
  • 网络Audit Department;Department of Auditing Administration
  1. 农业与资源环保审计司

    " Department of Agriculture , Resources and Environmental Protection "

  2. 固定资产投资审计司

    Department of Fixed Assets Investment Audit

  3. 最后,它欢迎秘书处为加强内部审计与监督司所作的努力。

    Finally , it welcomed the secretariat 's efforts to strengthen the internal audit and oversight division .

  4. 2004年3月,审计署法制司在南京审计学院召开了征求《审计法》修改意见座谈会,与会教师为《审计法》修订提出了诸多意见和建议。

    In March 2004 , Law Department of National Audit Office sponsored a seminar on the amendment of Audit Law . Teachers from Nanjing Audit University voiced different opinions on the system , function and power of audit legislature .