
  • 网络aesthetic experience
  1. 接受史研究是为了沟通古今审美经验,让古典走向现代。

    The history of literary reception modernizes the classical aesthetic experience .

  2. 审美经验是接受美学中的重要理论概念。

    Aesthetic experience is an important concept of reception aesthetics .

  3. 感兴、意象和境界是审美经验范畴。

    Invigoration , imagination and spiritual realm are aesthetic categories .

  4. 艺术审美经验是最基本的审美事实

    The Artistic Esthetic Experience Is the Most Basic Esthetic Fact

  5. 而《西厢记》恰恰既反映了人们审美经验的一致性又反映出审美的变化性。

    The Romance of Western Side reflects the coherence and changes of aesthetic experience .

  6. 其一,文学的边缘化带来了审美经验的世俗化、私人化倾向。

    First , the marginalization of literature brought aesthetic experience secular , privatization trend .

  7. 论审美经验中的距离问题

    On the " Distance " in Aesthetic Experiences

  8. 在怀旧生成的审美经验中蕴含着大量的审美学原理。

    Contains a lot of aesthetic principles in the aesthetic experience of nostalgia generated .

  9. 艺术的审美经验是否存在着客观的生物学基础?

    Is there an objective biological basis for the experience of beauty in art ?

  10. 而审美经验并不是经验的终结,只是对新经验继续发展的重新开启。

    Moreover aesthetic is not end of experience . It is its new start .

  11. 当代生活中审美经验的特殊意义表现在多方面。

    The special significance of aesthetic experience in contemporary life is performance in many ways .

  12. 这一切导致了文学公共领域在中国近代的出现与发展,审美经验表现出了前所未有的世俗性和个性化色彩。

    All these lead to the emergence and development of a public sphere in literature .

  13. 学生审美经验具有预置性和可衔接性,它影响着学生接受教育的态度。

    Students ' aesthetic experiences are preset and connected , influencing their receptive attitude towards education .

  14. 论审美经验的教育影响

    The Educational Influence of Aesthetic Experience

  15. 作品的展现与审美经验的传播&一种艺术现象学的视角

    The Presentation of Works and the Communication of Aesthetic Experience & An Angle from Phenomenology of Art

  16. 再现、表现、艺术形式、审美经验和审美属性也是很令人感兴趣的。

    Representation , expression , artistic form , aesthetic experience and aesthetic properties are also of great interest .

  17. 在这批女作家群中,庐隐的创作在整个五四女性文学中呈现出鲜明的女性写作立场和审美经验。

    Among these writers , Lu Yin presents a clear-cut feminist standpoint and aesthetic experience in her compositions .

  18. 实用主义美学观与翻译研究。应注重审美经验与日常生活经验的联系;

    Its aesthetic view enlightens the translator on the attention to the relation between aesthetic experience and everyday experience .

  19. 在美学观念上它们呈现出与前辈作家完全不同的艺术倾向,从而也为读者提供了一种新的审美经验。

    They have shown quite deferent literary inclination in art from their seniors and afforded a new aesthetic experience .

  20. 因此,公共领域的审美经验就表现为公民公共行动中的政治生活特征。

    The aesthetic experiences of public sphere are characterized by the political life which citizens share in common activities .

  21. 相反,外国文学都能够顺利地融入中国文学的传统形式之中,成为中国文学形式的有机组成部分,进而丰富了中国文学的审美经验。

    On the contrary , foreign literature has melt into Chinese literature and enriched the aesthetic experience of Chinese literature .

  22. 审美经验承担着建构民族认同、国家认同和文化认同的责任。

    Aesthetic experiences shoulder a responsibility of constructing the identity of nation , identity of state and identity of culture .

  23. 其次,他考察了审美经验的含义与性质,对审美经验进行了重点阐释。

    Secondly , he examines the meaning and nature of aesthetic experience , aesthetic experience , and the focus of interpretation .

  24. 王维山水小诗是考察盛唐文人审美经验之历史原态的绝佳标本。

    Wang Weis late landscape poetry is a very suitable specimen for reviewing the aesthetic experiences of the flourishing Tang literati .

  25. 美学作为一门具有相对独立体系的学科,是以审美经验为中心研究美和艺术的学科。

    As a subject having comparatively independent system and regarding taste experience as a center , esthetics studies beauty and art .

  26. 可以说,杜夫海纳的现象学美学对审美经验极具价值的研究,拓展了美学研究新的生存空间和关注视域。

    That is to say , the theory extended a new living space and concerning perspective for the development of aesthetics .

  27. 船山在其诗论中用现量来解释审美经验,佛学现量由此而形成审美范畴。

    Chuanshan interprets aesthetic experience by pratyaksa in his poetical theory , so the Buddhism pratyaksa is translated an aesthetic category .

  28. 公共领域的批判性开始显现了出来,审美经验也从宗教和公共权力的胁迫下解放了出来。

    As the critical nature of public sphere emerges , aesthetic experiences are liberated from the threat of religion and public power .

  29. 从作者与观众两个维度展开纪录片审美经验研究,是本文的主要特点。

    Two-dimensional expanding on the documentary aesthetic experience in terms of the author and audience is the main feature of this thesis .

  30. 独特的审美经验感悟和体验与多姿多彩的艺术手法是风格得以形成的前提。

    Unique aesthetic experience of perception and experience with the colorful art style are the way to the formation of the premise .