
  1. 人们举办赏花会来庆祝,蜂拥到热门景点拍照,在樱花树下野餐。但是今年,樱花季眨眼之间来了又去,花期前所未有地早。科学家警告说,这预示着更大规模威胁各地生态系统的气候危机即将到来。

    But this year , cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye , in one of the earliest blooms on record -- and scientists warn it 's a symptom of the larger climate crisis threatening ecosystems everywhere .

  2. 你是樱花树下的那个人。

    You were the one under the cherry blossoms .

  3. 他们只是想在樱花树下拍张好看的照片。

    They just want to take a beautiful photo under the trees of cherry blossom .

  4. “花见会”是日本人春日里的传统活动,亲朋好友及同事们在樱花树下野餐聚会,有时一玩就是一个通宵,尤其是在周末。

    Parties beneath the cherry trees can go on all day and night , especially during the weekends .

  5. 我跑了出去,在11月寒冷的空气中默默地伤心流泪;在光秃秃的樱花树下,我跪在了我的仓鼠的墓前。

    I ran outside into the crisp November air and cried silent tears , kneeling at my hamster 's grave under the bare cherry blossom tree .

  6. 日本:盒饭迪亚曼蒂说,吃这种便携式日本料理的最佳时间和地点是在春天盛开的樱花树下。

    Japan : Bento boxes Diamanti says the best time and place to eat this portable Japanese meal is under a blooming cherry tree in the spring .

  7. 比如我们汉语专业是一个门面,上面布置了龙和凤凰,日语专业是在樱花树下。

    For example , this year we Chinese department set up a background with images of dragons and phoenixes , while , the Japanese department made theirs a cherry tree .

  8. 伴随着周末时位于处座的月亮,驾车去附近的城市玩耍交友将会是一段美好的时光,或者跟伙伴一起依偎在盛开的樱花树下。

    With the moon in Virgo over that weekend , it would be a glorious time to drive to a nearby city for fun and friendship , or if you have a partner , some serious snuggling under the cherry blossoms .

  9. 那时,樱花怒放,树枝上银装素裹。很快,飘落的樱花掉在树下的草地上,好像一层美丽的白雪。

    The trees are then covered with white blossoms , which make the branches look as if a shower of snow had fallen on them . Soon the grass below is also white with the falling blossoms .