
  • 网络aesthetic image;Aesthetic Imagery;Aesthetic ideas
  1. 论中国古典抒情诗审美意象生成的心灵轨迹

    A metaphysical approach to the aesthetic image in Chinese classic lyrics

  2. 现代中国油画表现性中的审美意象

    Aesthetic Image in the Expression of the Modern Chinese Oil Painting

  3. 杜甫诗歌审美意象的新变

    New Changes of the Aesthetic Image of Du Fu 's Poems

  4. 中国审美意象理论的历史生成

    Research on Historical Formation of the Theory of Chinese Aesthetic Imagery

  5. 论戏剧审美意象的特征和作用

    On the Characteristics and Functions of the Aesthetic Imagery of Drama

  6. 《孽子》审美意象的隐喻性建构与解读

    Interpretation of the Creation of Images through Metaphors in An Evil Son

  7. 论唐宋诗词中雨的审美意象群

    On the Aethetic Images of Rain in Chinese Tang and Song Poetry

  8. 论朗读艺术的审美意象

    On the Aesthetic Imagery of the Art of Reading Aloud

  9. 论古典文学中杏花的审美意象

    On the Aesthetic Image of Apricot Blossom in Classical Literature

  10. 谈《诗经》中的自然审美意象

    Talking About The Aesthetic Image of Nature in The Book of Songs

  11. 胡塞尔的先验现象学与诗歌审美意象的生成

    Husserl 's Transcendental Phenomenology and the Genesis of Aesthetic Images of Poetry

  12. 文学鉴赏是审美意象的再创造

    The appreciation of literature is the recreation of aesthetic image

  13. 审美意象辨&与叶朗先生商榷

    Aesthetic Image Discrimination & A Discussion With Mr Ye Lang

  14. 现代中国画艺术的表现离不开审美意象。

    The manifestation of modern Chinese painting is inseparable from aesthetic imago .

  15. 试论泰戈尔短篇小说中的审美意象

    On the Aesthetic Imagery Implied in Tagore 's Short Stories

  16. 中国古典诗歌的审美意象及英译问题探析

    Reflection on the Aesthetic Imagery of Classical Chinese Poems and Their English Translation

  17. 论纪实文学审美意象的建构

    About the Constructing of Aesthetic Images of On-the-spot Literature

  18. 因此,他认为审美意象和理性观念是相对称的。

    Therefore , he thought that aesthetic image and rational idea were balanced .

  19. 《秋思》与《在巴黎地铁站》之审美意象

    The Aesthetic Images of Thoughts in Autumn and In a Station of the Metro

  20. 文学审美意象结构及解读初探

    The Structure of Aesthetic Image and its Interpretation

  21. 酒是我国古代诗人(词人)特别喜爱、钟情的一个传统的审美意象。

    Wine is the favorite and traditional aesthetic image for the ancient Chinese poets .

  22. 论贾平凹散文的审美意象及其特征

    THE Aesthetic Imagery and Its Features in the Prose of JIA Ping - ao

  23. 从审美意象到艺术符号的构建&论中国民族服饰情与意的整合传达

    Construction from Aesthetic Images to Artistic Symbol

  24. 徽州古村落的审美意象

    Aesthetic Image of Ancient Villages in Huizhou

  25. 王夫之审美意象说蕴含深邃的价值形而上学色彩。

    Therefore , Wang Fuzhi 's esthetical image theory profoundly contains a value of metaphysics .

  26. 审美意象与现代中国画

    Aesthetic Imago and Modern Chinese Painting

  27. 这使得审美意象体现了虚实相生的特征。

    This makes the aesthetic imagery with the characteristics of the mutuality between Xu and Shi .

  28. 论审美意象的创构过程

    The Course of Aesthetic Imagery Creation

  29. 在中国古典诗词中,“美女”是一个具有特定内涵的审美意象。

    In Chinese classical poems , " beautiful women " is an image with specific connotation .

  30. 古琴音乐审美意象生成的情景说阐释

    An Interpretation of Aesthetic Images in Guqin Music from View point of Feeling and Scene Theory