  22. 樱草花属的双子叶植物科带有整齐的花;广泛分布在北半球。

    A dicotyledonous family of the order Primulales with a regular flower ; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere .

  23. 莎丽是从伦敦的樱草山搬来的,当她把录音机的声音开得很大时,她的邻居们就睡不着觉。

    Sally , from Primrose Hill in London , kept her neighbours awake when she turned her recorder up too high .

  24. 琉璃苣菜籽油,死海矿物水,橄榄油,晚樱草油,脂质体(磷脂)。

    Borage Seed Oil , Dead Sea Mineral Water , Olive Oil , Evening Primrose Oil , Liposomes ( Phospholipids ) .

  25. 有大的花的混合的樱草花每两年需要一个划分保持忍受花而不要退化。

    The hybrid primroses with big flowers require a division every two years to remain very flower-bearing and not to degenerate .

  26. 问题是能在经济上为交通消费找出更站得住脚的理由,而不是喜欢樱草花和风景什么的。

    The problem was to find an economically sounder reason for consuming transport than a mere affection for primroses and landscapes .

  27. 艾米·麦基翁是一名精神健康战略家,她表示有关不愉快行为的说法言过其实,致力于拆除樱草山的大门。

    Amy McKeown , a mental-health strategist campaigning to remove the gates in Primrose Hill , says claims of unpleasant behaviour are overstated .

  28. 这种生产与出口电视节目的公司在伦敦零星遍布于国王交叉口和樱草山。

    The companies that produce and export television formats are scattered around London , in odd places like King 's Cross and Primrose Hill .

  29. 西森怀着极其复杂的感情,看着梅花散落在他亲自移植过来的绚丽多彩的萋萋樱草上。

    With tangled emotions , Syson noted the plum blossom falling on the profuse , coloured primroses , which he himself had brought here and set .

  30. 如果你想要增加一点距离和坡度,那就接着跑到摄政公园北边的樱草花山公园。

    If you want to add a little more distance and steep elevation , continue into Primrose Hill Park to the north of Regent 's Park .