
shěn pàn ɡuī zé
  • rule of adjudication;rule of trials;adjudicatory rule
  1. 就前者而言,应当完备环境审判规则,提高审判人员专业化水平;就后者而言,环保法庭要做好与环境司法执行的衔接,通过司法建议、司法教育做好与司法服务工作的衔接。

    As the former , completing environment adjudication rule and building professional judicial personnel is necessary . as to the latter , environmental courts should do well the transition work in the field such as environmental judicial enforcement and judicial service through judicial suggestion and judicial education .

  2. 他表示审判的规则是不公平的,而且他永远不会得到一个公平的机会。

    He says the trial rules are unfair and he 'll never get a fair shot .

  3. 刑事牵连案件的审判管辖规则&由张君案引发的审判管辖思考

    On the Rule of the Jurisdiction of Criminal Involvement Cases : A Jurisdiction Thought on Zhang Jun Case

  4. 行政审判中的规则阐明问题研究

    Study on the Issue of Rule Clarification in Administrative Trial

  5. 与审判不同,规则制定程序一般不是指控性的;

    Unlike adjudications , rulemaking proceedings are generally not accusatory ;

  6. 嗯,这是军事审判代码的规则。

    Well , those are the rules of the Code of Military Justice .

  7. 在刑事诉讼中,审判委员会议事规则对审判委员会程序运作的完备性具有举足轻重的作用,它规范并指导着审判委员会制度的正确运行,实现刑事司法公正。

    It regulates and instructs trial committee system to operate rightly and to achieve judicial justice in criminal procedure .

  8. 最后,论文对我国刑事诉讼中的审判委员会议事规则的改革提出了若干规制和完善的思路。

    Finally , this part will provide certain methods for the reform on the rule of procedure of trial committee in criminal procedure in China .

  9. 法官则要确保法庭审判按照程序规则和证据规则进行,还可能向陪审团做出解释,以确保所有成员理解相关法律。

    The judge ensures that the rules of procedure and evidence are followed in the courtroom , and can address the jury to make sure all members understand the relevant laws .

  10. 在本部分中,论文首先介绍了当前刑事诉讼中审判委员会议事规则既有改革成果,并指出了改革成果的不足之处。

    This part will firstly introduce the results of the current reform about the rule of procedure of trial committee in criminal procedure and point out the disadvantage of these results .

  11. 必须使司法审判标准与WTO规则接轨,加强世贸协议在我国审判中的适用,并按照WTO争端解决机制的规定完善我国民商审判机制和行政审判机制。

    It is necessary for standard of judicial judgment to be compatible with the WTO rules , to adapt to the world trade agreement , and to obey the rules of conflict-solving mechanism in WTO and improve the civil judgment and administrative judgment .

  12. 尽管这一点没有在“佛罗里达东海岸”案的意见里得到公开讨论,但该案有可能是建立在以下基础之上,即审判式听证在规则制定中普遍不理想。

    Although the point was not openly discussed in the opinion , the Florida East Coast decision may be based upon a belief that trial-type hearings are generally not desirable in rulemaking .

  13. 继而,论文指出了现阶段对刑事审判中审判委员会议事规则的改革应该以我国当前刑事司法环境为基础,在目前法律规定的大框架内,将刑事司法公正作为基本价值取向。

    Then this part will indicate that the reform on the rule of procedure of trial committee in criminal procedure should base on the circumstances of criminal justice in China , satisfy the requirements of current law and take the judicial justice in criminal procedure as direction of basic value .

  14. 必须将程序公正定位在程序中要实现的目标中,才能保证审判活动实现程序公正和实体公正的统一。第三,文章介绍了审判程序公正规则的国际标准。

    Procedural justice must be located in the goal which the Procedure to be achieved in order to guarantee judicial activities to achieve the unity of procedural justice and entity justice . Third , the paper describes the international standard of trial procedure justice rule .