
  • 网络Unemployed
  1. 报告指出,与父母同住的孩子中有42%是无业人员,主流媒体的报道中描绘了疲惫不堪的年长父母和无忧无虑的失业成年子女的形象。

    The report noted that 42 percent of children who live with their parents are unemployed , and mainstream media coverage featured images of exhausted older parents accompanied by carefree , unemployed adult children .

  2. 根据无业人员独子保健费业务的需求和VB可视环境的技术特点,系统采用B/S(浏览器/Web服务器/数据库服务器)三层结构模式。

    According to the needs of the unemployed with one child applying for specified healthy subsidies and the technical characteristics of the environment of VB , the system uses B / S ( WAP / web server / database server ) three-tier structure .

  3. 那是为所有无业人员开设的免费政府机构。

    It 's a free government service for all unemployed people .

  4. 眼外伤主要发生在工人、学生和无业人员。

    The eye injuries mainly occurred in workers , students and hobo .

  5. 职业以学生、农民、无业人员为主。

    The patients'occupations were mainly students , farmers and no-jobs .

  6. 胡佳现在是自由职业者,抑或警方所言的城市无业人员。

    Hu Jia is self-employed right now , or as the police put it , urban unemployed .

  7. 职业:银屑病患者以无业人员、职员、工人及学生占多数。

    Occupation : Most of the psoriasis patients were unemployed , staff , workers and students . 3 .

  8. 职业以无业人员最高为55.80%,其次是农民为22.58%;

    The unemployed accounted for 55.80 % being the highest population group , followed by farmers 22.58 % .

  9. 许多无业人员可以依靠传统的经济支撑形式,例如:和家人生活在一起。

    Many of the unemployed can rely on traditional forms of economic support , like living with family .

  10. 他们敦促地方劳动和社会保障部门尽快为无业人员们增加就业机会。

    They urged local labor and social security departments to increase job opportunities for the unemployed as soon as possible .

  11. 结论下岗无业人员、低收入人员等弱势群体和不善于沟通的人群应是社区心理健康教育重点关注的对象;

    Conclusion Community mental health education should pay more attention to low-income group , unemployment groups and the ones lack of communication .

  12. 第一,高铁轨道的修建及机车的制造将会让美国的无业人员重获工作。

    First , building the special tracks and locomotives would put a division or two of America 's army of unemployed back to work .

  13. 结果:50例患者职业和学历构成比中,无业人员(38%)、初中以下学历者(68%)比例最大。

    Results : For occupational and educational background distribution , the most part were without work ( 38 % ) and education lower than high school ( 68 % ) .

  14. 在调研的基础上,以北京市为例阐述未成年人违法犯罪的基本特征&主体特征从作案成员的身份看,无业人员、农民、学生居多;

    On the basis of study and investigation , the basic characteristics of minors committing crime are expounded in this article . Most offenders are jobless , peasants or students .

  15. 墨菲女士现在获得了一个提名奖,发起人是一个隶属议会、志愿帮助那些无业人员的工作力团体。

    Ms Murphy has now been nominated for an award by the council area 's Workability Group , which is run by volunteers who help find qualifications for people without a job .

  16. 但是,其中也存在一些亟待解决的问题,如三条保障线衔接问题、无业人员进入障碍、地方财政紧张、中省直企业纳入地方最低生活保障制度等问题。

    There are also some problems that need to solve , such as : linking up the three security line , difficult of unemployment population entering , rarely local finance and so on .

  17. 代排族,指在大城市里被雇来替别人排队获取各类票证,然后从中获得报酬的那些人,从事这一行业的多为农民工或者无业人员。

    People , usually migrants from rural areas and jobless citizens , are hired to queue up for different types of tickets in large cities in return for a pittance , they are called hired queuers .

  18. 选取这样一个题目进行了一系列相关研究,发现现行的养老保险法律制度存在着以下几个问题:第一,没有将某些特殊社会群体列入保障范围中,比如农民工、城市无业人员。

    Choose such a topic go on a series of relevant research , find current endowment insurance legal system have following odd problem : First , list some special social groups in , ensure range , such as rural worker , urban the unemployed .

  19. 吉林省是我国著名的老工业基地之一,也是全国的农业大省,因此企业下岗、无业人员和进城务工的农村居民都占有相当大的比例,因病致贫,因病返贫情况时有发生。

    Jilin Province is a famous old industrial base and also the major agricultural province of the country , which laid-off , the unemployed and migrant rural population accounts for a sizeable proportion of all and the situation of the illness into poverty occur once again from time .

  20. 本文立足于实证研究,在犯罪调查的基础上,分析近年城市犯罪构成人员主要是流动人口和无业失业人员的变化规律。

    Based on the positive research and survey , the paper analyses the regulation of change of criminals ' structure in city .

  21. 结果:本期收治的病例具有青少年男性、低文化程度、无业闲散人员占多数等人口学特征。

    Results : The demographic characteristics of the cases of this time were as follows : the majority was male adolescent with lower cultural degree and without jobs .

  22. 目的:了解城市无业流浪人员患精神病住院治疗的基本现状,为加强对这类患者的诊治措施和制定相应法规提供有意义的参考资料。

    AIM : To investigate the present status of the inpatient care of urban jobless and vagrant persons with psychotic disorders , so as to provide significant references for reinforcing the measures of diagnosis and treatment and establishing related policies for the patients .

  23. 加强对贫困户家庭成员、女性、老年人口、离婚或丧偶、离退休以及无业失业人员等群体的健康关注和健康干预,将有利于健康公平性的改善和人群健康水平的提高。

    It should be helpful to improve the health status and reduce the health inequity through enhancing the health attention and health intervention among the poor , the female , the elder , the divorced and the bereft , the retired and the unemployed .

  24. Fresco社区市场公司的JohnMurga在招募人员,在他招募的人员中,有三分之一是那些在“洛杉矶使命”组织接受过技能培训的无业和无家可归人员。

    One employer who was hiring , John Murga of Fresco Community Market has found one third of his staffs among the unemployed and homeless who have undergone skills training at the LA Mission .

  25. 数据表明,典型的受害者具有如下特征:性别男;年龄40岁以上;事业单位职工或无业、退休人员。

    A typical victim is a male over 40 , who is either a government institution employee , a jobless man , or a pensioner .

  26. 结果本次调查对象男性占75.0%,初中以下文化层次者占83.3%,城市人口占83.0%,无业及特殊职业人员居多。

    Results The survey showed that 75 % of the subjects were male , 83.3 % of their educational levels were below junior middle school , and most of them lived in cities ( 83.0 % ), having no occupation or having special occupation .

  27. 不同职业人群的自测生理健康子量表分差异存在显著性意义(P<0·01),在校学生及制造生产运输等工人分值较高,离退休、家务、无业或下岗等人员分值较低;

    The score of physiological health subscale for Shenzhen citizens of different occupations is significantly different ( P < 0.01 ), with those of the students and the industrial workers being higher , and those of the retirees , the house-holders , the unemployed or laid-off workers being lower .