
  • stock land
  1. 可作为城市规划、盘活存量土地、提高城市土地利用效率等的主要技术支持。

    This method can give a major technological support to planning the urban , activating the urban stock land , promoting the efficiency of urban parcels and so on .

  2. 摘要我国正处于城市化快速发展时期,土地资源需求巨大,城市存量土地粗放利用,而耕地资源又严重不足。

    In the period of rapid urbanization of china , demand of land resource is enormous , urban stock land is utilized extensively , and cultivated land resources are seriously insufficient .

  3. 进而提出当前充分挖掘城市存量土地潜力的有效途径,并针对当前存在的问题提出了可持续利用的对策。

    It also recommends effective approaches to fully utilizing present land potential and countermeasures for sustainable development .

  4. 公共部门标杆管理的实践障碍及路径选择浅析规划管理部门在存量土地管理中存在的问题与解决途径

    Obstacles and Way Selection of the Benchmarking Management of Public Departments Problems and Suggestions of Reserved Land Administration

  5. 在我国资源短缺条件下,如何有效控制城市规模的无序扩展、促使城市存量土地的集约利用是本研究所要致力分析解决的问题。

    On condition of resource scarcity , how to control urban land-use , is the key problem of the research .

  6. 提高土地使用效率,挖掘城市用地潜力,促进城市存量土地集约利用就成为我国城市化和工业化的主要发展道路。

    Study on urban land intensive use potentiality is helpful to the development of land use theory and land use practice .

  7. 一方面土地资源需求巨大,城市存量土地粗放低效利用现象突出;

    On the one hand , the demand of land resource is huge , the phenomenon of low efficiency use of city land storage is prominent ;

  8. 通过土地储备制度,城市存量土地被盘活,所有者权益也得到切实保障;

    As the land Reserving System is carried out , the municipal surplus land come into efficient and landowner 's rights and interests also get effective guarantee .

  9. 中国已进入快速工业化与城市化的阶段,城市存量土地已不能满足用地需求,而征收集体土地成为一种重要的城市供地来源。

    China has entered a rapid phase of industrialization and urbanization , City Land can not meet the demand for land and land-levying become an important source of urban land supply .

  10. 一是国家土地宏观调控政策对增量土地进行了严格控制;二是城区改造的范围不断扩大,涉及存量土地的收储量逐渐增强。

    First national macro-control policies on land incremental land for a strict control ; Two of the city is increasing scope , involving the stock of land reserves to gradually increase .

  11. 因此,以土地再开发为代表的向存量土地挖潜的内涵式发展成为保障开发区持续发展的重要途径。

    Therefore , the connotation of development Potential re-development of land as the representative of the stock of land is an important way to protect the development zone of sustainable development .

  12. 在养老保障制度建设构想上提出了政府与公司合作型以及存量土地增值型模式,具有较大的可行性和创新性。

    In the old-age security system , and I put forward the concept of cooperative government and companies , as well as the stock of land-value-added model , which have greater viability and innovation .

  13. 土地储备制度的直接目标是盘活城市存量土地,成熟土地储备制度的目标是为了实现提高土地市场的运行效率。

    The direct aim of the System is to bring the municipal surplus into efficient . The goal of the mature land Reserving System is to realize the function efficient of the landmark higher .

  14. 土地收购储备制度建设构筑了城市存量土地的卖方市场;推进了土地利用方式的转变,调控了土地市场,刺激了经济的发展;

    System construction of land purchase and reserve constituted the seller market of city land existed , advanced the change of land use way , adjusted and controlled land market , stimulated economic development ;

  15. 经济手段方面,加快完善城乡统一的土地要素市场;盘活存量土地;推广和应用新技术。

    In the aspect of economy , quicken the perfection of the element of land in the market of the united of city and urban ; fresh the land ; expand and apply new technology .

  16. 严格执行建设用地审批制度,控制城市发展规模,盘活存量土地,提高土地使用效率;

    The examination and approval system for the use of land for construction must be implemented strictly and the development scale of cities controlled so as to efficiently use the available land and increase the land utilization rate .

  17. 城市土地储备制度是我国土地使用制度的一项创新,它是在我国土地使用制度改革、土地市场发展过程中以盘活城市存量土地、实现城市土地资源可持续发展的一项土地管理制度。

    Emerged in the land use reformation , the land market development and state-owned enterprises reformation , Land reserve System is an innovation of urban land system , which aims at vitalization the urban stock and sustainable development of land .

  18. 特别是,在当前城市存量土地有限、城市空间外向扩张受阻的条件下,工业用地的合理布局和高效的管理政策直接影响到城市土地的利用状况。

    Especially , in the condition of the limited existing urban land as well as the hindered spatial sprawling in cities at present , reasonable distribution and management of industrial land affect the current situation of urban land utility in our country .

  19. 城市土地储备对于培育和规范城市土地市场,盘活企业存量土地,增加政府土地收益等方面发挥了积极的作用,但土地储备系统具有高风险性。

    Urban land reserve plays a very important role in cultivating and standardizing land market , improving the existent lands of the company , increasing profit of the land for the government , however , high risk exists in urban land reserve system .

  20. 对银川市土地利用结构、土地资产的集约利用及土地产出等进行了分析,提出了盘活存量土地资产,提高土地利用率,实现城市经济、生态、社会效益一体化等城市土地经营思路。

    Based on the analysis for the construction of land use , gather utilization of land and land output in Yinchuan city , the land management idea of increasing the land utilization and realizing performance harmony development in city economy , ecosystem and social is presented .

  21. 土地集约利用是在布局合理、结构优化的前提下通过增加存量土地投入,改善经营管理,提高土地使用效率的途径使土地利用达到良好的经济、社会和环境效应的动态过程。

    Land intensive use is a dynamic process during which the government can achieve better economic , social and environmental effects , by means of adding inputs , improving management , and increasing long usage efficiency . Second , this paper proposes the mechanism of intensive land use .

  22. 本文在分析城市用地规模控制内涵以及城市用地规模控制原则的基础上,提出从提高存量土地利用效率、控制增量土地供应两方面实施城市用地规模控制。

    On the basis of analysing the intension and principle of controlling the scale of urban land , this paper proposes that the utilized efficiency of the stock land should be improved and the control of the supply of the newly-created land to implement the aim should be controlled .

  23. 与此同时,历史上大量的存量划拨土地使用权对经济发展的阻碍日益显露。

    Meanwhile , the hindrance of stock allocated land-use rights in history for economic development also becomes clearly .

  24. 因为多数国有企业的土地使用权是存量划拨土地使用权,故在会计核算问题上主要针对划拨土地进行规范性研究,增强国有企业对土地资产的重视,并体现在会计的可操作性上。

    Because most of the land is deposit assigned land under the state-owned enterprises , therefore , this article mainly focus on assigned land to research the accounting disposal , boosting up the recognition about the land asset in state-owned enterprises , and then embody the accounting maneuverability .

  25. 探索新形势下国有企业存量资产尤其是存量土地资产的盘活工作必须要严格依法办事,避免国有企业改制工作走入误区,依法成为当前盘活国有企业存量土地的重要保证。

    Under the new situation and explores stock assets of state-owned enterprises , especially the land assets revitalize the work must be in strict accordance with the law , such ability avoid state-owned enterprise restructuring work into error , even is the important guarantee of failure .