
  1. 通过X-ray证实聚合物为非晶结构。在无添加气体存在时聚合,XPS测试结果表明产物中有氧嵌入,且聚合物的C/Si比总的说来比单体的C/Si比低。

    XPS examination indicates that oxygen is incorporated into the polymer chain when plasma gases are not added , and the C / Si ratios of polymer are lower than that of polymer in general .

  2. 结果表明:13种蔬菜汁添加酸柚精油后,NDMA生成抑制率比无添加时提高了22.0%~77.1%;

    The result showed that the inhibitory effect rate of 13 kinds of vegetable juices was increased by 22.0 % ~ 77.1 % after added by grapefruit volatile oil respectively .

  3. 无添加无防腐剂化妆品的研制与生产

    Development and production of additive free , preservative free cosmetics

  4. 你认为梁咏琪有推广无添加产品的技能?

    What extent do you think she is skilled in beauty products ?

  5. 无添加防腐剂或者颜色。

    No preservatives or coloring added .

  6. 无添加任何化学成份,负离子发射浓度相当于郊外田野的负离子浓度,有益于身体健康。

    The consistency of anion transmit equal to the urban field , It 's beneficial to health .

  7. 对于关注健康的人仕,未经加工的食物或无添加化学品的用品是上佳选择。

    We believe that natural food and products with minimum processing are the best choice for health conscious people .

  8. 海水、淡水、饮料、酒类、牛奶、果汁等。无添加任何化学药剂,不对水体、生物以及环境产生副作用。

    Sea water , fresh water , beverage , drinks , milk , fruit juice , etc * Have not added any chemical drug , has not produced the side effect to water body , living beings and environment .

  9. 无过氧化氢添加Fenton氧化法降解有机物的可行性研究

    Feasibility of degradation of organic compound by Fenton reaction without hydrogen peroxide addition

  10. 无Al添加时,合成晶体内部的包裹体主要成分是Fe3C和Fe,添加Al以后,合成晶体内包裹体主要成分是FeAl合金。

    The inclusions in diamond crystals synthesized without additive Al is mainly Fe and Fe_3C , while that with additive Al is FeAl alloy .

  11. 本文采用基于MIS结构的传感器和流动注射微腔体联用的方法,为细胞水平的氧化还原电位测试提供了一个可行的解决方案。测试无需添加其他氧化还原介质。

    Based on the MIS sensor and the micro chamber with flow injection system , this thesis provides a feasible solution for ERP detection without addition of other redox mediators .

  12. 与传统的MacCormack格式相比,采用CE/SE方法对膛内两相流计算无需添加人工粘性。

    Compared with the traditional MacCormack method , the artificial viscosity is not necessary in the computation of the two-phase flow in guns with CE / SE method .

  13. 一个新的概念加入到系统的内存,它可以让你使用非挥发性的快闪记忆体,如USB闪存驱动器或内存卡,以改善性能,而无需添加额外的内存。

    A new concept in adding memory to a system , it allows you to use non-volatile flash memory like a USB flash drive or a memory card to improve performance without having to add additional memory .

  14. 因为本系统是一个有纯滞后的线性系统,动态矩阵控制(DMC)算法作为一种预测控制算法可以直接应用于本系统,而无需添加附加的控制结构。

    Because this system is a pure-lag linear one , DMC algorithm can be directly applied into this system as a predictive control one and need not to add the extra control structures .

  15. 总而言之,无需添加测试代码。

    In general , there is no need to add testing code .

  16. 重写长时间查询是另外一个无需添加索引即可增强性能的方法。

    Rewriting long-running queries is another way to boost performance without adding indexes .

  17. 大容量片内双端口存储器设计可为处理器和I/O带来持续的性能,无需添加外部存储器。

    This large on-chip dual-ported memory enables sustained processor and I / O performance , without the need for external memory .

  18. 根据其他系统元素修改音量级别会是添加信息的直观方法,而无需添加通知或和声变化。

    Modifying the volume level according to other system factors could be an intuitive way to add information without adding notes or harmonial changes .

  19. 超市收银机自带的扫码枪就能完成支付宝支付,无需添加其他设备。

    Its cash registers won 't need extra equipment to accept Alipay Wallet mobile payments , given that basic barcode scanning guns will do the trick .

  20. 无需添加石膏边:替换浴缸和装配新卫生间装置经常要添加石膏边在区域附近。

    No need to sheetrock : Replacing tiles and fitting new bathroom fixtures often require the sheetrock to be replaced in the area around the fittings .

  21. 该系统采用波形编辑合成方式,在普通的微机上无需添加或改动任何硬件即可合成出可懂度和清晰度都较好的汉语语音。

    The system is on the basis of waveform edit synthesis , and it can synthesise distinct and intelligible Chinese speech without any hardware addition or change on microcomputer .

  22. 平时作为加热炉使用的石墨流态粒子炉,在无需添加任何辅助装置、只需在石墨粒子中加入极少量的催化剂在渗碳温度下即可实现渗碳。

    Graphitic particle furnace which is a general furnace in usual can be served as carbonizing by adding a litter catalyst , without any assistant devices on carbonizing temperature .

  23. 该方法工艺简单、成本低,可以实现规模化生产,特别需要指出的是该方法不同于一般的湿化学方法,因为无需添加沉淀剂因而产品纯度很高。

    Since no precipitation reagent was added , the purity of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by this method is super to that of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by other liquid chemical method .

  24. 在2004年又实现电视转播的应用,使全校师生在电脑前无需添加任何设备就可看到同步的电视节目。

    Realized the application of the television relay again in 2004 , made TV program be seen simultaneously in front of the computer by the teachers and students of the whole school without any additional equipment .

  25. 同时她也准备了无任何添加的类似涂料的东西,这样她能判断单纯的粉状物以及添加了透明物质的粉状物是否会对屋顶光的反射产生影响。

    She also prepared some of the paint-like coatings with no additive . That would let her judge whether a powder - versus the transparent goop it was added to - affected a shingle 's reflectivity , she explains .

  26. 电催化氧化技术则以无需添加氧化剂、絮凝剂等化学药品、设备体积小、占地面积少、操作简便灵活、设备投资小等优点,在处理含酚废水方面得到广泛应用。

    With the advantage of non oxidant and flocculating agent in addition , small bulk of equipment , little area needed , simpleness of the operation and low cost , electro-catalytic technology is used widely in the treatment of phenol-containing water .

  27. 电化学方法处理废水,一般无需添加化学药品,设备体积小,占地少,操作简便灵活,污泥量少,后处理极为简单,通常被称为清洁处理法。

    Electrochemistry , as a wastewater treatment technique , usually goes by the name of clean treatment method because of its features , including low consumption of chemicals , small equipment bulk , little land occupancy , simple and flexible operation , minimal sludge volume , and simple later treatment .

  28. 论文研究了系统的实现方法,系统数据库设计时基于关系数据库模型,引入了动态设计的思想,不限制材料级数,用户可以无约束地添加材料基于web技术的工程材料数据库研究与开发的子材料。

    The method of system realization is studied . Dynamic design idea is introduced during database designing process on the base of relational database theory so that the level of material is unlimited and its sub-material could be added unrestricted .

  29. 使用于所有胶囊充填机,无需另外添加生产设备。

    Used in all capsule filling machine , without the addition of production equipment .

  30. 试验中养殖废水与自来水混合的比例设为:0、50%和100%,栽培试验在无基肥和添加基肥两种情况下进行。

    The mixing ratio of wastewater and tap water was designed to 0,50 % and 100 % , the mixed liquid was applied in two substrate cultivation cases , with or without initial fertilization .