
  • 网络Hudson;kate hudson
  1. 不久前,歌手珍妮佛•哈德森(JenniferHudson)穿着维多利亚•贝克汉姆品牌服装出席格莱美奖(Grammy)颁奖礼。

    More recently , singer Jennifer Hudson wore Victoria Beckham to the Grammy awards . '

  2. 缅怀的氛围贯穿全场,歌手珍妮弗.哈德森深情演绎了休斯顿的经典金曲《我将永远爱你》(IWillAlwaysLoveYou),向她致敬。

    Throughout the show , there were reminiscences , including a soulful rendition of one of the singer 's classic ballads by Jennifer Hudson . " Whitney , we love , we love you , " Hudson sang .

  3. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。尤娜·斯塔布斯逝世后,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇表示悼念,他说:

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  4. 为飞机乘客代言的非盈利组织“航空消费者行动计划”(AviationConsumerActionProject)的常务董事保罗•哈德森(PaulHudson)说:“乘客本来就没有多少权利,而已成文的规定中有很多实际上并没有得到真正的贯彻。”

    Passengers have very few rights and many of the ones on paper are not really enforced , ' says Paul Hudson , executive director of the nonprofit Aviation Consumer Action Project , which advocates for airline passengers .

  5. 琳达哈德森,作为CEO执掌BAE四年之久,她也是第一个主要军火公司的女性掌门人,她的成长经历自然与众不同。

    Linda Hudson , the CEO of BAE for the past four years , and first woman head a major defense company , grew up very comfortable being unique .

  6. 小胸身材如果像肯达尔•詹娜(KendallJenner)和凯特•哈德森(KateHudson)一样平胸,只有A或者B罩杯,那么以下是给你的小贴士。

    If , like Kendall Jenner and Kate Hudson , you 're proportionally smaller on top with , say , an A or B cup , these tips are for you .

  7. 他还与大尺码服装店莱恩·布赖恩特(LaneBryant)有合作,并为这个合作今年在联合国举办的一个时装秀,他还为凯特·哈德森(KateHudson)和赞达亚(Zendaya)等名人设计过服装。

    He also has a collaboration with the plus-size store Lane Bryant , for which he held a runway show at the United Nations this year , and has dressed other celebrities , including Kate Hudson and Zendaya .

  8. 哈德森城市银行(HudsonCityBancorp)是此次金融危机期间少数实现盈利的银行之一,但迫于低利率环境,8月份它已经被卖给了竞争对手M&TBank银行。

    In August , low-interest rates forced Hudson City Bancorp ( hcbk ) , one of the few banks able to turn a profit during the financial crisis , to sell out to rival M & T Bank ( MTB ) .

  9. 例如,哈德森的女朋友奎恩•法布蕾怀孕后,当她打算生下孩子时,她唱了麦当娜的“PapaDon’tPreach”。

    For example , when Hudson 's girlfriend Quinn Fabray , who is pregnant , begins to consider keeping her baby instead of giving it up for adoption , she sings the Madonna song " Papa Don 't Preach . "

  10. 但是,那些留在木筏上的人至今没有下落。这张照片由哈德森(Hudson)侦察机上的飞行员拍摄所得,“救援人员已经在路上了”,这位飞行员还给木筏上的人传递了这样一则消息。

    But the men hanging on the raft were never found.The photograph shown above was taken by the pilot of a Hudson reconnaissance airplane , who even dropped a message for them saying that their rescuers were on the way .

  11. 所以SULLENBERGER机长很快做了一个决定将飞机迫降在哈德森河附近的结冰的水面上。

    So Captain Sullenberger made a quick decision to land the plane on the freezing water of the nearby Hudson River .

  12. 房东哈德森太太(73岁的UnaStubbs饰演)认为他们是一块的,问说:楼上还有一个卧室,如果你们需要一间的话。

    Landlady Mrs Hudson , played by Una Stubbs , 73 , thinks they are an item and asks : Theres another bedroom upstairs that is if youll be needing one .

  13. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady of 221B and 221C Baker Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  14. 本文以哈德森(HUDSON)TB12(4)型风机为例,对空冷器风机流量的调角调节和调速调节进行分析对此,并评述了这两种调节方法的经济性。

    Taking the Hudson TB 12 ( 4 ) type fan as an example , this paper gives an analysis and comparison between the pitch angle and speed controls for air flow of the air cooler fans and reviews the economy of both the methods of control .

  15. 卷福和哈德森太太是老相识

    Sherlock and Mrs Hudson knew each other in a previous life

  16. 你说这个艺术家住在哈德森。

    Bex : I thought you said the artist lived in Hudson .

  17. 我们正在博物馆参观哈德森医生的赛车史。

    We is now entering the doc Hudson wing of the museum .

  18. 昨晚达葛哈德森执行任务时被杀了。

    Last night Doug Hudson was killed in the line .

  19. 直接奔上州去哈德森,亲自给她支票。

    heading Upstate to Hudson , bringing her the check in person .

  20. 哈德森,卡里格兰特,马龙·白兰度和格雷戈里·佩克。

    Rock Hudson , Cary Grant , Marlon Brando and Gregory Peck .

  21. 哈德森建议,大人可问孩子:还记得我们什么时候去的动物园吗?

    Ask a child , 'Remember when we went to the zoo ?

  22. 随后哈德森演唱了其民谣作品《你带我渡过难关》。

    Later Hudson performed the ballad ," You Pulled Me Through " .

  23. 公司保安部门的负责人,约西亚·哈德森

    The company 's head of security , Josiah Hudson ,

  24. 英国著名小说家哈德森的代表作《绿厦》中包含丰富而深刻的自然观。

    Green Mansions is the masterpiece of Hudson , the prominent British novelist .

  25. 哈德森河的对面就是纽约市。

    Across the Hudson River was New York City .

  26. 凯蒂:我希望哈德森和纳尔森还在哪里。

    I hope Hudson and Nelson are still there .

  27. 莉莎:一只叫'哈德森'的毛茸茸大熊。

    Lisa : a big hairy bear called hudson .

  28. 全体起立,尊敬的哈德森大医生来了。

    All rise ! The honorable doc Hudson presiding .

  29. 记起我记得没错的话,你有个妻子在哈德森。

    Bex : As I recall , you had a wife in Hudson .

  30. 不久前,歌手珍妮佛•哈德森穿着维多利亚•贝克汉姆品牌服装出席格莱美奖颁奖礼。

    More recently , singer Jennifer Hudson wore Victoria Beckham to the Grammy awards .