
wú yǐng dēng
  • shadowless lamp;astral lamp
无影灯[wú yǐng dēng]
  1. 对空载、配置有传统无影灯及中空式LED无影灯的手术室的洁净气流流场三维建模并进行数值模拟。

    The clean flow field in operating room which is equipped with no-lamp , traditional shadowless lamp or hollow LED shadowless lamp is modeled in three-dimensional and numerically simulated .

  2. Ⅰ级洁净手术室中无影灯直径的确定

    Decision of the Diameter of the Shadowless Lamp in First-level Clean Operating Room

  3. 加拿大公司Molo则设计了更多的云彩状灯具产品,它推出了直径达2米的巨型CloudSoftlight无影灯,为现有的活动型CloudSoftlight系列“添丁”,该巨型灯的设计灵感来自亚历山大•考尔德(AlexanderCalder)的艺术作品。

    There were more cloudscapes at Canadian company Molo , which launched the XXL Cloud Softlight , measuring two metres in diameter , to add to its existing Cloud Softlight mobiles , which are inspired by the work of Alexander Calder .

  4. 一种新型发光二极管手术无影灯的研制

    Development of A New Operating Astral Lamp with Light-Emitting Diodes

  5. 手术无影灯的电路改进手术无影灯临床手术与手术无影灯

    Clinical application of improved operating astral lamp

  6. 医用无影灯彩色电视系统

    Medical Color TV System With Astral Lamp

  7. 无影灯对手术室洁净气流影响的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the impact of shadowless lamp on the clean flow field of surgery

  8. 传统的手术无影灯采用卤素灯作为光源,是通过多面反射镜将光线反射到手术部位。

    Traditional surgical luminaire uses a halogen lamp and reflects the rays to the surgical position with the multi-facet reflector .

  9. 横臂式无影灯创造出最佳源品质及无影效果,提供医师良好的检查光源。

    Arm astral lamp to create the best source of quality and groups of effects , physicians provide good light source inspection .

  10. 没有一般手术室必须具备的无影灯,只有两盏白炽节能灯泡。

    They lack half of the necessary surgical lighting , and have only two lamps with incandescent energy-saving bulbs to light operations .

  11. 目前,他们最需要的就是手术室内的配套设施,包括产床、手术床、无影灯以及麻醉机等设备。

    At present , the most pressing needs are surgical supplies , including birthing tables , operating tables , surgical lighting , and anesthesia equipment .

  12. 结论:儿童水平斜视全麻术终无影灯下角膜映光检查,有助于进行手术调整,可明显提高儿童水平斜视手术成功率。

    Conclusion : The examination of corneas optical reflection under shadowless lamp at the operation end after general anesthesia is helpful to conduct operation adjustment and apparently improve the successful rate of operations on children 's level strabismus .

  13. 介绍洁净手术室对空气净化、温度、温度的自动调节,以及控制手术无影灯、照明灯等的嵌入式智能控制平台的制作原理和应用。

    This paper introduces the principium and application of the embedded intelligence control platform ( EICP ) in the clean operating room in our hospital . It can be a master of automatic control for air decontamination , temperature , humidity , lighting lamps , shadowless lamp , etc. .