
  • 网络London Borough of Hackney;LB of Hackney
  1. 雷文斯克罗夫特没有空降至需要重组的公司,而是开始在波尔主教学校(CardinalPoleSchool)教授商业和经济学,该校主要招收伦敦东部哈克尼区(Hackney)11岁至19岁之间的青少年。

    Rather than parachuting into companies that needed restructuring , Mr Ravenscroft started teaching business and economics at Cardinal Pole School , which serves 11-19 year old boys and girls in Hackney , east London .

  2. 我住在伦敦的哈克尼区(hackney),这里犯罪率较高,学校教育质量也比较差。

    I live in Hackney , a London Borough where crime is high and the schools are poor .

  3. 来自伦敦东部哈克尼区的27岁临时工尼古拉•索普到金融公司PwC(普华永道)上班,却被告知她必须穿鞋跟高度在2英寸到4英寸的高跟鞋。

    Temp worker Nicola Thorp , 27 , from Hackney , arrived at finance company PwC to be told she had to wear shoes with a " 2in to 4in heel . "

  4. 我意识到自己在学校的操场和其他几名中产阶级白人父母聊天,尽管在伦敦哈克尼区的这所学校,许多家长既非白人也非中产阶级。

    In the school playground I find myself talking to the other white middle-class mums and dads , in spite of the fact that in a Hackney school there are plenty of parents who are neither .