
  • 网络aesthetic choice
  1. 中国当代女性文学的审美选择

    The Aesthetic Choice of Chinese Woman Writers in the New Era

  2. 电视纪实作品摄像艺术的审美选择

    Aesthetic Choice of Telephotography Art in TV Documentary Works

  3. 从语用学上来讲,审美选择实质上也是一种语用策略。

    In pragmatic sense , aesthetic choice is actually a strategy in language use .

  4. 论书法创作中的审美选择

    On Aesthetics Choice in Calligraphy Creation

  5. 英语作文的审美选择

    Aesthetic Choices in English Writing

  6. 新闻语言的审美选择

    Aesthetic Choice of Journalistic Language

  7. 三是洋溢着哀伤凄苦的悲剧意味。这种现代意识是时代的产物,也是庐隐创作的审美选择。

    Such modern sense was the product of the times and the topic of Lu Yin 's aesthetic approach .

  8. 寻求语言、形式的张力,是蓝星诗社诗人在接受西方象征主义文学时的较为一致的取向和审美选择。

    The Blue Star Poetic Group holds identical views with the Western symbolist literature on creating a tension between language and contextual construction .

  9. 同时,这种色彩审美选择也强化了民族文化和民族性格中阴柔、含蓄的风格。

    On the other hand , the tendency also strengthens the gentle , soft and reserved style of the national culture and character .

  10. 本文以文人山水画点景为研究对象,来解读文人山水画点景独特的审美选择和艺术价值。共分四个部分。

    This thesis has point out the scenery in literary landscape painting as its research object , and it is divided into four parts .

  11. 后者是更容易实现,如果一个剧作家情愿充分利用他的审美选择权的话。

    The latter , far more preferable route can be accomplished - if a scenarist is willing to exercise fully his right of esthetic selectivity .

  12. 新闻语言的审美选择包括三个方面:新闻作品词语的审美选择,新闻作品句式的审美选择,新闻作品语篇的审美选择。宋代田园诗审美取象的三大特点&以动植物为中心

    It contains the aesthetic choice of words , of sentence structures and of texts . Three Characteristics of the Aesthetic Choice of the Pastoral Poetry in the Song-Dynasty

  13. 施蛰存虽身为新感觉派的一员,但在文化取向和审美选择上有着特异之处。

    Although Shi Zhecun is one of the bodys which send for the new feeling , he has difference especially in the cultural orientation and the esthetic choice .

  14. 本文主要从创作主体、文学文本和接受主体三个角度考察电影改编作为一种特殊的接受方式对当代作家、文学文体和受众审美选择的影响。

    The article reviews the impact of movie adaption as a special acceptance method on modern authors , literature text , literature style and audience aesthetic from creation subject , literature text and acceptance subject .

  15. 通过探究作家生命主体的生存环境与精神需求、文化心态与审美选择以及语言形式策略,揭示现代中国知识分子之自由追求和独立言说的丰富复杂性。

    It explores the living environment and mental needs of life subject and also probes into its social psychology and aesthetic choice thus further reveal modern intellectuals ' free pursuing and the abundant complexity in expressing themselves independently .

  16. 但是,十七年文学仍然是它的重要的思想和艺术资源之一,二者在文学观念、审美选择、主题和题材诉求等问题上,是一种同构的关系。

    Its relation with the 17 years ' literature is one of homogeneity in literary ideology , aesthetic choices and selection of subject matters , although the latter has been one of its important sources of thought and artifice .

  17. 语言的美是个复杂的问题,从语言的个体风格、词彩和形式3个方面看,它们体现了创作主体的审美选择,这三者是语言美的内容和形式的统一。

    The beauty of language is a complicated problem . The individual style , the vocable beauty and the form of language embodying the writer 's aesthetic selection are the unification of both form & content of language beauty .

  18. 造成这种现象的发生,原因固然是多方面的,但主要跟当时政治批判的强行裹挟、审美选择的时代制约和作家个人婚恋的得失密切相关。

    Admittedly , many reasons accounted for such a phenomenon , but it was mainly because of the closely interwoven factors at that time such as the coercion in political criticism , the restriction of aesthetic judgment and the author 's personal love and marriage affairs .

  19. 摄像师作为视听形象的直接创造者,如何在拍摄现场快速而准确的进行审美选择,使用丰富的影视语言和表现技巧,创造出视听一体的形象,成为电视纪实作品创作的一大难点。

    As direct creator of audiovisual image , how Cameraman carry on aesthetic chouse accurately and quickly , how Cameraman use the abundant movie & TV language and skill to create the integrative audiovisual image , which has become a heavy difficult point of creating TV documentary work .

  20. 从审美主体选择看十七年文学的公式化和概念化成因

    The Formative Causes of Formulation and Conceptualization of Literature of the 17 Years : Viewed from the Selection of Aesthetical Subject

  21. 景物描写与审美角度的选择

    On Scenery Description and Choice of Aesthetic Point of View

  22. 从姿态的角度来看,外观和感觉不仅仅是审美上的选择,而是行为上的选择。

    From the perspective of posture , look-and-feel is not solely an aesthetic choice : It is a behavioral choice .

  23. 学生在对待作品时会基于不同的审美倾向而选择不同的审美角度去感受、理解、表达音乐,得出不同的心得体会。

    While learning the works , students will select different taste angle to feel , understand , and express music according to their different tendency , and then gain different result .

  24. 第二部分主要从创作书写的客观社会语境来探究九十年代以来小说中教师形象演变的原因,包括当时的社会时代语境的制约、文化价值观念的冲击以及大众审美趣味的选择。

    Part two : from the perspective of objective social environment it mainly explores reasons causing the evolution of teachers ' images in the novels written since 1990 , the specific social influence , the cultural shock and the choices of public 's aesthetic interests .

  25. 时尚杂志作为一种传统媒介,在不同的历史时期,对其受众主体&女性消费者的审美导向、价值选择起到无可估量的作用。

    In different historical period , Fashion magazines , as a traditional media , play a immeasurable role in orienting female consumers .

  26. 而二人文学命运的相似性也更深刻地显露了他们在写作姿态、审美追求、文化选择上的共同性与必然性。

    Moreover , the similarity of their literary destinies has unfolded deeply the commonality and inevitability of their writing gestures , aesthetic pursuits and cultural choices .

  27. 论证了当代新写实主义油画的审美价值和文化选择。从而驳斥了写实绘画消亡的荒谬观点。

    Article explained the contemporary neo-realism oil painting esthetic value and the cultural choice , and has refuted the absurd viewpoint that the practical drawing withers away .

  28. 对二者的相似性予以理论分析之后,进一步地探索二者之所以有此惊人的相似主要源于两方面的原因:一是审美主体丧失自主选择能力,二是审美趣味对应社会等级结构。

    By using two similar theoretical analyses to further explore that there is an amazing similarity mainly resulting from two reasons : Firstly , the aesthetic subjects lost capability to make choice . Secondly , the aesthetic subjects have their taste corresponding with their social hierarchy .

  29. 中国京剧欣赏与西方歌剧欣赏十分相似,由观众依照自己的喜爱选择欣赏作品,根据审美倾向和审美趣味选择自己喜欢的音乐作品。

    China enjoy Beijing Opera and Western opera appreciation by the audience is very similar , according to their own favorite choice to appreciate the works , according to the aesthetic tendency and aesthetic taste to choose their own love of music .

  30. 马克思恩格斯认为新闻记者既要有坚定的审美立场,对纷繁复杂的新闻事实进行审美选择,又要具备善于思考、锻造特色的审美能力,并要努力培育勤于钻研、谦虚谨慎的审美修养。

    Marx and Engels believe that a journalist should not only have standing aesthetic stance aiming at making aesthetic choice on the complicated news truths but also have the aesthetic abilities of thinking and characteristic - forging , and foster the aesthetic trainings of diligent study and modesty .