
  • 网络godot;Gordo
  1. 戈多:这的妇女也这么觉得。

    Gordo : That 's how the woman here find him .

  2. 戈多,我的时尚形象正面临垮台。

    Gordo , I am in the middle of a fashion meltdown .

  3. 戈多就是那个在合适的时间合适的地点以合适的方式出现在你面前的那个合适的人TheMr。

    Right appears in front of you in the right place , at the right time , with a right manner .

  4. 如果你把它们想成戏剧,那么相比之下《等待戈多》(waitingforgodot)就精彩太多了。

    If you think of them as theatre , they make waiting for Godot seem action-packed .

  5. 解读荒诞剧《等待戈多》:对人类生存状况的反思

    An Interpretation of Waiting for Godot : the Theatre of the Absurd

  6. 但那样戈多做的一切就会白费

    But then everything Gordo did will be for nothing .

  7. 但戈多的内涵一直是一个探讨的热点。

    But the implication of Godot has been a focus of discussion .

  8. 那是戈多,正着迷于他的沙包。

    That was gordo , obsessing about his hacky-sack .

  9. 麦克莱那时在墨尔本排演塞缪尔贝克特的经典之作《等待戈多》。

    McKellen was in Melbourne rehearsing Samuel Beckett 's classic Waiting For Godot .

  10. 等待与希望&解读贝克特的《等待戈多》

    Waiting and Hoping & An Interpretation of Beckett s Waiting For Godot ;

  11. 背叛莎士比亚&《等待戈多》新探

    On the absurdity of waiting for godot Betraying Shakespeare

  12. 因为我,戈多的一切完了

    Gordo 's life is ruined because of me .

  13. 对荒诞派戏剧的语用文体研究&以《等待戈多》为例

    Pragmatic-stylistic Study of the Absurd Theatre & A Case Study of Waiting for Godot

  14. 心灵的栖息地&谈《等待戈多》中的模糊语义艺术

    The Habitat of the Soul : Study on Fuzzy Language of Waiting for Godot

  15. 戈多表示,他的4任妻子、10个兄弟姐妹和3个孩子都已经离开人世。

    Gotho said he has outlived four wives , 10 siblings and three children .

  16. 《等待戈多》与中国戏曲&兼议戏曲的跨文化实验与创新

    Waiting for Godot and the Traditional Chinese Opera

  17. (对树说)我的老朋友,戈多,早安啊。

    Old man ( to tree ): My fellow , good morning , Godot .

  18. 戈多和米兰达都是很好的孩子。

    Gordo and Miranda are Wonderful kids .

  19. 这是我的朋友戈多.

    and this is my friend Gordo .

  20. 《等待戈多》显示出西方人重建有意义的宇宙秩序的努力。

    Waiting for Godot displays the attempts of the Westerners to reestablish a meaningful universal order .

  21. 《等待戈多》中的支离破碎

    Fragmentation in Waiting for Godot

  22. 《等待戈多》出版后,他成了荒诞派戏剧的代言人。

    After publishing of Waiting for Godot , he becomes the spokesman of Theatre of the Absurd .

  23. 浅论《等待戈多》的荒诞性

    On the absurdity of waiting for godot On Absurdity and Absurd Literature Q & A on Sex

  24. 在“亲爱的里兹”一集中,戈多对里兹也渐渐有了好感。

    In the episode " Dear Lizzie ", it is revealed that Gordo has a crush on Lizzie .

  25. 戈多的信使小男孩终于来了,戈多今天不来了,明天一定来。

    The messenger boy shows up again , saying that Godot won 't come today but will tomorrow .

  26. “戈多”就是生活中的大骗子,人们却永远在寻找。

    " Godot " is the big deceiver in lives while people are looking for it all the time .

  27. 总是觉得现在的生活好似“等待戈多”似的空虚迷茫,未来?

    Always think of life like " Waiting for Godot " all of the woods empty , the future ?

  28. 《等待戈多》一直被认为是荒诞派戏剧的代表作品。

    " Waiting for Godot " has been regarded as a masterpiece of " Theatre of the Absurd " .

  29. 这两名演员已经在两部百老汇戏剧中联袂担当主演,《无主之地》和《等待戈多》。

    The actors have starred in two Broadway plays together : No Man 's Land and Waiting for Godot .

  30. 作为荒诞派戏剧的代表作之一,塞缪尔克特的《等待戈多》被赋予了多种解读可能。

    As one of the representative works of the absurd drama , waiting for Godot has been given various interpretations .