
  1. 可见,在现代化社会生活方式和大众消费文化语境初步成型之后,师陀存在主义乡土小说的超前性和预言性才能获得被识别的可能性。

    That is to say , after modernization and preliminary formation of popular consumption culture environment , the advance of the existentialism local novel by Shi Tuo can be distinguished .

  2. 这些存在主义因素在小说中得到了全面而深刻的体现。

    The existential elements are exemplified fully and profoundly .

  3. 从存在主义到先锋小说

    From " Existentialism " to " Vanguard Novels "

  4. 诺曼·梅勒的存在主义及其前期小说主题研究

    On the Existentialism of Norman Mailer and the Themes of His Early Novels

  5. 与存在主义类似,小说的结尾积极向上,对人文主义精神进行积极宣扬。

    Similar to the existentialism , the novel winds up with an upbeat note that affirms the spirit of humanism .

  6. 之后从存在主义角度探索小说的主题。存在主义有三个重要的命题。

    Then comes to the analytical reading of the novel from the existential perspective . There are mainly three postulates of Existentialism .

  7. 第二章讨论存在主义自由主题在小说中的表现。

    Chapter Two discusses the expression of the theme of existential freedom in this novel .

  8. 酒神精神与萨特的存在主义哲学在其小说中得到艺术再现。

    So , Dithyramb spirit and Sartre 's existentialism get the art emersion in her novels .

  9. 许多评论家及研究者主要从种族、心理学、女性主义、存在主义等视角对小说进行研究。

    Many reviewers and essayists focus their researches from racial , psychological , feminist , existentialist , and some other perspectives .