
wú rén dì dài
  • no-man's land
  1. 大批难民不断从骚乱地区涌入无人地带。

    Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man 's land

  2. 把白旗插入无人地带。

    Carrying the white flag into no-man 's land .

  3. 一个巨大的向西方伸展的沙漠无人地带

    a vast no man 's land of deserts that stretch westward

  4. 他们把坑道向无人地带推进。

    They pushed forward saps into No Man 's Land .

  5. 这时一支狙击小组被德军连长派到无人地带去找出观测员的位置。

    A sniper team was sent out to no mans-land to locate the observer .

  6. 在没有压力的时候,把球提到无人地带的情况变少了,除了刻意地拖延时间。

    Less hoofs up field to no-one when under no pressure , unless time wasting .

  7. 英德两军阵前士兵爬出战壕,在两军中间的无人地带玩起了足球。

    British and German troops climbed out of the trenches to play soccer in no man 's land .

  8. 没有指示,没有命令,射击停止了,德国士兵和英国士兵相聚在无人地带。

    Without any instruction or command , the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in No Man 's Land .

  9. 二十世纪,艺术家们把艺术弄到了一个无人地带,任何人都能随心所欲地无所不为。

    In the twentieth century artists turned art into a no-man 's land in which everyone could do whatever he wished .

  10. 一天晚上,我正在无人地带的一个村子里,九个惊恐的农民带着家属跑到我们这边来。

    One night when I was in a village in no man 's land nine frightened farmers and their families ran over to our side .

  11. 我所看到的最惨的例子是在秦德沟。这是一个靠近无人地带的只有一百三十口人的村子。

    The worst case of this kind that I saw was in Chintekou , a village of130 people , on the edge of no man 's land .

  12. 2辆特殊的推土机将拖着探险所需的约200公吨的设备仪器穿越2000英里的无人地带。

    The expedition 's 200 tonnes of equipment will be dragged across 2000 miles of some of the world 's most inhospitable terrain by two special bulldozers .

  13. 长期以来,沃尔沃在一众高端汽车制造商中间都不太出类拔萃,其价格处于大众车型与豪华车型之间的“无人地带”,销量则只有这些德国品牌的大约四分之一。

    Volvo has long been the nearly man of the premium carmakers , caught in price in the no-man 's-land between mass-market and luxury manufacturers and selling only about a quarter of the number of cars as the Germans .

  14. 长期以来,沃尔沃在一众高端汽车制造商中间都不太出类拔萃,其价格处于大众车型与豪华车型之间的无人地带,销量则只有这些德国品牌的大约四分之一。

    Volvo has long been the nearly man of the premium carmakers , caught in price in the no-man ' s-land between mass-market and luxury manufacturers and selling only about a quarter of the number of cars as the Germans .

  15. 一片位于加拿大北部,哈得孙湾西北部和马更些河谷东部的树木不生,无人居住的地带。

    A treeless , sparsely inhabited region of northern Canada northwest of Hudson Bay and east of the Mackenzie River basin .

  16. 布什总统在纽约州西点军校的一次演讲中说,巴基斯坦有世界上最危险的“无人管理的地带”。

    During a speech at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point , New York , President Bush said Pakistan has some of the most dangerous " ungoverned spaces " in the world .

  17. 洛德知道凯特最喜欢的地方是北卡罗来纳州的伯德岛(BirdIsland),那是一个无人居住的狭长地带,从她的家乡落日海滩(SunsetBeach)骑车一会儿就能到达。

    Mr. Lord knew that Ms. Cate 's favorite place in the world was Bird Island in North Carolina , an uninhabited strip of land just a short bike ride from her hometown , Sunset Beach .